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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kizzie

  1. kizzie

    Foods I can no longer enjoy..

    I have had to say goodbye to some favourites too.. some obvious ones.. Bread.. (I can eat very crunchy toast though.. 'sometimes' eggs , all forms. I get stuck very quickly with them Ham all thicknesses.. turkey and chicken slices too.. Mushrooms unless they are diced yoghurt.. just produces too much slime and I throw up!!.. Pasta but that is not really too hard to say goodbye to! I gained a lot because of pasta!!..
  2. kizzie

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    Thanks so much for writing back so quickly!!.. you are really motivating me to get back on track and start losing. I think I might join a gym!!.. I love the machines and rowing machines etc..and it will give me a chance to get out of the house for an hour!!.We have a great island to walk around here and a pool.. so I try to do both. but don't always.. I am thinking of trying biking again, since losing some weight my knees aren't so painful anymore.. (no cartlidge left).. gosh.. I feel excited again.. I haven't felt this for a few months!!.. (your food diary is a great help thank you!..and hey. I LOVE chicken nuggets and love the tenders too!!)
  3. kizzie

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    Congratulations you guys!!.. in the 80's is bloody brilliant..you are inspiring me!!.. you have no idea.. I have avoided this site like the plague since I have been in the US.. because I know I have STOPPED losing and haven't lost for 3 months.. which is devestating as I had lost so well in the beginning.... I really want to make this work and I know it does work.. so I have put myself back on liquids this morning.. and am going to start scheduling my exercise again.. Long2bthin.. I think my band is fine.. I put my throwing up down to stress I think.. I have been flying a lot lately too and I know I have a few days of being tighter when I fly.. and just as I am calming down again I am flying again!.. I am eating too quickly but I am still trying to find foods that work for me. I can't eat eggs in any form and so many foods cause me to 'slime' and produce a lot of mucus. (gross sorry!).. Funnily though I am fine with chocolate! and meat!.. I can eat meat in any form... and steak goes down very well!.. strange how we all react to this thing.. Thank the lord I got my period this morning and will now stop craving chocolate.. I haven't craved it like this since banding!.. I had gone off of it for a while but the days I was eating it I tried to adjust my calories elsewhere... but I do want to reach my hand out to you both and say a huge thanks for motivating my butt into action. you are doing so well that I am going to give myself mini goals... !!!.. would you mind emailing or messaging me a typical days menu and exercise schedule?.. this might help too!!.. thank you !!!!
  4. Hi Stephanie!!.. How is the cute golf outfit!???.. great to hear from you. I was doing so well until I left Spain and the security of my doctor being there whenever I needed him (almost once a week because of my complications)..I haven't had a fill since Sept.. and I do get hungry BUT I am pb'ing and sliming A LOT.. and will raise my hand and say I have CRAVED chocolate like crazy these past three or four weeks and eaten far too much. I am lucky I haven't gained any weight.. but then the chocolate I have eaten has really been all I have been able to keep down!.. (not good I know!!.. thank the lord for vitamins).. I probably should have done this weeks ago but I am going back on liquids tomorrow. I think my poor tummy needs a break. I haven't had any losses even with all the throwing up.. (well not really throw up just blocked feeling and bringing that up).. .. anyway.. I am not particularly hungry but I am head hungry and need to keep motivated to not eat for the wrong reasons. I had a great routine in Spain and would like to get back on track. .. I hear what you are saying about the scale.. but now i have my scale back again I am weighing every day and it is helping me mentally to make the right choices.. even if it is to not GAIN! ... It keeps me positive and motivated..I guess it works for me and not for others.. HOPING to get to 40 pounds off by Christmas. I see so many 'Junesters' are at 60+.. and they had surgery AFTER me !.. quite disheartening for me... (Wonderful for them and crikey I would LOVE to be so motivated!.. hats of to them).. but I am mad that I haven't been able to do more.. I know I had many complications but that excuse is a few months past its sell by date! lol.. anyway.. chat soon and keep in touch!!!.. Louise :thumbdown:
  5. kizzie

