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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kizzie

  1. I posted this two weeks ago in my June 2008 support group. Thought it should go here too. Hope it is helpful to some. Yesterday I posted that I had developed pain under my lower shoulder and in my back. I was told repeatedly (or ADVISED !?) by another bandster that it is "ONLY GAS, WHY AREN'T PEOPLE TOLD ABOUT THIS". I hadn't suffered any 'gas' pain from the surgery since the first day. I was very lucky with that. So when this pain started to build up slowly from day 12 I thought I may have been coming down with a flu or kidney infection. I am two weeks post op with NO previous 'gas' pains from the surgery. I had severe chills and felt rotten and aching. I went to the hospital to have my stitches removed as scheduled. By the time I got there my temp was 39C/102F.. My surgeon was on holiday but I was seen by his superior who did an ultra sound and cat scan. He found liquid in in the diaphragm/stomach region. They admitted me straight away and put me on intravenous antibiotics and paracetamol. The liquids is undetermined. Either haematoma, abscess or 'liquid'... further investigation is going to take place if it doesn't subside. I honestly felt like I was dying last night. The pain in my back was horrendous. I could hardly move. I didn't sleep even with a sleep aid. Worst night of my surgery so far. This morning, my fever had subsided. My surgeon came in from his vacation to check me over himself. He said my band is perfect and that 'sometimes' these complications can arise. He said it was also very lucky I got myself to the hospital when I did. I had actually thought I may have just picked up a bug from the children I teach. I have to monitor my temperature closely and my pulse. Pulse is still fast but fever is down so am improving. Just a bit of advice. Really listen to your body. This site is for ADVICE only but the best person to tell you if all is ok is your doctor. I am home now with a cocktail of drugs. I also have breathing physio to do as well to strengthen my diaphragm. I have the rest of the week off of work 'doctors orders' so will rest and take it easy. OH was my first day on mushies yesterday! I MISSED IT!.. so I had some pureed mashed potatoes today. YUM. made me feel a lot better. thanks to those for their support yesterday. Kizzie UPDATE: LIQUID WAS ABSORBED BY MY BODY.. AND INFECTION CLEARED WITHIN 10 DAYS. AM DOING GOOD NOW.. (EVEN THOUGH HAD PORT REPOSITIONED LAST NIGHT AS SURGEON FOUND IT HAD FLIPPED 180 DEGREES WHEN I WENT FOR MY FIRST FILL!!) ______
  2. Hello Jack You are quite right about the chills. I didn't actually get them until an hour before my stitches removal appointment. I did have the pain for a few days prior to that. Thankfully for me, my fever increased once I was in the hospital, so they saw when I was having my stitches out my infection progressing. Not sure why my port flipped. I personally think it was because of my large chest and the wire from my bra pushing into the port before it had a chance to heal into the muscle. I had terrible pain with it up to the two weeks mark. It was at its worst at the end of the first week. As I said, my doctor has a great success rate and hasn't needed to do a port reposition or have a port flip in all the years he has been a surgeon. I must ask him if he has had anyone with size 38HH boobs before though!.. Am doing well, in quite a bit of pain again.. but bearable as I know where this is going now!.. Weight loss here i come! Kizzie
  3. kizzie

    first fill and flipped port!

    Thanks you guys. Great to know you are all here. Lots of pain today. It feels almost BURNT!!. I have stabbing pains and stinging pains!.. I also have a very nasty case of 'lady infection downstairs!!".. from the antibiotics so in a pretty bad way!!.. Hey ho.. must carry on as us ladies do.. Grin and bear it!.. thanks again for your support and kind words Kizzie
  4. I went for my first fill today and found that my port had flipped 180 degrees! incredible. The doctor tried three times to access it to no avail. I had surgery this evening to correct it. I had local anesthesia so was awake through the whole procedure. It was uncomfortable at times but they kept drugging me which was great. My port has been placed an inch and a half lower now. It was under my bra strap area. I think this is why it flipped. Anyway, I am home again now with 3cc in my band. I ate an inch of poached salmon, an inch of vegetable tortilla and half a cup of Soup. I felt FULL!!! and completely satisfied!!.. now THIS is what the BAND IS ALL ABOUT!! HURRAH!. I am so pleased that I can now get on with this and start to lose weight again. My surgeon has been amazing. He booked me into my surgery immediately. I guess the added benefits of being self pay. However, I am not paying for the reposition and correction, to my knowledge. Going to bed now. Tramadol is kicking in.. Stinging pain and will have to be careful again with the port. Just thought posting this might have been of some use to others!. Oh! My infection has completely gone now too. I was admitted 2 weeks post op with temp 102. I had liquid in my spleen area. If it happens to anyone it happens to me. My surgeon has an incredible success rate. Poor guy must feel he was given a DUD!! lol... at least I didn't hemorrage! which is my usual trick post surgery. Kizzie
  5. kizzie

