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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by karibensea

  1. Camille

    Thanks so much for that link I totally forgot what it was. Yea big step for me but it is a good time in my life to make this move...

    Happy Holidays too you and yours!


    Hi Michele

    Once you get settled go on line and look up www.lapband.com and there's a search bar there you can find a siminar and a surgeon that holds the siminar in your area,the site is legit and you can find exellant sergeons on htere ,thats where I found mine anf Im in NYC...wish you good luck with your journey and check it out and see what you think.......caille01

  2. Hey everyone,

    Happy Holidays to one and all! I have a job up in Piscataway, NJ and will be arriving up that way the last week of January. I am so very excited but at the same time a nervous wreck, I know NO one there and once again it is time to make more new friends.

    I NEED to find a great doctor! I want the best one not just one who does this lap band process...The doctor I now have here in St Louis is simply the best and I will not settle for anything less no matter where I go.

    If you know of a doctor please let me know as time is of the essence!

    Thanks a ton


  3. Please help

    I have serious phlegm and pressure in the middle of my chest. I feel sometimes like I can eat more then I am sure I should and then sometimes I eat something and bam there is that band.

    I am scared to death that I have screwed something up. It has been almost a yr (July) and I am down 50lbs and I am so excited about this that I really do not wish to find out next week at the docs office that I have screwed something up bad that I have a slipped band or that my pouch is stretched.

    I do not have any problems with Reflux or regurgitation of any foods I eat unless that band tells me "hey I am still here" very rare that happens as I try very hard to be careful and watch what I eat.

    I do have allergies and this year has been pretty bad where I live so I wonder if that is it.

    Thanks for any input you can share.


  4. Yep have not counted those since I had my band back in July. I am a cook and I focus very much on texture and flavor. I love to experiment on things like various spices and such. And let's face this the band if it was done properly and you have no issues with it will do the work on food for you.

    Just enjoy this time to mix it up some..



  5. Yes I must say I break the rules a bit but here is how I do it. Since this is really a life style change and not a diet I make it so it does not feel like a diet. I personally do not write down everything I eat or do.

    I still eat all the great food there is out there but I swear in the smallest of small amounts as that is all I can eat. Just a tiny bit. And then I am done. I refused to deprive my self of things I enjoyed eating and now just like every diet I have ever been on it is all about the portion size and eating patterns. I really do kind of watch the calories I take in because I am not a huge exercise freak and use small weights on my arms. And that is about it really.

    This band has changed my life and I can lose 1 or 2 lbs a week and I am happy with this. And the slower you lose the easier it will be to keep it off even once you reach that sweet spot.

    There are some things I totally have not had now and will never have again, soda I have not had one since June 09 and bread along with corn these are some things that I simply will not go back too. They are evil for my body and it has been this long so why go back. Anyway yes I do bend the rules but what I do works for me and the doctor is happy with my results.

    I have had NO back washing of food, I have never (knock on wood) gotten anything stuck so I must be doing something right as I am losing many inches and weight too.

    Good luck to everyone

  6. I too was banded on 9 July and I am only down 36 lbs. I feel really kind of defeated right now and not sure exactly what I might be doing wrong.

    I really can eat mostly anything I want to try and if it works then I finish eating and if not I am able to stop with just a bite or two. I have had only 2 fills since July and I just get so confused and feel that something is just not right when I see others who have been banded around the same time who have lost sooooooooo much weight. What am I not doing?


  7. Banded since July. I was banded on 9 July and had my first fill on the 31st of July I then went 4months (not normal) without a fill because of job obligations. I was able to eat what I wanted pretty much but when I wanted to eat that 3 piece of pizza (small thin crust squares) I would have to tell myself NO this is going to make you feel sick. When you are in "banster hell" you really need to let your mind do a lot of this work for you until the 2nd fill. I can promise you when you get that second fill you will feel the difference and you will NOT be able to eat 3 full pieces of pizza no matter how small they are, thick or thin you simply will not be able to. I got my second fill on November 3 and can barely eat one pack of instant oatmeal. Also after this fill I find myself getting yet again a lesson in chewing my food better and taking my bites much slower.

    This is a process that can not be rushed or tested because the results could be really bad. Just be patient and enjoy the ride. You will see the result but it will take time as everyone is very different at weight loss. Remember most of this process is of the mind, you must get your mind right for this whole thing to work for you.

    Good luck and keep moving forward


  8. Hey there do not be scared it will all be ok. Just keep thinking of how loose those pants are and how good you feel with the weight gone. Do not deprive eat tiny bits, and enjoy your time with family and friends.

