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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MyDay2Shine

  1. I just got your message. Good luck with your appointment on May 12th! Once I saw Dr.Chua things went really quick!

  2. MyDay2Shine

    Did I overreact?

    OK so here's the story. Last night my husband was at school and I was getting my 10 year old daughter ready for bed. She wanted to know what daddy would have in a black back that she found in his car. She said she saw the bag and he tore it away from her and put it in his trunk. I quickly racked my brain and dirty magazine popped into my head. So this morning my husband went to work in his work truck and just for the heck of it I looked in his trunk and sure enough in a black bag was a VERY GRAPHIC PORNO magazine. This was not a Playboy or even a Penthouse, this was way more graphic. Anyway I was irritated, I mean true it wasn't in the house, but my little girl did almost see it. It also bugs me that my husband treats me like an absolute princess, and secretly he is more into dirty raunchy sluts! Anyway I decided the best thing to do was to shred it up in our paper shredder and throw it in the garbage! Now in many ways this makes me laugh, but I have to admit that while I was shredding I did feel a little over whelmed with guilt that I was destroying his personal property. What do you think, did I overreact with the shredding? Oh and by the way my plan was to not say anything to him at all because I KNOW he is never going to ask me if I took away his porno. Sometimes I feel more like the mother of a teenage boy than a wife of a 30 year old man! And yes I do know shredding the magazine and not confronting him is very passive aggressive.
  3. MyDay2Shine

    question about PCOS and band

    Yes! The band has made a difference in my symptoms! I now have normal/regular periods. I have not had my hormone levels checked or an ovarian ultrasound since before my surgery, but I FEEL so much better. The real test will be in a year or so when my husband and I try to get (and stay) pregnant. Good luck!
  4. MyDay2Shine

    Freak no more!!

    Hi! Just a little FYI if you feel like your OB/GYN doesn't have a good grasp on your PCOS, you need to find a Reproductive Endocrinologist. A Reproductive Endo is going to be the type doctor with the most knowledge of PCOS. I'm an OB nurse, and I love and respect the OB/GYNs that I work with, I trust them with my life. That being said, my endocrinologist has a different (most current research based) course of treatment for PCOS. Good luck everyone!
  5. MyDay2Shine

    Clicking noise during a fill

    I heard/felt the click at my fill. It is the sound of the needle hitting the back (or bottom) of your port. I didn't know what it was at first, but my Dr has a demo band in the room that I always play with. After my fill I picked up the demo and gave it a "fill" and when I put the needle in it made the same clicking sound. I hope that makes sense!
  6. MyDay2Shine

    Confused with terminology

    I checked it, it kind of worked. Try this one it should be more direct. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/faq.php?faq=abbreviations#faq_lapbandabbreviations :smile2:
  7. MyDay2Shine

    Confused with terminology

    This is a link to info that I found SOOOO helpful. I have no idea if the link will work or not. I'm not very computer literate! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/faq.php?faq=vb3_board_faq#faq_abbreviations If the link doesn't work go to the FAQ area, then click on abbreviations. I hope I have helped!
  8. MyDay2Shine


    I'm so sorry your feeling depressed! I can relate, as I also felt very depressed after surgery. I felt sad for about 6 weeks. I feel back to my old self now, I hope you feel better soon. You may find some sessions with a good therapist very helpful! Good luck, if you need someone to talk to I'd love to listen! Feel better soon!
  9. MyDay2Shine

    LB and Pregnancy = ??

    Those are great questions! There is a whole thread about pregnancy with the lap band. Check it out, I found so much great info. From what I read you usually do end up getting at least a partial unfill during the pregnancy. I find eating with my band is pretty normal, it all depends on how tight you keep your band, and how well you chew. Good Luck!
  10. MyDay2Shine

    What!! No more asparagus??!!

    You could ask your nutritionist what they think. Asparagus may be one of those things you just have to try for yourself. I have not found a food that I can not eat, as long as I eat really slow and don't eat too much! I do however avoid high calorie foods that slide right down (like ice cream). Don't know if any of this helps you!? Good luck!
  11. MyDay2Shine

    First fill shocker!

