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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kizzie

  1. Thanks Jack..

    I keep telling myself.. the same things.. but right NOW it is so tough!!.. I KNOW I will get through this.. because I want this so badly!.. I have a big fight/argument coming up with the surgeons.. about repositioning my port.. I know they won't just do it!!.. and will come up with every excuse for it to be there.. but I don't want it.. I have only felt this frustrated with liquids since yesterday when I found out the pain under my boob was my port and not just a random lump or bruised muscle from surgery....

    hey ho.. day by day!!!... baby steps lead to bigger things

    thanks for your support!!!

  2. I have had it for a week now, by the time I go and see my surgeon it will have been two weeks. My plan is to have this band for life.. it is a long term thing for me.. I cannot go through life constantly pulling or lift my bra off of my port!!.. I want to get so used to this band that I forget it is there... I am self pay and I darn well expect them to do something about it and NOT to fob me off and tell me it is there for ease of fills.. which last all of ONE YEAR!!!.. (plus the odd one after).. compare that to everyday discomfort!.. crikey..

    I WISH i had known about asking where it would be. I just assumed they would put it somewhere convenient.. NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING I GUESS!!..

    Thanks so much for your comments.. It will help me when I see my Dr next week. I will print them off and take them with me..

    cheers everyone!

  3. Is this what they call bandster hell??.. or am I not even close?

    I was banded 18th June. I have been on Clear liquids for 7 days now, I have another week to go and I am going crazy!!.. For some reason I am NOT allowed Protein drinks.. both of my surgeons (specialists in their field since the birth of lapband here in Spain)..said 'absolutely no heavy drinks of any kind including Protein shakes'....

    My diet includes: fat free milk, fresh fruit juice (no pulp), Water, tea and broth.. I have made a different broth each night and tonight what could have been a delicious recipe for 'chinese oriental chicken soup' just tastes the same as all the rest!!...

    The rest of the house is dining very well.. and I am going nuts. I am not particularly hungry BUT I am sick of liquid..

    Just trying to stay busy and not to think of it.. will take a warm shower and go to bed..at least I will only have 6 days of clears left..

    SO not doing so good 'mentally' right now.. and with my port right next to my bra line, am still in a lot of pain!... I have lost 14 pounds this week though.. so that is just AMAZING!!!.. I just keep thinking about the weight loss..

    CAN"T WAIT FOR FULL LIQUIDS!!!!!!!! and purees!..

    How is everyone else doing?

  4. I was so relieved to know that there wasn't anything wrong today that I didn't even think about the positioning until I got home. I am SOOO angry right now.. to be told.. 'don't wear a bra for a few weeks'..and 'get a sports bra'.. (aside from the fact that sports bras have that thick band of elastic which would COVER the port)... I am furious!.. My surgeon is back next Wednesday. My stitches are due out the same day.. so I will be asking or a jolly good explanation as to why the damn thing is so high up!.. OR to move it!..

    I have been on such a high all week.. I have lost almost 11 pounds this week..and was even handling the liquids (clear for TWO WEEKS!).. until NOW!.. I am soo frustrated and have been in tears for the last few hours!!!. and going through the "why me' bit!!.

    This has to be resolved. I am not going to miss out on pretty underwire underwear because he put this in the wrong place.. it is supposed to make me feel better!!Now I will have a fight on my hands about paying for it to be moved!!!..

  5. I have been suffering with so much pain since my surgery last week.. and thought this stinging and very sore 'lump' on my chest just under my bra line was something wrong with the band or the tubing.. I went to the hospital today IT IS MY PORT AFTER ALL!.... I saw another surgeon today (mine is on vacation for a week).. and he checked the site and said it was the port.. Now, what I want to know is ' WHY THE BLOODY HELL DID THEY PUT IT RIGHT UNDER MY BOOB.. WHERE MY BRA WIRE SITS???".. I have HUGE boobs -38H- and my wire has been irritating it apparently... the surgeon today said "can you go without a bra for a few weeks?".. TYPICAL MAN!!!.. NO I CANNOT.. ' Can you get a sports bra?".. well... If I could hop I would have been hopping mad...

    I will be seeing MY surgeon next week for a few words about the placement of my port.. I am so not happy with it being there.. an inch further south would have been fine.. but literally, about 1/2 inch from my wire.. darn...

    I need to ask them if this pain will go away and if I will be able to wear a wired bra in the future.. if NOT they better make plans to move the bloody thing!!!... no discussion about the situation of the port at my pre-ops!!..


  6. IT IS MY PORT AFTER ALL!.... I saw another surgeon today (mine is on vacation for a week).. and he checked the site and said it was the port.. Now, what I want to know is ' WHY THE BLOODY HELL DID THEY PUT IT RIGHT UNDER MY BOOB.. WHERE MY BRA WIRE SITS???".. I have HUGE boobs -38H- and my wire has been irritating it apparently... the surgeon today said "can you go without a bra for a few weeks?".. TYPICAL MAN!!!.. NO I CANNOT.. ' Can you get a sports bra?".. well... I was just hopping mad...

