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Status Updates posted by sexymommyof3

  1. how do you add the weight loss ticker to your profile?



  2. Hey there....I'm looking for some friends to do this with. I have an interesting story. I had my surgery literally a year agon on may 23 2008. I had 1 fill and by then I lost 35 lb..come to find I was pregnant with baby #4...so the dr had to take out all the saline out...wah wah wah...my baby is now 3 months old..I went back as soon as she hit 6 weeks and I stopped nursing but surgeon said "no fill today" you need your gall bladder out...great..so i did that and after all this i have gained the 35lb back...i am going tomorrow for my "1st fill" and starting all over again! maybe we can keep each other company?!? only a couple people in my family know i went through this..going to get pics up this week!!


    BTW my name is Cindy and I am from Chicago and just turned 32 yesterday.......wish me luck on my fill!!

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