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    Hi! I am an "MIA" Jazzy June!... Needing to get on track.. now that I am finally settling down since constantly moving around after leaving Spain in Sept... Have been throwing up A LOT.. I haven't had a fill since Sept.. but feel myself tightening.. sometimes even throwing up after yoghurt.. really could do with some motivation and stay on liquids for a few days.. (well until I can find a fill doctor who will take me!!.. have had trouble finding one).. anyway.. please adjust me to your list Snuffy.. ( I think you were doing the updates!).. My numbers aren't as great as some and I really want to be a success story!.. I have lost 25 pounds so far... I was 241 now 216... 35 in all THank you and here's to the band.. (still love it even after ALL my complications!) thank you
  6. kizzie

    4 months and a struggle

    (the kids here have "Lil Critters Omega 3 gummy fish".. more of a softer consistency and not at all like the 'gummy' "Lil Critters Gummy Vitamins they eat (which are like the gummy worms) .. try those .. I think we get them from costco.. not sure though.
  7. ME TOO!!! I have been avoiding this support group totally for months. thinking I would see all the June bandster losing heaps.. I see some are .. but I haven't had decent weight loss since leaving Spain in September (that is where I had my surgery and where my surgeon is).. I am in Miami and haven't really gotten into a good routine like I had in Spain with my eating plan.. and I have also not being weighing myself every day.. I didn't bring my scale with me and only just got one this week.. I really found in Spain that weighing everyday kept me on track and helped me make the right choices.. I am lucky that I haven't gained anything.. but I have stayed the same since the beginning of September. I hope now I have my scale and have the guts to get back on this site and realise that I am not a complete failure that I can get motivated to use my band properly!!.. good luck ALL!!!.. we CAN do it!!..
  8. kizzie

    flipped port.

    I think we all go through the paranoia.. I know I would bug the hell out of my doctor for every little thing.. although I did have heaps of problems.. but then I have never had any surgery go smoothly ( I wonder if this is why my boyfriend is so against me having my boob job and tummy tuck !! mmm??lol)... you have every right to be paranoid and question EVERYTHING.. don't leave it.. We have lived so many years knowing our bodies.. then we put a foreign object in there and expect to still know how we function.. we really don't and it is a total learning curve for understanding the new us's!.. ... I am going through some tricky times. I am almost 5 months post op and had practically zero weight loss since the summer. have come to a complete stand still.. but my doctor is in Spain, I am in Miami and not due back in Spain until next summer so frantically trying to find a new doc.. .. so my weight is staying the same and I am vomitting almost everything!.. (ironically milkshakes and ice cream stay down.. well I have to eat SOMETHING am starving!!.. and I throw up all my 'menu' foods!).. never mind.. will get it sorted out too and email my doctor in Spain.. bug them!! that is what they are there for.. and if you do need port repositioning.. don't they pay for it??.. as it is a complication arising from their surgery?. I guess I was lucky and had it all under the original cost. let me know how you get on!! Kizzie
  9. kizzie

    flipped port.

    ..Hey there Jaccie.. First of all.. if you are really worried go and have your doctor look at you. It could be simply that you are losing weight so the port will stick out a bit more. I had trouble with my port flipping right from the beginning. I KNOW that my bra wire constantly pushed on my port as I was in a lot of pain and would walk with my hand cupped over the port and partially under my bra wire.. looked great!!.. I hope you feel better soon!.. and well done with your weight loss!!.. take care kizzie
  10. kizzie