    I had my first fill yesterday. I was SHOCKED to find out I had 4.6cc in my (10cc) band FROM SURGERY! I canceled my first fill, because I had restriction and was losing great. The first few weeks post op I felt really crappy. I asked my surgeon if he puts a fill in during surgery and he said "oh sure maybe 2-3 ccs". My doc always seemed so surprised that I was doing so great without a fill. The doc doing my fill (not my surgeon) was also really surprised to find that much in my band, she was going to do a 2cc fill, but decided to go with 1cc. I am so glad I listened to my body and waited to get my fill. I was just wondering if anyone else was surprised to find out how much was in their band at their fill. I also can't help but wonder why did my surgeon not know how much he put in during surgery? Anyway I feel great these days and have a great start to my weight loss! Number one lesson learned ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR BODY AND TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!
  12. MyDay2Shine

    advil and the band

    Ask your surgeon how he/she feels about Advil. Some say avoid it, but mine said Advil/ibuprofen is FINE. It is best to follow what YOUR surgeon recommends.:lunch:
  13. MyDay2Shine


    Hi Carrie, I have 2 friends that have a Mirena IUD. One has no children, and does not plan on having any anytime soon (if ever). My other friend has kids, she loves her mirena, she says she hasn't had a period in years. I don't know for sure, but I think if your insurance covers birth control pills it would cover mirena as well. Good luck!
  14. MyDay2Shine

    Words of Discouragement?

    I have found along the way, that people rarely react how I think they will. Some of the people I thought would judge me have been so wonderful, hugging me every time they see me, telling me how happy they are for me, how great I'm looking. Other people that I thought would be really supportive (or I wanted them to be) have reacted kind of funny. Making little comments that make me feel bad about my choice, not listening when I try to educate them on Lap band. One thing I have learned is I have no way to guess how someone is going to react. Even though negative reactions are hurtful and discouraging these people are still my friends, they are just not going to be my support system. Truly, support systems can emerge from some surprising sources!
  15. No one told me not to chew gum. It does make sense not to swallow it though!
  16. MyDay2Shine

    Confused in Wa state

    My surgeon does not have his pts do a pre op diet at all.
  17. MyDay2Shine

    loss of menstral cycle due to obesity?

    Hi, I know several women that have very few/no periods do to weight. One friend has PCOS but with no cysts on her ovaries. She has very long cycles = less than 6 periods per year. The good news is periods almost all ways regulate with weight loss. I also have PCOS, I just had my first normal period in years. I never missed a period, however I would "spot" for 7 days before 7 more days of my regular period. I also was not ovulating normally. For me it was really unnerving to know that my weight was causing my body to not work normally. Hormone irregularity was the main reason I chose to have weight loss surgery. Birth control pills are a good way to regulate hormones, my endocrinologist recommended Yasmin. I hope I have offered you some useful info. By the way I'm an ob nurse so if you have more questions I might know/be able to get an answer for you.
  18. MyDay2Shine

    Band erosion and Caffine...

    Remember: band erosion is not the band itself eroding, but the band eroding into your stomach tissue. Band erosion can be seen with a scope from the inside of your stomach. Band erosion is rare. You would have to ask your doctor, but I really doubt moderate coffee drinking would cause band erosion. Now if caffeine is aggravating stomach ulcers, than that might be different.
  19. MyDay2Shine

    My band is not working!

    Have you seen your surgeon or your primary doc? Has your doc discussed the next steps to figuring out what is wrong? Are you scheduled for a scope to check for erosion? If your doc thinks there is a problem then I'm guessing you have already tried a fill? Sorry I'm all questions and no answers!
  20. MyDay2Shine

    Hi! A quick intro :-)

    Welcome to you and your mother! LBT is filled with great information, it has been a wonderful resource for me.
  21. MyDay2Shine

    White Cell Count.....?

    Do you know how long your white count has been up? Does your doctor seem concerned? The first things that pop into my mind with an elevated white count are: infection, illness, or trauma. Your body makes more with cells to fight off/ heal your body. If you had the flu your white count would go up, or if you just had surgery (clearly not the case). There are other things too, but this is what pops into my head. Good luck and keep us posted.
  22. MyDay2Shine

    White Cell Count.....?

    When were you banded? Do you know how high your white count is?
  23. I'm not sure what kind of words of encouragement I can offer all of you. I will tell you that I was just banded 7 weeks ago, I have lost about 35 pounds. I have NEVER PBd or slimed. I was SOOOOOO anxious pre-op it. I am a nervous Nelly to begin with, added to the fact that I had never had surgery before, add that to the fact that I'm a RN and know all the weird things that can go wrong. But everything went FINE! Just take it easy, relax! Do your best to keep your fears and all of the what ifs aside. Life is full of what ifs. Spend a little time thinking about what if you don't have surgery and remain morbidly obese. I wish you all the very best! I look forward to hearing how each of you do. If you have any questions ask away!
  24. Hi, I'm not sure but I THINK cobra is usually the same health benefits you have had. I would call the HR department, or check your employer's website, if they have one. However, I do know it can be very expensive. Hopefully someone can give you a better answer than me.
  25. MyDay2Shine


    Hello and welcome! How have you been enjoying your band? Have you been losing at a steady pace? Any problems?

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