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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About mattk53

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/02/1973

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm a High school teacher in Northern California
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Sports, Outdoors & my kids
  • Occupation
    Independent Study Teacher
  • City
  • State
    Northern California
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  1. Congrats on the weight loss thus far. I’m 3 weeks post op and started at around your weight (492). When did you start eating “normally” again? If you have. 

    1. Kikikayaker


      I’m still part time food... most time shake lol at 6 mo post bypass... but it doesn’t bother me. Hope you are doing well. I’m down to 145 from 240.
      best wishes

  2. mattk53


    Dr. told me No. Fruit has too much sugar.
  3. mattk53

    Diet soda

    No, I've also given up all carbonated drinks. I haven't had a beer or soda in about 10 months. Honestly I really don't miss them.
  4. mattk53

    Can I see some before and after pics?

    Wow, lOOKING GOOD! Denvergirl88.
  5. mattk53

    High fats

    I can tolerate mayo and butter in small amounts. The transition to solid foods was pretty seamless for me. I only threw up once when I ate one to many chicken wings.
  6. mattk53

    Constant heartburn

    I was prescribed omeprazole by my doctor and it looks like it's going to be a "rest of my life" thing.
  7. mattk53

    What can I eat

    I ate eggs everyday at that point. Scrambled, Hard boiled, omelets, etc. A great source of protein.
  8. mattk53


    I had decaffeinated in the hospital the day after surgery. I started having one small (8 ounce) cup of regular coffee in the mornings about two weeks out with a splash of sugar free creamer and a pack of Splenda. I'm now 7+ months out now and drink two small cups every morning. I also have the Cafe Latte flavor Premier Protein shake for breakfast most mornings and that also has caffeine in it. I was an crazy coffee drinker before the surgery. Usually 40-60 ounces a day. What I was told is Coffee is a diuretic and right after surgery you can get dehydrated easily. I was just very careful to get enough H2O.
  9. I also have Blue cross PPO and they only required three months where I filled out: How I was exercising, What I ate and how much weight I lost. Then I had to have my doctor sign it. Of course that's on top about 10 different test.
  10. mattk53

    Protein Shakes

    They are my favorite too. I order mine on costco.com. I think they have them at wallmart.com too.
  11. mattk53

    Feeling weak/rubber legs

    I agree it's your H2O. I use EnduroPacks Liquid Electrolytes spray in my H2O. I was getting bad leg cramps at night when I was first out of surgery. This knocked them out. It's a small bottle and you put 10 squirts in your water. Good stuff. You can get it on Amazon.
  12. mattk53

    I GOT A DATE!!!

    Awesome! Good luck, you're almost there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
