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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About AccountingCalories

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    Hiking, hair & makeup, music
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  1. AccountingCalories

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Hey everyone! Just wondering how you all were doing through the holidays. Given the pandemic, this was the first time I’ve seen my extended family since I’ve had surgery and lost a lot of weight. My family knew I had the surgery and they were very supportive, but the amount of comments I got on my appearance really hurt my feelings. Everyone was telling me how good I looked, and how beautiful I am, and I thought compliments like those would make me happy, but they didn’t. It was just a harsh reminder of how not beautiful and how not good I used to look. Is anyone else experiencing feeling like this? I’m so happy to be where I’m at, but I’m very insecure about my past appearance.
  2. AccountingCalories

    Anyone for October 2020?

    I had surgery 10/5 at 252lbs and am down to 202. I’m also eating around 700 calories a day. Everything has been good for me, but my hair is falling out like crazy. I knew it was to be expected but it’s shocking. Ngl, have cried about it a few times lol
  3. AccountingCalories

    Getting really close

    I just had my surgery on the 5th and was also super nervous. Time will fly by so quickly and you’ll most likely look back on this point in a few weeks and be so grateful you made the decision to go through with it. I told my surgeon I was really nervous and he prescribed me some Valium that I could take before I got to the hospital on surgery day. Maybe that might be an option? Either way, knowing what I know now, I feel like I totally could have done it without any sort of anxiety meds. It’s not as bad as we build it up to be!
  4. AccountingCalories

    Anyone for October 2020?

    The gas pain is pretty rough! When I was in the hospital I barely passed any! It wasn’t until the night I got home (day after surgery) that I was finally able to release some. What felt good to me was continuously adjusting the hospital bed to lay flat for a few minutes, then sit up the next few, then back down. I feel like that helped move the gas around in my body so it wasn’t just sitting at my shoulders. I hope you feel better soon!
  5. AccountingCalories

    Anyone for October 2020?

    I had my surgery yesterday. I also did not have to do a special pre op liquid diet. However, my surgeon did want me to stick to a stage 1/2 diet the day before surgery.
  6. AccountingCalories

    Had surgery today, feeling great!

    I’m so glad you’re feeling more relaxed!! Good luck to you, you’ll do great! It’s an incredible feeling coming out on the other side and realizing you’ve done it! keep us updated on how it goes when you’re feeling up to it!
  7. I’m sorry for my scattered thoughts, currently doped up a tad bit! I know everyone’s experience is different, but I wanted to share my thoughts (especially for those that are worried about the surgery!) I have never had surgery prior to this VSG, and also suffer from pretty severe anxiety and was so so worried about getting an IV, pain, being nauseous, staying in the hospital alone, etc. I just wanted to share that my surgery went great!! I have minimal pain and nausea and feel pretty darn good. I’m so excited for this life changing opportunity. To those of you in the preop stages of wls, please don’t let anxiety or fears hold you back from changing your life!! As much as I wanted this surgery, I contemplated cancelling it almost daily due to fear. As mentioned, everyone’s experience is different, but don’t let the “what if’s” hold you back!
  8. AccountingCalories

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Getting sleeved October 5th! So nervous to not have any visitors in the hospital with me, but beyond excited :)

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