    Flipped port.

    hello I am so sorry about your slipped band/dilated pouch. It is very worrying and such an inconvenience especially when we are self pay. I actually don't have any insurance policy that covers anything to do with my lap band.I am a British expat living in the US, Europe and Caribbean. No insurance will cover me for anything but emergency travel. I am quite unfortunate with this. I have to self pay for everything. Thankfully the system with which I am in here know me for many years and have allowed me to pay in installments for anything after my basic lap band surgery.. I am HOPING that as the flipped port was not my fault that the surgery won't be any extra. I wouldn't be surprised though if they did add it on to my final costs. I really hope you get the answers you are looking for. Maybe you should speak to your doctor and patient care department at your hospital and see what they can do to help with the insurance company. Always good to have the professionals. They deal with insurance claims all the time. best of luck to you and I am so sorry I can't be of more assistance. Kizzie
  6. kizzie

    My port flipped

    That sounds like me!. I had really bad port pain for two weeks. Then nothing. A few days ago I felt terrible pain in my left side. Then nothing. I went for my fill today and the doctor couldn't access it at all. He looked under fluro and tried again. I was in the operating theatre for this and prepped for surgery. He found it had flipped 180. He went straight in and put it back!.. It took about an hour for mine. I had a local anasthetic.. not even twilight. I love to hear what is going on so it didn't bother me so much. I hope your fill goes ok!.. Just be prepared IN CASE!!!.. It is a simple procedure.. I was home 25 mins after getting off of the table!.. no worries!! for me it was a piece of cake!! Kizzie
  7. kizzie

    Do I need a fill?

    Hi.. I have just come from the doctor and need to go back again in an hour!. He tried THREE times to find my access point in my port and couldn't get it. It was moving around a lot too. The pain of him pushing it around on my ribs was not pleasant. He was very lovely though and gave me a prescription for an anesthesia cream for next time. I had an xray and he still couldn't see it!!... PANIC!. I am now going into the Operating Theatre to use his 'machine'.. I think the fluroscope thing... in an hour so leaving here soon. I am a bit concerned that maybe it has FLIPPED!!! eeek. He weighed me and I have gained 2kg! He wasn't too impressed but said he would fill me and that would make a difference. Didn't even get the Vitamin results!. I think he too is concerned about a flipped port but didn't say yet. He also asked me if I had been touching it. . I haven't but again not too confident the thing hasn't been bashed by my bra wire. hey ho! will let you know what happens when I get back
  8. I have been going crazy trying to make different flavoured soups/broths as I have 2 weeks on clears. I made these two this week.. maybe they will help others too. I just strained them and ate the broth. I am sure on the mushie stage you could blend them... here goes French Onion 5 onions roughly chopped 1 tsp Olive Oil (or pam spray to sautee onions) 4 1/2 cups of hot beef broth 1 tablespoon Worcestshire Sauce 1 tsp fresh or dried thyme 1 glove garlic left whole Salt and pepper to taste 1 teaspoon sugar (or 1 package splenda/sweetener) *optional grated Fontina/Mozarella or another good melting cheese.. a few teaspoons per bowl 1. Take a frying pan and heat the oil. Sautee the onion until golden brown. (heat shouldn't be too high or the onions will burn). Add sugar here.. but NOT splenda 2. Add clove of garlic and coat with the oil and onions allow 2 mins to permeate flavour 3. Put hot beef broth into Soup pan and add the onions, garlic and rest of the ingredients.(include splenda at this point) 4. Cook on medium heat for 30 mins or until onions are soft but not disintergrating. 5. serve into bowls. *add cheese if not on clear stage!!.. lucky you!... YUM Chinese chicken Soup vegetables and chicken should be chunky to get best flavour from them and easier to strain for the broth 2 chicken legs and thighs 2 tsp olive oil or spray oil (1tsp to brown chicken, 1 tsp to brown vegetables) 2 scallions chopped (including green tops.) 4 cups of hot Water (seasoned) 1 cup of sliced mushrooms (shitake are best but any will do) 1/2 large red bell pepper sliced thickly 2inches of sliced ginger. Slice quite thickly do not dice or chop too small. 1 clove garlic sliced 1 teaspoon sesame oil Soy sauce or salt to taste. Pepper A handful Cilantro/Coriander leaves ripped into pieces. 1. brown the chicken legs in the oil on both sides until golden brown and leaving a light crust on the bottom of the soup pan. 2. add the water and garlic 3. Cover and bring to a simmer. Until the chicken meat is falling from the bone. 4. Remove the chicken from the stock pot. using two forks shred the meat from the bones and discard the bones. Add the chicken back to the pan. 5. In a frying pan sautee the scallions in 1tsp oil, add ginger,bell pepper and mushrooms. Sautee until vegetables are soft. Add one teaspoon of sesame oil and mix. this is for flavouring NOT cooking. Put all vegetables in the pan with the chicken and water. Cook for 30 mins on simmer. Check for taste. Add salt/ soy sauce and pepper... and drizzle with a little more sesame oil before straining. Top with sliced green onions/scallions/spring onions. Top with ripped fresh coriander/cilantro leaves. *a few tablespoons of sherry is also a nice touch..but not necessary. DELICIOUS..and a change from regular chicken broth! My friends ate the chicken and the vegetables with some of the broth I left..they LOVED IT.. this would also be nice with red chili added for some heat at the sautee stage. ENJOY
  9. kizzie

