4yrs ago my 4ml band was fitted and after a month the surgeon inflated it to my personal max which was about 2.5 mls. Despite following the (very strict) rules to the letter, vomiting or constriction required him to empty the band 4 times in the first year. A month after each de-fill he filled it up again to my personal max (under x-ray) which was slightly different each time. eg 2.2mls, 2.7mls, 2.4mls.
I had now spent £10,000 in total on the op, fills, de-fills and travel to and from London. That was the end of year one and I had lost 7 stones.
As I could no longer afford my surgeon or the travel, I sought alternative help which was offered infrequently on the NHS in Scotland within driving distance. I was advised that mine is a very old 1st generation band and that bands were now in their 3rd generation. (Larger and softer). Many of my NHS appointments have been cancelled due to 'clinical commitments', and I have made up for a shortfall in timeous treatment by doing my own fills/defills. This is not rocket science and has been very successful for me. I do not recommend it for you. In fact I recommend that you do not do it. I only do it because I don't want to vomit acid in my sleep and then inhale it. (If I did this I might be in intensive care with lung damage and not be able to keep my NHS appointment 2 days later for an 'emergency unfill'.:scared2:)
After 4 banded years I now have slippage and am throwing in the towel. I Have found a lovely new surgeon in another town who seems to understand what I have gone through b4 and during this process.
So, having had my final unfill I would appreciate your advice on what options there are and the advantages and disadvantages of different types of surgery.
I still have this goal you see; that my BMI will be less than 25.