So I tried a green smoothie today - 1/2 a banana 1/2 cup mixed berries a handful of spinach soy milk and protein powder - Blended pretty thin.
It tasted great but holy heck it hit my stomach like a ton of bricks. I felt nauseous and my stomach hurt so much after like 3 sips. I felt unwell for about 2 hours after and I was at work for my first day back so I wasn't in a rush to leave.
Was this dumping? Should I try again with less fruit? Was it just something I can't tolerate right now?
That pain though, nope, I never want it again. I have had a great first 2 weeks other than this no pain, fluids in easy - getting in about a cup of strained soup at meal times and I have been feeling great.
Anyone else not tolerating smoothies at this stage? Any tips?