    Do I need a fill?

    Hey there. Congratulations on your weight loss so far!. Your story sounds similar to mine. I lost 18 pounds in my first two weeks and since then I have lost nothing. Granted I was on Clear liquids those two weeks. I was banded 18th June. I am almost at my 4 week mark. I was hoping to continue the weight loss but haven't. Like you I don't crave as much as I used to but I can still consume quite a bit without feeling any restriction. I am HOPING to get my first fill tomorrow. I get my blood test results for Vitamin deficiency, so hope he will fill me then. Maybe you do need another fill? I would just keep pestering your doctor until you are happy with the amount of food you are eating. I know since starting puree and mushies etc I have eaten too much. I am quite tempted to put myself back on liquids just to lose weight.. Unfortunately, I am no longer swollen or in any pain so I get hungry. I am hoping for a solution with my fill too.. best of luck Kizzie
  10. I would certainly go with your gut instinct. You know your body.. although we do have to get to know how we react to this new part of us. Just take it easy. A food journal is a great idea!. Should keep one myself. Thank you so much for your kind words and your thoughts. I do appreciate it. I am on the mend, although quite weak and lethargic. I have, however, put myself (with doctor agreement) back onto very light fluids again. I was supposed to be on mushies now but I am not ready for them. take care!!
  11. Hey there. I am pleased people are giving their advice and not just saying it is "GAS". I didn't have ANY gas pain past my first day of surgery. Then 10 days post op I began to have pain in my left shoulder at the back. It slowly increased in pain as the days went on. At 2 weeks post op I put a post out asking for advice, like you have, and was told it was just gas. One person repeatedly telling me it was gas. The pain was like a pulled muscle. The kind you get when you sleep in an odd position. A few hours later I had a high fever and took myself to the hospital ( I was due for my stitches to come out that day anyway). My fever was 100 by the time I got there. One of the surgeons came to see me and admitted me straight away. After an ultra sound and a CAT scan he diagnosed 'liquid' in my diaphragm/spleen/stomach region.. they think a haematoma which had caused the infection. I stayed in hospital for one night and am now back home with a week off of work. I am on antibiotics and pain killers for another 5 days or so.. (10 days in all). They said it was just one of the complications that can arise from this surgery. Yours could just be gas pains... but please listen to your body and go and see your doctor if you are unsure. This is the time to be a hypochondriac!.. you owe it to your body to take care of it and the new friend you have inside you. Bug those doctors as much as you need to sleep soundly at night. They are the experts. best of luck and warm wishes! Kizzie
  12. kizzie

    June line up

    welcome keyRN!... Congratulations on passing your first week!!..
  13. kizzie

    Is my doctor crazy?