    4 months and a struggle

    My Lord.. I haven't been on this forum for a few months.. and was about to post stating the EXACT same problem!!!.. I lost 30 pounds in the first 8 weeks and then NOTHING. I have been so good and trying my best (exercising religiously and eating carefully).. UNTIL THREE WEEKS AGO!.. I moved from Spain to the Caribbean and then to Miami and haven't really settled into a good eating programme. I thought once I was back in the US I would be taking advantage of all the lovely high Protein goods you have here.. but no. I have been stuffing my face (and my band) with all the wrong carbs. I get up in the morning with all the good intentions in the world.. lots of fluids and a Protein shake.. by mid morning I am hungry and have a thick high carb Soup or hot chocolate!!!.. WHY WHY WHY???... I just can't get out of the mindset..even when I have my head in the cupboard or in the fridge I am screaming at myself inside my head 'stop it!!!!!'... I have no idea what my weight is right now but I know for sure I am NOT my lowest 213!!. I may have even crept on another 10 pounds. (can feel it in my new jeans!!). I went to OLD NAVY last week and was happy to find that I could fit into the 1XL and the size 18 jeans etc.. (instead of my usual 22/24) so I am happy about that.. but now the waist band is tightening!!>> EEEEK.. I DO desperately need a fill. I am pb'ing a lot though. I had sushi last night and brought most of it up.. I can't eat eggs in any form..but you can bet that I can get down steak, chocolate (why did I even have a square!? which leads to so much ) and white nasty carbs!!.. Thankfully I can't eat bread so at least that is something. I just have to find a doctor who will fill me!!.. so hard and so expensive!.. KEEP WRITING ON THIS FORUM! We are here for each other!!!.. much love Kizzie (and if you find out how to get out of that mindset please let me know!!! and we can publish a million dollar book!! LOL)..
  11. kizzie

    flipped port.

    Hi Willow yes I did. I was one week post op and my port pain was very severe. I had read that it could be bad but didn't think any more of it. The port was right next to my bra wire so I walked around with my hand cupped over it or a big wad of guaze tucked under my wire. ... at week 2 post op I was extremely ill. I had a raging fever and had to stay overnight in the hospital with an infection. They thought it was either a chest infection as I was coughing a lot or liquid around the band. It transpired it was liquid (blood) around the band. Just before I hit the 4 week mark. I had the attempt at a fill... which was when they realised I had done a '180'!.. Between us (the surgeon and myself) we think that my bra wire pushed on the port too much and caused the excruciating pain. That I shouldn't have been in that much pain. (his stand in told me to get a non wire bra or go without for a few weeks.. with 38HH at the time I just laughed in his face!)... so the tearing of the muscle caused the build up of blood around my band area and led to the infection... hope this helps.. What are your concerns??? take care and best of luck to you Kizzie
  12. kizzie

