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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by tsoto1234

  1. hi, please i would like to hear more of your journey and where you are at today, i banded 5/8 @ 413, today 381.



  2. Hi, can you tell me more about your success with the band, you have lost so much in such a short time, tell me about your food plan and exercise program. I am out a month, about 23 lb lost, but struggling.

  3. I banded on the 8th of may, lost about 23 lb, the first two weeks i lost 20, but got dehydrated. I am struggling, but my food is 100% better than before the band, i am retaining lots of fluid, but it is due to bad circulation prior to surg. Tell me how your food plan is going?

  4. i got my first fill on the 25th, didn't feel too much of a difference, but i can't eat like i used to, i feel pain. i just hope i haven't stretched out my pouch from over doing it too often. i lost 33 so far since 5//8, so that is still good. how are you eating?

  5. Tell me about your food plan, I too struggling with feeling restriction as i should, i can drink 3 cups of water without no restriction and drink like normal like before band, out a month tomorrow.

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