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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bentzkim

  1. bentzkim

    Singles Meet-N-Greet

    My name is Kim, I am 33 and I live in Overland Park, KS. I was banded on June 17, 2008. I too am looking for someone who understands. :thumbup:
  2. bentzkim


    I have a weird question....has anyone had problems with a sore tailbone since they have lost their weight? My tailbone is sore all the time and it is starting to worry me. Does it go away? Any help would be appreciated!
  3. bentzkim


  4. bentzkim


    From the album: after

  5. bentzkim

    No caption

    From the album: after

  6. bentzkim


    From the album: after

  7. bentzkim


    From the album: after

  8. bentzkim

    Picture 062

    From the album: before

  9. bentzkim


  10. bentzkim

    Picture 009

    From the album: before

  11. bentzkim

    Picture 270

    From the album: before

  12. bentzkim

    518418 R1 04 4 005

    From the album: before

  13. bentzkim

    Picture 145

    From the album: before

  14. bentzkim

    my fitness coach for wii

    I was just on target.com and noticed that there is a game called "my fitness coach" for the wii. I was wondering if anyone has this and what they think of it. Any thoughts would be appreciated it.
  15. i have found one from walgreens called adora. they are round chocolate discs that have 500mg calcium 100 iu vitamin d and 40mcg of vitamin k. The only problem that i have with them is....i can only have 3 a day :thumbup: Seriously, they are FABULOUS!! I have only found them in dark chocolate and only at walgreens but they are SOOOOO Yummy!!!
  16. bentzkim

    Please I need all the support I can get.

    Hi, My name is Kim and I live in Overland Park and I was banded on June 16th. When I started this whole journey I was in the same boat, I was terrified. I am a complete BABY when it comes to pain and was laying in hospital thinking what am I doing. Once I woke up, I am not going to lie it hurt but NOTHING like I had imagined. 2 Days later I was thinking wow was I being a baby :shades_smile: and it turned out that it was a piece of cake. Now each person is different but you will be ok. If you need anything please feel free to message me.
  17. bentzkim

    Unjury Protein Powder

    Unjury is the ONLY protein powder that I can tolerate. I LOVE the chocolate...tastes like chocolate milk to me. I LOVE the vanilla...I mix it with a little pudding mix to thicken it up, I mix it with decaf coffee, and I even just add cinnamon to it and it tastes good to me. Hope everyone has good luck in finding the right protein for them. It took me a while but Unjury seems to be the one for me.
  18. Hello, I am 32, no kids and starting life anew :smile2: I live in Overland Park, KS.
  19. I am 5 1 it is not your height. It is your pcos. I know I am a fellow pcoser. Trust me when I say...just do it! The band was the best thing I have EVER done!!! You will not regret it!!!!! :eek:
  20. Hi my name is Kim and I live in Overland Park, KS and am 32 and single. Was wanting to know if anyone was looking for a band buddy to talk with and such. Just let me know.:grouphug:
  21. bentzkim

    Unjury Protein Sample Packs

    i will take them if you still have them
  22. Ok, this is a completely unrelated weird posting. So I don't really know if this is ok to post but I am desperate and this is the only place I thought I might have a chance to find what I am looking for..... I am looking for a roommate for my house in overland park....and I would LOVE to find someone that has had the lapband surgery like me. I would like to find someone who is going through this wonderful journey also. And what better place to look but here :thumbup: Anyways if anyone is interested please email me at bentzki@yahoo.com and we can discuss the details. If this posting is not allowed, I am sorry. Thanks.
  23. Hi Y'all, I just found something that is yummy and I thought I would share with you guys. I found them at Aldi's. They are from FitActive. They are ground chicken burgers with cheddar and bacon mixed in. They are so YUMMY and the best thing is that they have 23 grams of Protein in one patty! Anyways just wanted to share!!
  24. bentzkim

    Yummy and has 23 grams of protein

    sorry gals i should have put the info on there.. 180 cals 11 grams of fat 1 gram of carbs but.... 23 grams of protein!!!!! :smile2: Which is GREAT for me because i have a hard time getting in all my protein!!!
  25. bentzkim

    NSV (Non Scale Victory)!!!

    i know what you mean!! I did the same thing only at old navy and was ecstatic!! woo hoo!!! congrats!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