    I am with Lunabeane on this one. We can only give advice from our own experiences. My advice is to listen to your doctor. I think as you have had complications it could be dangerous to go with the advice from people who are telling you to take in anything you have been told not to. My doctor was very strict the first two weeks. I had no Protein at all and he was totally against the heavy shakes (regardless of milking or watering down). I am so glad I listened to him. I had complications 2 weeks post op, outside of my band with a build up of 'fluid' which became infected. Had not taken his advice my problem would have been worse and would have included my band. This is the reason he made me drink clear fluids only and no Protein drinks. In spain we can only get the heavy milk protein shakes. Your doctor may say you can have the clear ones available in the US. Just keep in contact with him/her and follow their guidelines. Two weeks isn't too long in the grand scheme of things. Had I listened only to the advice on this site (one person told me at least twice my pain was 'Gas from the surgery..how do people not know this?") I would have been in serious trouble... Again this is a great SUPPORT network and full of amazing advice from the experiences of others who are so generous to give their time. At the end of the day.. it is your doctor you need to listen to. take care Kizzie
  14. Yesterday I posted that I had developed pain under my lower shoulder and in my back. I am two weeks post op with NO previous 'gas' pains from the surgery. I had severe chills and felt rotten and aching. I went to the hospital to have my stitches removed as scheduled. By the time I got there my temp was 39C/102F.. My surgeon was on holiday but I was seen by his superior who did an ultra sound and cat scan. He found liquid in in the diaphragm/stomach region. They admitted me straight away and put me on intravenous antibiotics and paracetamol. I honestly felt like I was dying last night. The pain in my back was horrendous. I could hardly move. I didn't sleep even with a sleep aid. Worst night of my surgery so far. This morning, my fever had subsided. My surgeon came in from his vacation to check me over himself. He said my band is perfect and that 'sometimes' these complications can arise. He said it was also very lucky I got myself to the hospital when I did. I had actually thought I may have just picked up a bug from the children I teach. I have to monitor my temperature closely and my pulse. Pulse is still fast but fever is down so am improving. Just a bit of advice. Really listen to your body. Ask for advice here but the best person to tell you if all is ok is your doctor. I am home now with a cocktail of drugs. I also have breathing physio to do as well to strengthen my diaphragm. I have the rest of the week off of work 'doctors orders' so will rest and take it easy. OH was my first day on mushies yesterday! I MISSED IT!.. so I had some pureed mashed potatoes today. YUM. made me feel a lot better. thanks to those for their support yesterday. Kizzie
  15. kizzie

    Endoscopy concerns

    crikey!!!! poor you Cakegirl!! my Lord!.. I truly hope that medicine has advanced a lot since then. Certainly good to put out all experiences be it good ones or bad ones.. so people can really talk to their doctors about the things that worry them. Gosh.. that is just terrible
  16. Mrs JJ .. your first few days are hard as your stomach is really swollen. I had no appetite for a few days and felt a bit of nausea. Just keep sipping those liquids. As long as you are hydrated you will soon know when to eat something else.. I would alternate broth with tea then fruit juice.. just had what I fancied at the time. I think, as long as you are getting fluids you will be fine. take care and rest up!.. paranoia is a good thing!!... I was totally yesterday and I believe it saved me from goodness knows what!!
  17. Thanks you guys! I am SO relieved now. I still have the back pain where the liquid is situated but I know now that I will be ok. I dread to think what could have happened. I personally believe that we need an element of paranoia. We need to be thinking of all the problems that could happen. That is why I love this board so much. Hearing what other people have gone through and knowing what to look out for. It really helps. And heck if you do have gas at least you know it is gas and NOT a liquid build up and infection!.. Better safe than sorry.. Would hate to depart with my beloved band having just met and lost 18 pounds! Going to try and sleep now. Rattling with antibiotics OH! NY2LAGIRL... I had real mashed potatoes with a little butter and milk with a tablespoon of melted cheese on top. and some minced chicken in gravy.. I ate about 1 1/2 cups and felt in heaven with every savoured bite!!!...bliss.
  18. kizzie

    Endoscopy concerns

    Honestly for the patient there is no difference between the twilight and the general as far as memory goes.. in fact Twilight is so much better because you can go home almost immediately!. You won't remember a thing! If you are very concerned and nervous ask them for a premed.but really! my endoscopy was a walk in the park! I actually thought 'sedation' mean't AWAKE and relaxed. I didn't realise I had the TWILIGHT until the surgeon told me afterwards. I thought it was a general!.. you will be fine!!.. some people have very erotic dreams!!!!... something to look forward to eh!??
  19. My heart goes out to you Musicman. The loss of a companion is just devastating. I lost my 21 year old cat this past February, words cannot express how much these little darlings mean when they pass. Keep hold of your memories and cuddle little Lucy I am sure she will need you too now and will understand your tears and your pain. God bless you Kizzie (the name of my cat I had her when I was 14 and lost her this year.)
  20. kizzie

