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LAP-BAND Patients
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About lilbit08

  • Rank
    Proud Dallas Mom
  • Birthday 03/14/1978

About Me

  • Biography
    I reside in Dallas Texas. I am married and have been for 8 yrs. I have 3 beautiful children. 2 girls and a son.
  • Interests
    I love to shop!
  • Occupation
    Admin Asst
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  1. Thanks for looking at pictures. I was banded on January 22, 2008. I have no regrets what so ever. I was starting to have health problems, depression, and it was starting to cause problems with my marriage. Getting the lapband changed my life for the best!! I have energy, my health is awesome now, I have high spirits all the time, and my husband and are wonderful now. If I can help you in anyway let me know! Just ask. My insurance did help me with cost. I had loops and hoops I had to do to get them to pay, but it was worth it. email or IM me anytime Deb

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