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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Manatee

  1. Actually, most people are not symmetrical anyway. Ears, eye height, breast size, etc. So, it may be that you are simply highly focused on that area now. Do you have pre-op pics to compare against?

    I also second the swelling comment. You will not shrink the same on each side. Some areas will retain more liquid for a while. Give it a bit.

    I would start talking to the doc now about touch up, shouldn't be a huge process.

    (I actually wanted mine completely removed, but the doc didn't want to do that. Something about infection vectors. A shame -- I wanted to start a new religion :blushing:)

    Hang in there!

  2. Wednesday. I'm supposed to whine, right?

    Well, I think I'll pass on that.

    I am indeed really sore right now, but it's the side effect of round 2 on my Tummy Tuck. I'm very excited about the shape I see in the mirror, and this time I fully plan on holding my own instead of creeping back up. I made the mistake last time of loosening the band "to promote healing", but I instead got lazy and fatter.

    Funny thing, the shape changed significantly but the weight is identical to pre-op. Next up is several weeks/months of swelling and draining and such, but if I keep my intake and exercise programs in place I should be looking good for beach season.

    No pics for a bit until I can move better.

  3. Well, it's been a while since I posted, but nothing much has occurred. I had a followup with the doc and as of now I'm scheduled for another round of Lipo Feb 20. I really wanted the 16th, but so be it.

    Full anesthesia of course, lipo and some more trimming. I'm sure that it will also require the whole draining process etc. for several months after. Feh...

    There's a slim possibility that I might be hired before that point, if so the followup surgery will have to be pushed for a while.

  4. Is it for bigger numbers next week?

    Yup. Because each week stands separate, it makes sense to load up on as much temporary weight as possible just before the weigh-in. It makes your numbers the next week lower. Remember, these folks are quite literally drenched in sweat with their last-chance workout, and most don't rehydrate until after the weigh-in. Simply guzzling a lot of Water post-workout will raise your weight.

    What they should do is make the yellow line each week dependent on total % weight loss from the beginning of the season. That will keep folks honest, and if folks have been rocking and hit a stall they won't get tossed out.

  5. No reaction to last night's show? Or has the site been busted for everyone?

    Pretty clear waterloading on the part of the immunity pair. Sorry to see one of the guys go, but a bad week is a bad week. Should have been yellow, IMHO. You're there to work on a goal, freaking work on it!

  6. I disagree. It was obvious from the early episodes and the home episode that they were never truly friends. Carla is a domineering jerk, and I'm not surprised Joelle wants nothing to do with her.

    Joelle passive aggressive sabotage this episode? Yeah, probably -- but did you see the body language the MOMENT Carla showed back up? Hostile...

  7. More than likely, the the producers wanted the bigger kid (I already forgot his name) on the show, and asked him if he had a fat friend to come along. I don't believe that the other kid really wanted to be on this show in the first place.

  8. Anyone have trouble with docs not taking long-term care seriously?

    I'm having a reoccurring issue with the band tightening on me. I know there's day to day fluctuation, but this is more than that. I've had to have liquid pulled off twice now, and over the last week it's tightened again to the point of night reflux and interfering with all solids and even thick Soups.< /p>

    I tried talking to the office of my doc, but they don't seem to care at all about the issue and instead give me the "it's variable, deal with it" runaround.

    I will be camping in their office soon, but I was curious if others had this problem with long-term care. It seems that once you're a "success" the program doesn't want to keep spending effort on you. Anyone else feel the same?

  9. I'm having a reoccurring issue with the band tightening on me. I know there's day to day fluctuation, but this is more than that. I've had to have liquid pulled off twice now, and over the last week it's tightened again to the point of night reflux and interfering with all solids and even thick Soups.< /p>

    I tried talking to the office of my doc, but they don't seem to care at all about the issue and instead give me the "it's variable, deal with it" runaround.

    I will be camping in their office soon, but I was curious if others had this problem with long-term care. It seems that once you're a "success" the program doesn't want to keep spending effort on you. Anyone else feel the same?

  10. DH and DD were at the hospital the first part of the show... what exactly was the temptation? from what i saw all they had to do was cross the line ??? did they get any sort of weight penalty or whatever?

    Cross the line, leave the game and get $25,000 in your pocket.

    To those questioning, yes, the Detroit area is a pit and house prices are crazy low. Here's a listing for 4500, and it's in no way the cheapest house listed.


  11. The green girl that was sobbing was the one sent home. Tara is left, and she was pretty clearly well into this game that first week, hauling rear through the challenges only to have to wait for her partner.

    She'll do well. She's already playing the head game, giving away the phone call and obviously waterloading for this weigh-in to help next week.

  12. No comments yet on the latest episode?

    I've never seen ol' Bob get soooooo mad.

    I was also shocked at the age of the old guy (Jerry? I think) on there. I didn't realize he is just 63. My dad is 60, and Jerry looks easily 10-15 years older than him.

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