    June line up

    French vanilla, I feel for you. I have just finished TWO weeks of clears. The first few days were no problem.. it was the end of the first week that I was going crazy. I was about ready to throw broth at anyone who told me to 'eat some broth if you're hungry".. The middle of the second week I was much better again and I found my grumbling tummy subsided. I was just excited to see the pounds come off everyday!!... When I was going mad I had a great mantra!.. try it!!. Look at whatever food it is that is tempting you (or grossing you out.. ie BROTH) and say.. "I AM STRONGER THAN YOU.. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME EAT YOU'.. You can do this in your head if you fear family members will call men in white coats!! it DID work for me. Am on puree now.. still quite loose puree but enough substance to satisfy. I posted two recipes for broth (french onion and Chinese chicken).. yummy! got me through.. take care and all the best.. three weeks out of your life is marginal in the grand scheme of things and HEY!>. I didn't have sugar free anything or Protein drinks!!... (they haven't heard of that here in Spain! )... so you do have a larger range of clears than I had.. You go girl!! you can do it!
  21. Hi all for the last few days I have been feeling like a muscle strain under my shoulder blade/ just below bra line area, on my left side. I thought it was just a pulled muscle but each day it has gotten worse. Today it feels like the pain you get in your neck when you sleep in an awkward position. I am hoping nothing has happened with my band!!!. I just have visions of it poking me in the back!.. paranoia probably. I haven't had any problems with gas since surgery so I am almost sure it isn't gas and it is in the same spot each day. Have an appointment with my surgeon today to remove stitches and to ask him about moving my port so will bring it up.. just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.. Am not feeling too good either today.. feel as if I am getting a bad cold.. (no temperature though.. just feel rotten).. thanks guys
  22. SO.... I went to the hospital to have my stitches removed as scheduled. By the time I got there my temp was 39C/102F.. My surgeon was on holiday but I was seen by his superior who did an ultra sound and found liquid in either my diaphragm region around the stomach or in my left lung. He sent me straight for a CAT scan. It was confirmed I have liquid in the diaphragm/stomach region. They admitted me straight away and put me on intravenous antibiotics and paracetamol. I honestly felt like I was dying last night. The pain in my back was horrendous. I could hardly move. I didn't sleep even with a sleep aid. Worst night of my surgery so far. This morning, my fever had subsided. My surgeon came in from his vacation to check me over himself. He said my band is perfect and that 'sometimes' these complications can arise. He said it was also very lucky I got myself to the hospital when I did. I had actually thought I may have just picked up a bug from the children I teach. I have to monitor my temperature closely and my pulse. Pulse is still fast but fever is down so am improving. Just a bit of advice. Really listen to your body. Ask for advice here but the best person to tell you if all is ok is your doctor. I am home now with a cocktail of drugs. I also have breathing physio to do as well to strengthen my diaphragm. I have the rest of the week off of work 'doctors orders' so will rest and take it easy. OH was my first day on mushies yesterday! I MISSED IT!.. so I had some pureed mashed potatoes today. YUM. made me feel a lot better. thanks to those for their support yesterday. Kizzie
  23. Thanks for the message Greyhoundmom. I guess paranoia is a good thing in the early stages.. or all stages in fact!.. That is why I posted just to hear if anyone else had similar experiences. I like to know as much as possible to be prepared for ANYTHING!!.. Glad you are ok now!!..
  24. Thanks Cris. I have come to terms (in the last two weeks) that getting to know my body involves an element of paranoia.. I guess we have to be wary and listen carefully to our bodies... Everything I am not sure about I will be bugging my surgeon.. that is what he is there for!!... he is the expert not me! lol thanks for the kind words again.. I feel really rotten now and do have a slight temperature.
  25. that was the gas I was referring to aswell Jodi. Maybe you are right!.. I won't rule anything out..I had the 'CO2 gas pains' for the first day in my higher shoulder. It was uncomfortable but not painful.I didn't suffer anything but port and incision pain since then. The 'intestinal' gas doesn't cause me pain. I rarely suffer from it. Which I am happy to say. I only posted this because this 'pain' has come on slowly over the last two days until today when I can hardly sit still for two minutes.. and to make things worse right now, I feel rotten and have developed flu like symptoms in the last two hours... so hoping there isn't any infection anywhere. Appointment is at 5 today. I guess it takes time to get to know my new body with the band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