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    I manage to walk up and down a big mountain (that I live on top of.. ) so lots of ups (and they are really steep ups).. and downs.. would always take the golf cart before.. but now I see them as a challenge. I just put my head down and march up them!... ... heart pounds like a son of a cow.. and my breathing gets really shallow to the point I think I can't breathe in any deeper.. .. but hey! I haven't dropped dead yet!!... I must add I only do this two or three times a week. I do a lovely NY Ballet dvd the other days. Well I can imagine I am graceful in the privacy of my own room! ha.
  13. Hi there I could really do with an online mentor. I am quite alone in all of this 'band' procedure. Personally, I am so excited about my new life.. but I live with the people I work with and the general consensus is that I must be very weak willed to have to resort to such a procedure. This is very hard to endure. I am really unable to talk to anyone about my surgery and my decision. So I am currently living in silence. These people have never had a weight problem in their lives and are all under 120. I hear them regularly complain about getting fat... mmm they have NO idea.. and just see me as a lazy overeater. I hope there is someone who would be willing to hear my fear, concerns, exchange chats..and generally be my 'band' friend through this. I am a very happy person usually. But since I decided to make this change. some of the people I live with (who had to know as I need to take a week off of work..and one of them has to drive me -she is quite supportive-) don't make it easy for me.. so I do feel a little bit down. My family are all overseas.. and I can't take that much time off to have the procedure done with them. It is kind of a 'you can have it done if the recovery isn't too long'..kind of thing here.. and the whole surgery and recovery shouldn't be too inconvenient to those around me..in other words. have it done, hide away for a week and then come back to work mentioning nothing about it. mmmm supportive eh!?.. thanks in advance.. Kizzie
  14. Hey there. (posted this on the complications area too) Could do with some 'advice' from the long time bandsters here.. or anyone with similar symptoms this long post op. Had a 2ml fill 2 weeks ago..didn't really feel too much so doctor put 4mls last Friday.. feeling some restriction but not too much. Last night after dinner.. (small dinner.. had thrown up lunch.. didn't chew properly and down it went. and back up it came!!.. so PB I guess rather than vomiting.. ).. I started to get pain under my rib cage.. not quite on my port area but literally near the bottom of the rib cage where they meet in the middle.. and only painful when I breathe in. It is more painful when I am sitting down and breathing in (shallow breathing is fine so far.. slightly deeper is painful). if I walk I can still feel some pain but not as much.. I took some ibuprofen last night and my sleeping pill. (have had terrible insomnia post op).. and slept well.. woke with very little pain until I started moving again. Could it be bruising from adding more fill??.. any ideas??... thank you Kizzie.. (I will contact my surgeon tomorrow. poor guy hasn't had anyone with as many complications as I have had!!!)
  15. Thanks Jack! I had a rib 'pop' out a few years ago under my shoulder blade.. the pain was in my clavical and shoulder joint and not under the scapula. I had an adjustment and it was 'popped' back into place and the pain relief was instant!. I had suffered TWO YEARS!!!.. .. so I guess I am prone to that kind of injury... didn't think about it being a rib!!... all this "band' stuff makes me forget it could be something else. It is uncomfortable in my back (directly behind the pain in the front).. the pain in the front is a bruised feeling when breathing in!.. and sharp in my back.. thanks again for your expert advice!..
  16. kizzie

