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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mario1970

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  1. Mario1970

    Big trouble 3 years out. Please help

    Thank for your reply: How this nerve damage shows his symptoms? For how long we can live only on liquid diet....make no sense to me if we have an hiatal hernia that compromises so badly the quality of our lives we should get it done right away.
  2. Mario1970

    Big trouble 3 years out. Please help

    Update, after another week of struggling to eat anything that is not liquid, I have been able to get the ultrasound done, and not gallbladder is present, not even small stones, totally clean. The next step is to get the endoscopy done. In the meantime I start to consider 3 new scenarios: 1) anxiety. This could trigger reflux and extrasystole and after 3 months of lockdown could be possible....but I am not feeling stressed at all 2) 3 months of KETO destroyed my stomach and now I need a month of detox. Be honest I had my keto January to March and then I stopped because I have started to have these problems (In March was only about strong reflux, but not extrasystole. 3) Gas problems. I have noticed that the amount of gas I produce is equal to a cow, this could push the stomach up and compromise the cardiac to close properly and for this reason reflux start to get worst Let me know if you guys have the same problems too.. So, keep you posted, to help other people that could go through this after the gastric sleeve. Cheers I will do the
  3. Mario1970

    Big trouble 3 years out. Please help

    Hello Guys thanks for your help, really appreciated. First help from Ortiz's clinic....(still supports me after 4 years), is arrived. They suggest performing some tests to check if I have developed Hiatal Hernia. I am already booked for: - Gastroscopy - Ultrasound for gallbladder stones The symptoms are getting a little bit better since I only have very small food intake and mostly liquid, but extrasystole is there all-day.....3 beats 1 missing...so annoying, but I am getting used to it at this point, or at least I have to. Down 10 pounds already in a week, feel tired.... the same feeling like the pre-op diet.. I hope this getting better soon. Thanks for the support
  4. Hello, I got my surgery back in Dec 2017. Starting from 96Kg, going down to 76 going back to 90 I am 3 years out and despite I gain back most of the weight I still thinking that without the surgery my situation could be much worst. Till 3 months ago I did get any type of downside from my surgery, but starting from March I started to get a lot of problems with my stomach. I need your help to figure what's going on. 1) Despite I am obliged to eat a very small portion and small bites, after every meal (does not matter the type of food, dry or wet) I feel like I have a huge block over my stomach. Take up to 2 hours before I start to get better. Never had before this type of problem, was able to eat an entire Big mac without any problem 2) Often after the meal a start to have premature atrial contractions that persist for the entire day plus a strong tachycardia. 3) I woke up in the middle of the night with strong pain in my chest back and front due to reflux that is getting so worst that I need 40mg of Omeprazole plus 2-4 pills of Gaviscon every day. 4) I have constant pain in the liver area associated with nausea and diarrhea. So, all these symptoms are getting worst day after day making me impossible to eat anything without feeling miserable. In the past week, I can eat only liquid food So, I have been in the ER a couple of days ago due the strings tachycardia, that performs some exams and heart is totally fine. Hypothesis: Stress, Ernia, or something related to digestion. Do you have some suggestions? My problems start usually after the meal (but3 months ago never happen) The night reflux happens if I eat after 7pm and go to bed around midnight (never happen before either) The liver pain came up after 3 months on Keto, so I have stopped that since I am inclined to have metabolic syndrome. Till 3 months ago I was eating very spicy food with no problems, but I stopped doing that because if I am eating spicy food now, I could die. So, what's going on? Please help me!

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