    I will be seeing MY surgeon next week for a few words about the placement of my port.. I am so not happy with it being there.. an inch further south would have been fine.. but literally, about 1/2 inch from my wire.. darn...

    I need to ask them if this pain will go away and if I will be able to wear a wired bra in the future.. if NOT>. they better make plans to move the bloody thing!!!... no discussion about the situation of the port at my pre-ops!!..


  7. Until this year I thought I wasn't an overeater too.. until I really, I mean REALLY.. looked at the quantities I was eating.. I wouldn't eat huge meals either but the amount I ate in between meals caused me to gain weight.. I would eat when I was hungry..and I would eat when I was bored.. sad, happy.. all of the above!.. for me the band has given me something new to focus on.. I am willing and eager to try to change my unhealthy 'grazing' habits.. and eat three meals a day.. Currently (one week post op).. I am not hungry and haven't wanted to graze.. psychologically, for me, I have this new tool/friend to take care of and I don't want to blow it with my old habits..and hopefully I will enjoy the meals I do have more because I am not snacking and of course enjoy my new body and new clothes..

    think about lifestyle changes and talk with your doctor about your concerns...

    good luck to you..

  8. Hi again Billie!

    well after re-reading your post, I went to check out EXACTLY where my pain was.. I was presuming it was my port site. I felt all over the port region.. and couldn't feel pain.. until I went up.. OUCH.. IT ISN'T MY PORT.. it is about an inch above my port site.. just below my ribs.. I can feel a lump and it is SOOO sore!!.. really tender.. and I have NO idea what it is!???.. am going to the hospital tomorrow and have them check me out.. am in bed now with a small soft cushion under my boob lifting it off the site.. there shouldn't be this much pain after a week should there really??? it feels like it did on DAY ONE!.. if not WORSE!!...

    so if your 'golf ball' is the same as my 'lump' I will let you know what they say tomorrow.. you should get yours checked out aswell... I know now that mine isn't the port!. I have a feeling it COULD be part of the tubing???... soon find out!

  9. that lump is more than likely the port/reservoir..where the doctor puts the 'fill'... that is where I am having the most pain.. it really hasn't let up since surgery... I have just checked it and there is no real swelling or any signs of infection.. will still call the doc tomorrow. I have another week before they take out my stitches...

  10. Thanks Lisa.. I am quite concerned now.. as tomorrow will be a week after surgery. The other sites are just a little itchy but this one is really quite sore.. I can almost relate it to having an ulcer or something.. just OUCH.. very tender.. I am going to change the dressing again and have a look at it. Check for any swelling or discoloration.. and heat... I have had my hand there since the surgery so it is warmer than the others anyway.

    I have been so good with it.. I have changed my dressings regularly and cleaned them with betadine.. so I am hoping it is just something superficial.. and not that the bloody thing has moved or come unstitched!!

  11. I have been banded for one week now.. and all I can say is GO FOR IT!.. put your fears behind you.. it is so worth it!! I find I am smiling all the time!. this 'problem' of mine is FINALLY under control.. and I am so excited for the journey ahead!...

    good luck to you.. you have certainly come to the right place!!!..

  12. I am going to contact my doctor today. The list was as I stated it. no Protein shakes mentioned at all..and very clear on fat free milk.. I guess as it is almost clear!!..

    Unlike you lucky guys in the US. I cannot get anything here. There are no sugar free ice lollies, no sugar free Jello..( I thought I bought SIN sugar.. but it was SIN fat.. damn it)... and there are no Protein drinks here .. the clear kind. only the old fashioned shakes they give to old people and body builders... so am a bit of a loss for diet!!...

    will let you know what the doctor says. I only have just over a week of clears left anyway. .and still no appetite. I guess once I get onto full liquids the Protein Shakes will make all the difference.

  13. Hi Amy

    I know you are concerned. It is only natural to feel that way with something new!.. I was anxious the day before my surgery. The day of my surgery I was fine. Tell the nurses and your doctor you are anxious they should give you a pre-med (diazepam or something similar) to calm you.. then enjoy a restful sleep!!... honestly you won't know anything about being intubated. They do that when you are fast asleep and in dream land.. and when you wake up you will probably have an oxygen mask on and be in a cosy bed with people around you. !!...

    Good luck to you!!... you will be totally fine!> I personally LOVE the feeling of the anasthesia!.. I heard my anesthetist say to his colleague.. 'put it all in"... I looked at my IV port and there was the syringe slowly emptying. I had a lovely smile from the assistant (VERY CUTE).. and he said "sweet dreams;.. that was the last I knew of it!!..

    you will be FINE!....

  14. Hi all

    Advice please!.. My surgery was on the 18th June. I am on Clear liquids for the next two weeks. My diet sheet consists of:


    tea (black and herbal)

    fat free milk

    fresh fruit juices (no pulp)

    broth (chicken, meat or vegetable)

    I have been drinking a lot of flavoured Water, regular water and teas.

    My Breakfast is usually warm milk with sweetener

    Lunch: Soup and fruit juice

    Dinner: Soup and fruit juice

    I will have a SF Jello as a snack.< /p>

    I am not hungry at all. I have very little appetite. But I am drinking my fluids. I just feel SO weak and light headed!.. I took a short walk yesterday for about 15 mins and had to lie down for a few hours afterwards..