    I had to wait 4 months from the 1st fill, then I will get my second fill at the end of this month. It has been hard I am not going to lie to you but the 4 pants sizes and smaller tops have kept my perspective on track. I had started a brand new job and there was no missing at all while in training so I have had to wait. You will be fine because if I can maintain at 30lb and not one pound gained, not one stuck piece of food, not one problem other then the band sometimes not feeling as if it was even there..You can do this, you are strong I mean really look how far you have come already. Awesome job and keep up the good work.


  9. Banded on July 9th, I just wonder how every one else is doing. I have had one fill on the 31st July before I started my new job. A job where I simply could not miss a day or time off for the doctor. I am able to eat really anything I want without a problem although the size of those things I now put into my mouth are so much smaller then ever before. There are things I simply have not eaten just because I know how bad they are for me.

    I am I think now at 15/16 weeks out but I have lost count at this point. I am going to get only my second fill at the end of Nov and I do hope this puts more restriction on my band as I feel very little of it now. I know it is there and doing what it is supposed to do because I do get full after about 4 or 5 bits of solid foods and Soups (which have become my best friend) usually takes one full cup of.

    I have lost 30 lbs and feel pretty happy about this but I am so ready to move on and get over this 30lb hump.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


  10. Here are my two cents as well. I am 12 weeks out, yep only 12 weeks and I really can eat anything I want but in much smaller amounts. I mean really this has been hard especially since I have had to go it with only one fill and that was the very end of July. The new job I am working at will not allow me to miss for a docs appointment at this time because I am still in training. So come Nov when I get my new hours I should have one day a week off and this will stop. Protein is HUGE I can not stress enough on how much of that stuff you need to keep those hungry feelings at bay. I am down 30 lbs now and only 12 weeks so no matter if I do get hungry (or not) I am very please with the turn out and if your all losing you should be happy too. No one said this whole process would be easy as it is a MAJOR lifestyle change no two ways about it. It is NOT a diet so do not think of it in that fashion maybe this will help.

    Keep your chin up and keep losing, it will be all worth it trust me on that one.

  11. Hello fellow bandsters

    I was banded on 7/9/09 and on 7/31/09 I have my 1st fill. On Aug 3rd I started a new job which will not at all allow me to miss any time during my training which does not end until the 30th of Oct.

    So I will not be able to get my 2nd fill until some time in NOV. My point here is that no matter how long between fills we must always remember that this is just a tool. This band that is tucked neatly below my skin is not the the end all here. It is all about the life style change. Better choices is what it is all about and as hard as it is to make those better choices I am here to tell you it CAN be done! I am walking proof.

    Someone who has had a total food addiction for the past 20 yrs is doing it and this has not been easy. I am now just about 10 weeks into this whole process and down 29 lbs and holding and I have NOT gained one 1lb at all. It is all good just take your time and do this correctly and it will be a total lifestyle change you WILL be able to live with.

    Trust me!

  12. I really do find it impossible to get in 64 oz of Water daily. The way the eating has to be done there is very little time or room in my tummy for water. I do drink alot of water as I talk on the phone all day and simply need it to keep from losing my voice. My eating is more important as I do not wish to become nutrient deprived. I eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep up my strength. I have to wait till NOV to get my 2nd fill and I simply can not wait! It is a work things new job, in training and not able to miss at all not even for a docs appt at this time. Sucks but the job is awesome and the pay is something I do not wish to lose out on..Times are tough and we must do what we have to. Good luck and keep up the great work.

  13. Hello everyone

    I would like to know what it feels like to have a slipped band.

    I do not have any excessive heartburn, burping, and I have never had an issue with food backing up or anything like that. I just have this weird kind of feeling right in the center of my chest. It is not hard to breathe or anything like that either. You know sometimes when you drink something and it feels as if it went down the wrong way and that hurt you feel, that is what it kind of feels like.

    Maybe I am being a bit paranoid but I have been concerned about this. Since my surgery 7/9/09 I have had no issues at all and have lost 27lbs with little restriction only had one fill. The next fill will not be till sometime in Nov as I simply can not take off work to get one done.

    Just some input would be helpful and thanks in advance

  14. I am not an expert here but I have learned the hard way on this topic. I do believe that Milk will help with your skin and if you do not lose weight super fast this will also help a lot along with exercise once you are able. There is something in Milk that helps with the elasticity of the strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation (obesity) Do remember to speak to the doctor before you do any kind of exercise as to not hurt your recovery.

    This is all I know...


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