    Flipped port operation

    Hi.. YOu have lots of replies but I thought I would tell you my port repositioning op experience. Surgery 18th June 1 week post op: pain in port site.. extreme pain 2 weeks post op: hospitalised-infection around band site (haematoma) 3 weeks post op: port pain 4 weeks post op: unsuccessful fill.. port repositioning surgery. So my doctor had me go back to the hospital that evening at 8.30 he had me dress in scrubs and wheeled me to surgery. he said he was going to try and fill using the fluro. He knew it had flipped as the operating room was buzzing with people already. He tried many times with local anesthesia and couldn't access it.. So at 9pm I had my entire port repositioning surgery under LOCAL anesthesia. They put up a curtain in front of my face so I couldn't see.. I felt some pulling and pressure but no pain. They kept giving me locals.. all in all it took an hour to reposition and finished by 10pm. I was home by 10.30 pm at school and teaching at 8am the next morning. for me PIECE OF CAKE!!. I actually ENJOYED hearing what was going on. The nurses were telling me what was happening and holding my hand.. it was quite an experience actually!. The only pain was similar to first surgery.. the being 'pulled' feeling. but that subsided after a few days.. hope this helps
  17. Hi Allana, I am a June 18th bandster. I also have hypothyroidism which after 10 years still isn't stable. You have probably been suffering from it for a while.. think back to how long you have had the symptoms.. poor you.. and it slows the metabolism so much that we gain weight a lot faster than people without it. So it must be slower to lose.. Having said that your 25 pounds and my 29 pounds is a LOT of weight in two months!!!.. so GO US!! lol Anyway, I am in a similar situation to you in the fact that i haven't lost any weight since the end of July. I lost 29 pounds..and have actually fluctuated up and down to 30 pounds off. 25 pounds off.. 20 pounds... off.. back to 28 pounds off. I am putting it down to my body adjusting. If you look at my signature you will see I have had a lot of post op complications and even went into starvation mode when I couldn't keep anything down at all.. so I suppose that slowed my metabolic rate to a full stop.. YOu are right to allow yourself time to heal. I am trying to get into a good eating right routine and then see what happens. I had a fill two weeks ago of 2mls, it didn't do much so my doctor put 4 in this past Friday. Much better but I still feel as though I am taking in more than I am burning. Very hard to get the energy to go out and exercise.. especially when you feel so exhausted with this thyroid problem.. but we can both do it.. Keep going and let me know how you get on!.. take care Kizzie PS ... Don't forget to measure yourself. you may not be losing pounds but your shape may be changing.. !
  18. Is it just me or has my band surgery (and subsequent complications) caused my hormones to go into whack??>.. I have slowly become an emotional wreck.. It isn't my usual pms attack.. (although that is due an I can get a little teary a few days before)..but this is ten times worse. I am angry, having mood swings.. (although not so many nice moods) and just so tearful.. ... can it be because of the band??.. and not eating properly?.. I am not at all miserable with my band. I love my band.. I just can't seem to get on with my day without snapping at people and feeling really down and crying so much.... I have ordered st johns wort and evening primrose oil today to see if that will help.... gosh I hope this doesn't last long> I could get fired!!!... THanks Kizzie
  19. Hey there Maybe some of you remember me and my journey so far... not an easy one. a BRIEF reminder and then maybe some of you can offer some 'advice' (seeing my surgeon next week). 2 weeks post op: infection around stomach,fever 102 hospitalised 3 weeks post op: NORMAL! had a great week but very hungry 4 weeks post op: port flipped, sugery to reposition and small fill 6 weeks post op: infection in port area and stomach closed up completely(total unfill) liquids for 1 week and then soft foods for week 7 8 Weeks post op STILL can't eat solids without throwing up or getting stuck. I still don't have any fill in my band.. just as well with all of this!! I am chewing really well, and after just a few fork fulls I get that golfball and need to throw up. I usually only manage about 4 or 5 small bites of anything solid before throwing up most of it. I wait between bites a minute or so. I am only eating small soft foods right now but I wanted to ask if anyone else struggles with solids? I usually stick to minced meat or chicken or fish.. with soft vegetables (non fibrous kinds ie carrots spinach etc)... I have even vomited Soup and yoghurt this week! My doctor did a barium check on me last week and said I was still slightly swollen but my band is in a perfect position as is my port and that the liquid was going through well.. He said to take it slowly with solids but HOW SLOW!??? How many times do you chew? How big a bite do you take? (I take about half a fork full and smaller) How long do you wait between bites? ( I am sick of cold food now!!) I get so fed up of the golf ball and the pain in the back of my throat (tightening and tingling) that i usually give up and have a shake (if anything at all!) ... although saying that I was at a kids birthday party this week and so hungry I ate a cup of 'cheetos' (how easily did THEY go down??) and a mini magnum bar... (all no no's. but as I had consumed little to zero calories I didn't think it would hurt much.. it didn't.. no pain at all!. go figure) Am I destined for a life of shakes!?????.... I am seeing my doctor next week.. but could do with some support. Have lost roughly 30 pounds since my op ... but haven't really lost anything in the past 2 - 3 weeks... Not exercising either as I tore a ligament in my ankle last week... ouch!! OH and then a bee stung my big toe (the one in the cast!!!)..not doing too great eh!!? Am happy to have my band still..you won't find miseries here!!! THanks guys!!!
  20. Cathychatt.. have emailed my surgeon today. He wants to see me tomorrow. Thank you for your support I hope you get sorted out soon too.. horrible being out of control of our emotions!.. so unlike me Long2bthin: THANKS!!... I had no idea that was at the bottom of the screen.. just shows I never go further than this little quick reply box..thank you for taking the time to point that out...
  21. kizzie

