I'm 50 and have only discussed it with my mother, husband, and 3 children. My children are 13, 15, & 17 and have seen me up and down in my weight struggles but mostly up. I don't have a surgery date set, I'm still working on the required nutritionist visits for insurance. They have all been supportive. I do not plan to share it with anyone beyond that. I have asked my kids not to share with friends. I am generally open but I don't feel this is anyone's business. I am not ashamed, I just don't think I have to justify, explain, or educate. I am a teacher and undoubtedly school will be in session before I get approved. I plan to tell my Principal I am having a procedure and need time off but she knows I have thyroid issues so I'll leave it at that. Truly I find that my support comes from those who are facing the same weight struggle and are more understanding. My workplace is not like that.