Hey Nicolle,
I will be going pretty regularly to the meetings. We'll probably bump into one another.
He is a really nice guys. His staff is wonderful and his wife is a doll! I am extremely happy with them all. For me, the delay has been the time of year I decided to look into things. Because of the school year (teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers etc) all schedule there procedures over the summer - even if they started with Dr. Ahmad in January.
I am completely done with everything that is required except the upper endoscopy and losing the 10 pounds (I've lost 5). I should have insurance approval this coming week. However, I'm looking at mid-Sept. for the procedure. I could get in first week of September, but I work at a university and need to get past the first two weeks of the semester when it is craziest before I take a week or so off...
I hope that helps. Keep in touch.