    OUCH! Fill and unfill still not ok

    I had an unfill after my port reposition became infected and my stomach closed up.. I haven't had a single solid meal yet without that pain!.. even chewing really well.. I give up most meals and go for a shake.. I am hoping it is because I am still slightly swollen,.. the back pain is agony isn't it!.. I usually throw up when that happens.. (daily!).. it has been nearly three weeks since my unfill. My infection has gone.. but still can't get most solids down.. didn't even think about gallbladder!!!!!!!!.. heck..don't need that now! I hope you feel better soon.
  22. Really?? I am kind of relieved that there is a reason for it.. but now what!? My symptoms are slowly increasing!.. best get to the doctor again! Can you remember where on the board you read about this before? Maybe reading other accounts will make for a clearer picture.. thank you so much for replying!!.... does insomnia have anything to do with this too?? and aching hips??... thanks again Kizzie
  23. kizzie

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    We could go round in circles here but I teach a few 10 year olds that have a lot more maturity and wisdom than many 50 years olds I have come across!!!...
  24. kizzie

    Not losing any weight

    I have found that going against all dieticians rules about weighing once a week. if I weigh every morning at the same time .(naked after going to the loo).. I can monitor my plateaus... My parents are doing this too (not banded just dieting)..my Dad has a 10 day period before he loses 1kg..my Mum has a 12 day period... I am still trying to figure mine out as I have had so many post op problems.. It looks like I am on the 12 or 13 day cycle though.. I think when I used to go to weigh in at clubs etc I was always weighin in on my heavy day!... anyway.. a little tool that may help others... you need to chart your weight though to see the pattern emerge... and hey ANY weight loss is great no!???.. we don't want it going in the other direction!!!... I have lost 30 pounds since 18th June surg ery but nothing in the past 3 weeks (due to extra surgery and infection complications along with dehydration!).. no one said it was going to be easy this band thing!! lol good luck everyone!!. we are doing great!
  25. kizzie

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    With all due respect I think the original poster was saying that in her 26 years she has lived through as many if not more experiences as that of 'many' 50 year olds. I don't think she was referring to anyone being an invalid or unhealthy... I didn't read it as offensive. My Mum is nearing 60 and one of the healthiest people I know... I think it is time to stop the negativity and get back to 'supporting' people...Firm but fair but not firm and harsh. I am sure that the majority of the people on this site have been victim to the firm and harsh comments of loved ones and strangers... it is here on this site that we can come together and share those experiences... through support, rather than attack. Maybe those who have a wealth of knowledge and experience with the band remember how tough it was in the first stages of being banded.. all the questions..all the trials and errors and finding what works and what doesn't..adjusting to a whole new life... it is hard for everyone and I am sure just as hard for those who have been banded a while ., which is why I am sure they still visit this site. I could do with some positive postings to read through instead of these terrible 'she said, you said' school girl bickerings.. Obesity/exercise and eating is an issue that is very raw with everyone (stating the obvious) and the smallest of comments will set the nerves on fire... I for one, love to see how incredible this band works. The lady in the bikini is aw inspiring!!!.. One day I hope to post mine... the people who are just starting an exercise routine.. give out your secrets! I have heard the hardest part is putting your sneakers on!... (I can't exercise right now I have a torn ligament.. but I am trying to do arm raises and leg raises with my good leg).. I also suffer from undiagnosed sleep apnea.. (it is the only reason I can come up with for falling into a coma like sleep during the day!!.. once I am awake from that ..THEN I put the sneakers on and pop on my ipod and go out for a walk..some days it is 20 mins others it can be an hour and a half.. depending on how tired I am )... For those who have found a great exercise routine.. please share it with us. I would love to see a weekly diary of exercise that I can be inspired by... I am a bit confused as to what I should be doing... I was swimming and walking but when I lose some more weight I would like to cycle. anyway, I have rambled enough on here.. I am grateful to everyone who posts, be it positive or negative.. it is just a reminder of how hard a struggle this band really is..and how 'we' as a group are battling to do our best everyday... we have enough comments from the 'outside non banded' world than to have them within our world too!... sorry if I went off on one.. I am still happy to be banded and read the posts as often as I can. thanks

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