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About Mebadwow

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/05/1977

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  1. Mebadwow

    Male Tummy Tuck Thread

    What are the specifics for insurance to cover any plastic surgery? I started at 334 and am currently 161, and have excess skin around my belly, inner thighs, and arms. Haven’t really approached the idea as I just “assumed” that would be an out of pocket expense
  2. The link isn’t working unfortunately
  3. I had my sleeve done in June 2020 and have lost 173lbs. I’m pretty much at my bottom now and have the loose skin around my belly, inner thighs, and arms. Just trying to get advice on the best routines to help reduce this without plastic surgery. Appreciate any advice
  4. Mebadwow


    I use Zipfizz every morning in my water. I was told multiple times that it would not absorb properly, and every time I would prove them wrong in my labs. Plus, it tastes good and is a change from just water.
  5. Mebadwow

    Progress and questions

    Wish there was a way for insurance to cover that. If you don't mind me asking, what was the cost to have it removed?
  6. I had the sleeve done on June 29th, 2020. My starting weight was 334, and I am down to 173 as of this morning. I still drink my premier shakes every morning and maintain a high protein diet. I still have issues keeping certain foods down, though, and I need to figure out what I can eat without them coming back up. I can go and get 4 pieces of fatty tuna sushi on rice and be perfectly fine but have a bite or 2 of pasta, and I am in the toilet a few minutes later. Any tips on trying to incorporate more food into my diet? To be totally honest, I am afraid of getting too much of the carbs and gaining weight back. Also, I am having some loose skin, any tips on anyone that has been able to help that without spending a fortune on surgery? Thanks for any advice
  7. Mebadwow

    GENEPRO & Other Must Haves

    Yep just 1 scoop.
  8. Started using those Zipfizz B12 powders in my water and it’s a nice boost of energy.
  9. Mebadwow

    GENEPRO & Other Must Haves

    I put Genepro in my Powerade Zero bottle. Mixes better at room temp though. Take a sip, add powder and shake well. Throw some ice cubes and you have a tasty 30g protein drink
  10. I have a real bad relationship with chips, but I found the Quest protein chips and they are amazing. They have like 4g of carbs and 20g of protein and come in many different flavors...mostly found on amazon. Quest also has protein cookies which are pretty good as well and may help with your sweet tooth
  11. Mebadwow

    Pre-Op West Virginia

    I’m from the area but had mine in June
  12. Mebadwow

    Swimming after sleeve

    Well it’s been 6 weeks for me. My doctor had said up to 3 months and that just doesn’t seem right. All of my wounds seem sealed
  13. So what is the true amount of time you should wait. I hate staring at my pool and seeing the family in there without being able to join them. I had my sleeve done June 26th and all my wounds seem healed pretty much. Just want to get in the pool
  14. Mebadwow

    Multivitamin help

    Do you need to take anything else?? I see the patches have Calcium and Vitamin D3, as well as B12. Let me know thanks
  15. Mebadwow

    Multivitamin help

    What else do you take to cover the other nutrients we need??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
