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Posts posted by Manatee

  1. I love Tivo. That whole show only took 20 minutes to watch :thumbdown:

    No real surprise here. Once Nicole lost immunity, there really wasn't any questions about who was going home. It simply had to be the 'new' person on campus who was already showing some hint of abs. Tara may have dodged a bullet there, but now she knows there's some serious competition outside the house.

    I think the 'doctor' on TBL is the worst kind of whore. He's obviously willing to say whatever the producers want him to say. I agree with previous posters about the WLS bashing; to blame Ron's current medical problems on that procedure is ridiculous.

    As an aside, I feel sorry for the other members of the South Lyon, MI city council that have to work with this guy on a regular basis. He is a hostile, manipulative bastage that probably has wet dreams about being Tony Soprano.

  2. Is anyone else starting to get really worried about this cult of personality surrounding Bob? Seriously, they punished Helen for "leaving the protection" of the Bob-bleheads?

    I've read in the past that he seriously indoctrinates them early on, but I've never quite seen it play out this way. There was absolutely no question in my mind who was going, because Aubrey was originally a Jillian trainee way back when this thing started.

    I think both trainers need some time off. It seems that both are more focused on winning the game than helping the contestants, and that is showing in the team play.

    The -moment- Tara or Laura go under the line they're gone. It's a shame because Ron or Simone or Filipe really need to get off my TV: whining children pretending to be men.

  3. I too love apocalyptical movies. However, it's been a very very long time since I've seen a good Nick Cage film. I try to avoid his films like I do Stallone's.....

    Well, I give him props for Raising Arizona, Leaving Las Vegas and Face-off (but he was trying to be Travolta, anyone's cool doing that). Gone in 60 Seconds wasn't bad, but that movie didn't require acting chops -- any breathing middle age male would work.

    Do you realize he's been in over -60- movies?

  4. Ok, I just came back from "Knowing"

    Full disclosure -- I love scifi, disaster, end-of-the-world type flicks. I give a LOT of leeway to these films, you have to buy into their view and mindset.

    That said -- this thing SUCKED

    It sucked so hard I expected to have a hickey when I walked out. It was so bad it should have starred Bill Pullman, Kevin Bacon and Anne Heche

    Just don't. Please. Save yourself the $8 and 2 hours. May I suggest instead Roadhouse?

  5. There's an old proverb -- "Don't borrow trouble from tomorrow."

    The fears you are feeling are perhaps well-grounded, but at this point you simply cannot know what the eventual results may be. You are young enough that you may snap back, or it may be that you will require surgeries.

    Whatever the case, deal with it as it comes. Worrying about it now only causes you stress and pain, and it's stress and pain that you may never need to face.

  6. Saw "I love you, Man" this weekend. Pretty well written and acted. Sounds like a dumb premise for a flick, but a lot of fun.

    I also saw "Duplicity." It's pretty much what the previews make it out to be, a con-artist film with the expected double crosses and such. It felt a bit slow sometimes but overall worth seeing. Perhaps a matinee.

  7. If you look at it not as blue vs black, but rather as Bob's original team vs Jillian's original team, then perhaps it makes sense. Throw all the weigh-ins, get rid of all the ex-Jillian people, and go into the singles competition with enough Bob-bleheads to take out Tara and the other remaining Jillian folks.

    Well, this apparently isn't the strategy either -- so I think they're simply incompetent game players. I appreciate emotional players, but they need to be thinking long term and not week-to-week.

  8. The biggest worry about 'heartburn' is that the acid is up in your esophagus rather than where it needs to be. The occasional incident probably isn't an issue, but if it is continuous or chronic you need to keep an eye out for esophageal erosion and ulcers.

    If you feel the band is causing the problems, you might look at getting a slight unfill. Even a fraction of a CC can make a huge difference. Been there, done that.

  9. To the OP -- absolutely yes, I would again get some sort of bariatric surgery. I don't know if I would go with the band, but at the time it was the best option for me. If my insurance would have covered a VSG I would have probably gone that direction.

    I'm almost 2 years out. I had a slip and a revision, but despite the complications this has been one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

  10. Remember that the first 6 weeks or so are all about healing and getting that band properly set in place. Don't go crazy munching, but don't worry too much about the weight right now.

    If it helps, think of the band as a multi-part surgery. Unlike the bypass patients who are done when they exit the surgery room, we have to wait and get fills to get the proper restriction. Until you're getting those fills, the procedure isn't yet over.

    Good luck and hang tight, this will pass.

  11. Rachel Getting Married -- turned this thing off 50 minutes in. Perhaps it's a finely crafted analysis of family relations and the difficulties of being a recovering addict. Perhaps it's just crap. In any case, it's a talky boring film with no likable characters and I truly wish I had those 50 minutes back.

  12. You know, that picture PROVES that he lost a TON of weight with his RnY. I do think he was expecting a magic wand that would magically wipe it all away with no work on this part.

    That's not Brown Dad.

    I haven't seen ANY pictures anywhere that show him thin. Even the ones broadcast on BL never show a thin or even mildly obese guy. Given the size of both of his boys, I'm certain he never made any serious attempt at lifestyle change.

    Then again, a -successful- WLS patient wouldn't be on BL.

  13. I really loved Memento, thought it was a brilliant concept.

    I too have issues with slasher/torture flicks. I don't mind a scary monster movie or something like that, but things like SAW or Hostel don't work for me. Why? Because somewhere out there in the world, someone is watching that and thinking it looks like a good idea to try. Bad Karma.

  14. Bob should have sent the Whinging Cousins back to Jillian -- but you know he cannot stand to let go of any member of his Flock. Brother Bob's ability to brainwash his team every season is truly frightening.

    I think Jillian and I would mesh a lot better than Bob and I. Take responsibility for your actions, damnit.

    In regards to the blue team strategy: let's see, Mandi was the only competition in the ball sit, Mandi brought y'all back into contention in the challenge (if the editing wasn't TOO misleading), and yet "It's Mandi's time to go." WTF?

    If you look at it not as blue vs black, but rather as Bob's original team vs Jillian's original team, then perhaps it makes sense. Throw all the weigh-ins, get rid of all the ex-Jillian people, and go into the singles competition with enough Bob-bleheads to take out Tara and the other remaining Jillian folks.

    Maybe Brown Ripple Dad IS the mastermind game player after all...or Bob is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

    (edit: if you don't like my posts, don't read them; if you think I can't walk the walk, check my pictures. If you just don't like me, it's your loss.)

  15. I was so surprised and digusted with the outcome for the blue team. That's why I think that it's a gimmick.

    It's not a gimmick, precisely. From what I've read from previous contestants, the actual weigh-in occurs elsewhere earlier.

    The production crew already knows the results, and the contestants are brought up to the fake scale in the most dramatic order for TV.

  16. I am appalled at all of the hypocrites on this site who are calling Ron "ripple dad" and "shar-pei" etc... He is not my favorite contestant either, but I suspect that those of you who are calling him those names would not pass a shirt-off test very favorably either! He is clearly a person who has struggled his entire life with his weight. There is an obvious genetic component and and a lot of pain for him both physically, and emotionally. Attack him for his actions, not his appearance. I thought everyone here on this site was supportive of weight loss attempts, not be the ones pointing fingers and tearing down.

    Feel free to put me on ignore. I will not change my opinion of him nor his 'team'.

    Life is not all rainbows and butterflies, and I don't believe in coddling the incompetent.

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