LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by maddieking
Hi everyone, I have a feeling this post be somewhat long so I apologize in advance! I was banded in Prague on 9th June. I have followed the diet to the letter and as of monday this week, I was able to try pureed food. So I did and I gave myself the amount they suggested and I cant say that I felt "full" after it. I had a telephone call with the dietitian yesterday and she suggested i was ready to go onto soft food. So, I ate a ready meal which was low fat mashed potato, chicken and vegetables. I thought that I would start eating and then I would get a "full" feeling then I would stop. I polished off the whole lot, I think it was 450g or so. Surely, I shouldnt have been able to eat all that without some discomfort?? She said for me to start on bread today also but Im not going to as ive heard from alot of people that bread is the one thing they cant eat. I have always had big portions of food, hence why I got to the size I am. I wanted to have the band fitted so that huge portion sizes were a no no as I would be restricted by having the small stoma. The dietitian said that everyone stomachs are different sizes. I was under the impression that there is a certain part of the stomach that the band can only be fitted so surely that would make us more or less have the same sized stoma? I also mentioned about the lack of info that I had been given from the clinic rearding fills etc etc as it does say in the booklet i was given that it isnt really until your first fill that you start losing the proper weight and it goes on to say so use the time before your first fill as a run up to the real fat melting. However, she told me its her job, to ensure that I DONT HAVE A FILL. That through diet and exercice, I will be able to lose the weight. Now, excuse me if I appear stupid, but isnt having the fills quite important to reach your "sweet" spot If I wanted to lose the weight with diet and exercise alone, id have stuck to a vlcd which i was doing previously and not spent near on £5000 to have a band that I thought would enable me to feel full at a much earlier stage than before. she also went on to say that if i wanted a curry, then to have only a small bit and if you want a burger, just have a small one I was suprised at this as at no stage did i mention that I craved curry or a burger. Am I missing the point? I know the band isnt a cure and i know its a tool. I had it done because as i said before, I have huge portions, so when you read that the band will create a small pouch which your food will sit there for longer making you feel full for longer, I thought this is exactly what I need. I dont want to be able to binge eat like i did before I am well aware that food can slip through the band like chocolate, crisps etc etc but I wasnt actually planning on eating anything like that anyway. If I ate to much with this band, would i feel uncomfortable? Maybe a whole 450g isnt alot really and im making to a big a deal out of it but when theyre telling you a couple of teaspoons here and there and then you will feel full, my 450g seems a huge amount. I basically heated it up and started to eat and as soon as i got that feeling of fullness, i was going to stop then i could look at the dinner to see how much of the 450g was left, but i ate it all maybe i am worrying about nothing. I hope there is someone who can explain to me where I am going wrong so to speak, maybe my mindset is wrong or something Thanks alot for reading. Tracie
Hi Everyone, I'm now 15 days post op and I was wondering if anyone has been swimming yet? I was thinking about going swimming tomorrow, as at my local pool, on wednesdays and fridays they have women only slots and I thought it would be ideal. I am not a strong swimmer so im not talking about a zillion lengths, but I thought maybe a gentle crawl up and down a few times!!! My stitches have been taken out now and my wounds are closed. Do you think it is too soon? If i do go, should i cover the wounds? Thanks in advance M xxx:biggrin:
Hi everyone, I got banded on 9th June. Have lost 11lbs so far :rolleyes2::biggrin::rolleyes2::biggrin:
Hi everyone. Just want o start off by saying this site has been great to me since i found it 2 days before I got banded. I got banded in Prague on Monday 9th June So far, ive been feeling fine today is seems Ive developed a cold and I am sneezing every couple of minutes. Could this rip my stitches? Im so worried that the band will slip if I carry on sneezing like this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. The only meds I have at home for cold/flu are in massive tablet form. I tried chewing one but had to hold my nose as the taste was horrendous! Once the pharmacy opens tomorrow I will be straight there. Also, I have terrible loud rumbling in my chest area, I take it this is the gas. I have been walking quite alot and I know alot of people use gasx but i cant find it in the uk. I was on the phone to my mum yesterday and she heard the gowling from where she was down the phone and it was so loud and deep she asked me if I was up to something with a man!!! Does anyone have any advice on what else I can take? God, I know this will be sounding like Ive got loads of things wrong with me lol but I also have a lump on my arm, it seems to be where I had the IV. Is this normal? I think thats all my ailments...........for now:tongue2: Im sorry this post is so long! Im thinking abot getting my fills done somewhere closer to home so if anyone knows of anywhere that does them in the tendring area of essex, Id be really interested to know Thanks again for reading Tracie:lol:
OMG!!!! Jeannie, I cant believe it! One year on..........and nothing. That is absolutely terrible! I have a friend there right now being banded tomorrow and I also know someone who was also banded there around 25th May. How do you have your fills then? Do you pay for them elsewhere? Tracie
Hi there, i was banded in prague by BBC last monday. Have to say, before banding, my calls and emails very answered in very quick time, I have been back since Thurs and no email or call from either BBC or dietician since. Didnt have the best experience whilst I was out there. Told different advice and the language barrier was a real problem. i was shipped out there with no real follow up advice, I had to ask for pain meds to take home with me and even that was given in a huff. Im looking to get fills in uk I think Tracie
hi there, I'm Tracie not far from Clacton in Essex. Recently moved here only last year. I was banded on June 9th in Prague. So far so good although I have constant growling in my chest area and Ive heard about gasx but they dont seem to sell it in uk so anything that would help get rid of this would be greatly appreciated as it keeps me awake its so loud!! i would love to meet anyone who is nearby. I look forward to reading about your experiences oh, I started dieting on 26th May and I started off at 16 stone 11 and on the day of my banding I weighed 16 stone 1 and today I am 15 stone 6. Does anyone know any fill dr's near to me or where I could look? Thanks alot Tracie :frown: