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About lilbit08

  • Rank
    Proud Dallas Mom
  • Birthday 03/14/1978

About Me

  • Biography
    I reside in Dallas Texas. I am married and have been for 8 yrs. I have 3 beautiful children. 2 girls and a son.
  • Interests
    I love to shop!
  • Occupation
    Admin Asst
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  1. Yah know vomiting was a scare for me too. But you know, I have not felt sick or felt like I had too once. My Dr Prescribed medicine for me to keep in fridge to have on hand so if I ever do get sick. I keep some at work in fridge too just in case. You cant do ibuprophen after surgery. I was lucky, my husband found Adult Liquid Tylenol. So I keep a bottle of that at work and home. My insurance didnt cover Dr Fox, so I had to pay him up front. Luckly we had a personal loan account with our credit union that was open and we used that for him. I was lucky insurance did pay, I was starting to have health issues, so that was in my favor, but it was 6 months of hoops and loops to get them to cover. I honestly dont regret any of it. Please feel free to talk to any of us on this site. I have met some really helpful people! We are on huge support group!!! DEB

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