    I am buying some Protein drinks tomorrow so I am hoping they help.

    any advice greatly appreciated!

  15. I have to give myself Heparin shots for 15 days after my surgery too.. Yes they leave little red dots..it is for blood clotting.. and to prevent DVT.

    I was told to take some flesh around the belly button.. pop in the needle. and push quickly.. I was told not to rub it or mess around with it.. no need for alcohol etc.. just grab, stick and push!.. done!.. It has to be done at the same time every day..

  16. I SO KNOW HOW YOU ARE FEELING!!!. I felt FINE right up until the day before my op!.. I was pacing.. picking things up and putting them down again.. having no idea what I was doing with myself!.. the few hours prior to departure felt the longest.. but once I was on my way.. the time FLEW BY..and here I am two days later.. back at home.. on my bed.. slight discomfort.. but doing great!!.. and you will do too!!>.

    my tip!.. KEEP OCCUPIED.. MOVIES ARE GREAT.. PHONE FRIENDS AND FAMILY.. ...maybe even sleep!!>. ( I couldn't sleep the night before surgery!. I kept waking thinking I had missed my appointment!)..

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!.. It is a very strange feeling to be NERVOUS< ANXIOUS AND EXCITED!!!... but we are all here for you.. keep posting messages!..that helped me too!.. If you look back I was even waffling nonsense!>. but it is good to keep talking about it!!!..

  17. BANDED AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am finally back at the house. I left here at 1.15pm arrived at the hospital at 1.45.. My oh so considerate friend said "do you mind if we go and get coffee first.. I didn't get mine this morning?".. WHAT!??. anyway. I let her get her coffee while checked in.. they came for me at 2..and took me to a beautiful room overlooking Marbella harbour.. gorgeous sheer curtains (blue, cream and brown) with beautiful wallpaper on one wall to match.. so they told me I would be seeing the surgeon 'soon'.. The nurses came in and did my IV port and my ECG.. then they changed me and got me into bed..they also gave me some diazepam.. NICE.. so I lay there quite happily until 3.30. The surgeon came up went through everything with me again.. and I followed him down about 20 mins later.

    I was taken to a pre-op room where I switched beds.. put under green etc.. and put on a net hat.. then they wheeled me to the theatre. The anesthetist was lovely..and there were lots of people getting busy around the room. My surgeon and his assistant put the surgical stockings on me.. which was amusing in itself.. and while I was having heart monitors attached. I heard the anesthetist say to a gorgeous guy at my iv port to 'put it all in'... well the next thing I know I was waking up.. so I guess 'put it all in was the anasthetic"..

    I did wake up with an oxygen mask on and the heart monitor still attached. I felt pain immediately and they straight away gave me morphine... the surgeon told me the surgery went brilliantly..no problems, that my insides were 'perfect'.. and he was very happy with the surgery. He said it took about an hour and a half... They filmed the surgery and will give me a copy later.. so will be happy with that!!..

    I stayed in recovery for 4 hours.. then they took me back to my room at 10pm.. I had a terrible night.. just dozing really.. I was told to stay on my back and not to have anything to drink before the next day... my lip did get stuck to my braces though. and I have a big cut there..

    The next day the surgeon (whom I am in love with now! ha).. Dr Orellana checked me over and told me everything is fine..and to start moving and sipping Water.. I was then allowed herbal tea and water..

    My pain is like chronic indigestion. With stabbing pains in my port area. Sitting and standing is very difficult actually. I feel that pulling on my port side (under my left boob).. and the strain in all of my cuts. The cuts are beautiful though.. very small and very clean.

    They told me to stay an extra night as I was still suffering pain and they know who I work for. (all the people in the house and the kids)... I was relieved. I asked for a sleeping pill.. so after a bed bath I took that and slept for a good 5 hours or so.. I did wake up a few times in pain .. but they kept pumping me with paracetamol (IV).. and tremadol..so I was good!..

    OH! had some Soup last night.. just very thin chicken.. WAS HEAVEN ON A SPOON!!!!!!!!.. four spoonfuls and I felt the restrictions.. but I took my time and it was great!.

    I got back to the house at 4pm..they were great!.. am in my room now.. just had a strawberry jelly.. quite hungry as I have eaten only that and Soup since TUESDAY!.. will weigh myself later!.

    so here it goes!!!!.. not sure what to do with myself.. hard to lie on the bed. not sure how I will sleep.. the hospital bed was wonderful!..


    the cut next to my port is really sore too!..breathing deeply really hurts..maybe I ate too much Jello at once..

    mm gonna take some getting used to!..

    well.. pain killer is taking effect so willtry to sleep for a bit. .then go for a walk!.. stitches due out on Wednesday.. first fill in 4 weeks.

    On Clear liquids for TWO WEEKS.. then simple PUREE for two weeks after that.. I have ready brek! .. forgot I like that!..

    so for now am on.. Soups, fresh juice (no pulp), Jello, ice pops, Water, tea, milk (fat free or soya) and I can even have some coffee with my warm milk and sweetner .. so not too bad at all!..

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