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California Guy

Duodenal Switch Patients
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About California Guy

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 01/20/1972

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    DIY, Baking
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    IT Manager
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  1. California Guy

    What is your 1st major milestone?

    Great topic! My milestones were: 1. Leaving Obesity Class 3 with BMI < 40 2. Leaving Class 2 with BMI < 35 3. Leaving Class 1 with BMI < 30 and being classified as just "Overweight'" 4. Stop taking high blood pressure medication once pressure was in the normal range 5. Running a mile. Completed four months of physical therapy, was able to run and hip pain went away. 6. Running two miles 7. My final milestone was to reach my goal weight of 190 lbs. (Initial was 300 lbs.).
  2. I've been taking the Multivitamin Capsule daily for almost one year. No issues. Also my labs came back fine.
  3. California Guy

    Are Protein Drinks Legitimate?

    It is very important to stop drinking diet soda. Your new nutrition plan should be centered around real food and a commitment to restructure the foods and beverages you take in. Avoid highly processed foods. Carbonated beverages are bad for sleevers. Artificially sweetened drinks are bad too. Your going to go without solid food along with all the beverages you are used to for 4 to 6 weeks (before and after surgery). Your body can take this opportunity to reestablish foods you like and crave. It is a big physical and phycological reset. Replace those old favorites with better new ones. I've learned cravings have short term memory and are relative. If you introduce a variety of healthy foods after your surgery, you'll settle on favorite foods amongst those foods you started eating after the big change. I agree you have to go cold turkey now on sodas so the liquid diet is manageable. I quit sodas and fried foods 5 months before my revision surgery. I practiced the post-op diet over 3 months pre-op. I suggest only having protein shakes during the liquid diet phase. Get your protein from natural sources before and after.
  4. It will get a lot better each day. Walking is really good for your recovery for a lot of reasons. Keep it up. I think I was in the same mode for a couple of days sleeping whenever and not really having days or nights. Don't worry about it, follow what your body needs - rest. You will be out of the hospital soon and feeling normal within days.
  5. California Guy


    When you lose a lot of your excess body weight, you'll have a lot of new found energy for hiking. Don't think of WLS as cheating. I think some people's bodies work against them and the WLS evens the playing field. Almost all my relatives are extremely overweight. There's a combination of bad genes and bad nutrition in my upbringing working against me. My advice is to forget all those bad habits and less nutritious food you used to eat. Establish a new plan. Avoid sugary drinks, fried food, and processed foods. Create new favorite foods. You'll find 6 weeks on a liquid diet will allow you to forget all your old cravings and really reset your likes. As you add in nutritious food, your brain will crave these new foods. It is really easier to prepare all your meals at home. Avoid fast food restaurants. Bring a sack lunch to work everyday so you control what you eat and stick to your plan.
  6. California Guy


    I eat bananas and apples daily. Grapes less frequently. I keep portions small and found fruit to be an essential part of my diet. It makes for a great snack.
  7. California Guy

    18 months

    I regained most of the weight I lost following the VSG. One mistake I made was to incorporate protein shakes into my daily nutrition. Non-processed food would have been more nutritious. The pre-op liquid diet was so effective that I used liquid meal substitutes long term. It wasn't satisfying, fulfilling, or sustainable. I had a revision to modified DS this year and improved my nutrition. Everything worked out better this time.
  8. California Guy

    Revision from VSG to BP

    I had a revision VSG to SADI-S Modified DS (Loop DS) 7 months ago. I read this surgery produces 85% excess weight loss on average. Sure enough, I lost 85% of my excess weight this year. We got to the point of needing surgeries due to poor nutrition. If you make a permanent change to your daily nutrition plan, you will get similar results. With the VSG 7 years ago, I lost 77% of my excess body weight then regained most of it back. I failed to establish and follow a good nutrition plan. The revision was a second chance and mal absorption helped me get where I am.
  9. California Guy

    I’ve been approved for a revision

    A hernia or acid reflux could be qualifying conditions.
  10. My pain in the largest incision was greatest during the first 4 days post op. It lasted 2 weeks.
  11. California Guy

    Post op diet

    I like Premier Protein the best. Yes, they are for PRE and POST surgery. Before the surgery, they support a calorie restrictive diet. If you are told to consume liquids only. After surgery, while your stomach and intestines heal, you'll need to only have liquids at first. Protein punch like Isopure, protein shakes, or protein powder added to liquids will fulfil your protein requirements.
  12. Five months after my WLS I had an 8 week stall. Zero weight loss in 8 weeks. Then all of the sudden, I lost 5 lbs. You should be fine. Just pick up where you left off.
  13. California Guy

    No exercise?

    I agree walking is good for your health for many reasons. You can lose most of your excess body weight by following a good nutrition plan with no exercise. Exercise will improve other aspects of your health. There are healthy overweight people and unhealthy people of average weight.
  14. Getting to your goal weight will add years to your life and will be worth going through all the hoops. Hope it goes smoothly for you.
  15. I weigh myself daily. It helps me identify trends and ensure I'm doing everything right. Just don't focus on daily data, try to compare by the week or by the month.

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