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LAP-BAND Patients
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About monicapv

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/07/1969

About Me

  • City
    Harbor City
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  1. Happy 43rd Birthday monicapv!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary monicapv!

  3. monicapv

    Banded and Confused...

    It just happened again. Last night I had 3 pieces of toast with jam for dinner (a craving!) - no problemo. This morning, I took three bites of toast and I started getting that panicky "choking" feeling. It took 1/2 hour to pass. An older platform band?? Now I am even more confused. The doctor said that he used a "smaller" bad on me. It all depends on your own personal plumbing I guess. I guess the long and the short of it is, it's not working the way I thought it would. I had no idea that my 2 eating outcomes would be 1) bottomless pit or 2) choking after 3 bites. I'm not complaining! I've told my facilitator all this stuff and she just keep throwing me the whole "learning curve" spiel. (sigh)...
  4. monicapv

    shoulder tip pain...OMG

    Ice and a lot of self pity helped me.
  5. monicapv

    "Stuck" Explanation please...

    You'll know. It hurts - like your choking. You'll panic and want to throw up but will have a hard time doing so.
  6. Hi! I'm being patient to see how this goes, but I need some input. I was banded 2/14/09 - I've lost 20 lbs! Yippee! This represents about 1/3 of my final goal. However, the last 2 months have seen only a 3 lb loss. : ( I've had one fill. If I'm reading my card thingy right, my band is 4 cc capacity and on 4/09 I had 1.8cc put in. Here's my confusion. Sometimes, after just 3 bites - I "choke" and wish I could just spit it right out. I'm pretty vigilant about chew-chew-chewing, so I'm not sure this is the cause. Yet other times, I can eat a full serving (3 cups). Literally - I can eat 3 bites of a sub sandwich and choke or I am practically able to finsih the whole thing. WTF?!? Do I need another fill??? I can't seem to wrap my head around how this band is supposed to work. I don't see how it controls how much you can eat - more like it controls how quickly you can eat. Guidance is needed and requested :smile2:
  7. monicapv

    Major "discomfort"

    No - the pain isn't that bad. I have back pain, but I attribute that to my back having to overcompensate for my abdomen. I feel a little better after eating soup. Might be extreme hunger. Thank God I'm moving to mushies this weekend.
  8. monicapv

    Major "discomfort"

    Port on the left. Pain is below bottom of sternum , where your bra pushes. I took mine off by the way, but it isn't helping. I just ate some soup - it seemed to help. Maybe it's just hunger. God knows I wouldn't be in this situation (w/lapband) if I knew what hunger was like. I feel good - downright perky - in the morning, but this afternoon I'm tired and can barely manage to speak to people. ugh......
  9. The last two days I've had on and off pain in what I think is my gall bladder. I was banded on 2/14, so I'm still on liquids and blended things. It woke me up last night - I sipped some Slimfast and it kinda went away. Maybe it's just extreme hunger?!? I "eat" about 3 shakes, 1 soup & 1 yogurt (about 1200 cal) a day. Is this not enough? What am I doing wrong? I thought the shoulder pain was bad. That passed and now this?? Ugh... having regrets...
  10. I was banded on 2/14. I have been making my own shakes - milk, vanilla yogurt, banana and chocolate powder. My step mother actually managed to liquify mashed potatoes and meatloaf for me (with a little broth) and it was awesome!! She even liquified a salad - it wasn't bad. I felt like I was eating "real" food again.
  11. monicapv

    Pre-surg jitters!?!

    I'm nervous too - I'm checking in on Friday (13th) and my surgery is 14th - Valentine's Day!?! Yup. Howz that for date combo? I'm nervous as hell - mostly about the pain. Secondly about the possiblity of failing and letting everyone (especially me) down. Good luck to you. :thumbup:
  12. I'm so nervous!! Thank God my boyfriend found his birth certificate today - otherwise he wouldn't have been able to go into Tijuana with me and I would have had to be alone. We're leaving L.A. tomorrow in the early a.m. to be in San Diego by 10:00. Testing and other stuff tomorrow and surgery on Saturday. How romantic! (not!) I'm afraid of a few things: I hate to admit this, but I am fiercely scared of needles. :thumbup: It usually takes 2 to 3 nurses for a blood test. I know that's stupid - but that's me. So I am therefore dreading the pre-op blood work and the insertion of the IV. I had an IV 6 months ago for something else and it hurt SO BAD. Next thing I am afraid of is the pain after. How long will there be pain? I've read descriptions of the feeling like someone puched you repeatedly in the upper gut. Is it bad? When will it pass? Are there any other Bloody-Valentiners out there? (silence...)
  13. Congrats! Nervous? I am. I get pumped by reading postings here. Feb 21st is my big day. I have three full recovery days after that (back to work on 2/25). I too hope that's enough!:thumbup:
  14. I am self-pay so price is obviously a concern. I am scheduled for "banding" on February 21 with Dr.Pedro Kuri. I've heard lots of good things about him and his staff and so far, my experience has been good.

    I'm nervous - not nervous about the procedure itself - but about whether I will lose weight. I understand that the band is a tool, not a solution and that I need to treat it as such. I am grateful for my family and botfriend's support, but Im worried about letting them and me down.


    I broke the news to the b.f. (Alex) of my scheduled appt. and was relieved when he didn't pass judgement or try and talk me out of it (not his style). He's going to drive me down to Tijuana on Friday and stick around with me for

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