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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to Qamilian1 in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    Yes you're right this sucks big time. My surgery was originally scheduled for March 2020 And I live in a great state of stupidville California where somebody hiccups and they shut the whole state down. Anyway I had to wait a year for my surgery date ultimately ended up being 3-18-21. A year after my original schedule date and one month exactly after my mother died of covid. That encouraged me big time because my mom's weight was so high they couldn't turn her over. Her suffering was so bad before we lost her. So I understand about the need for covid shutdowns and I understand the devastation of having this necessary surgery postponed. But everyone here is right saying stick to your guns and to the tools that you've learned. You can take off some additional weight before your surgery. Be even healthier for it, and your outcome can be good and you'll heal really well and fast. Time goes by no matter what we do. So let's make the best of the time that we have.
  2. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to BigSue in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I somehow missed this thread when it was first started. I just found it and enjoyed reading everyone's NSVs! I have a lot of similar ones, but here are a few of mine:
    I used to have to keep the steering wheel in my car raised to make room for my belly, and it blocked my view of the clock and temperature. Now I can put it low enough to see the whole dashboard. The other day, I climbed 12 flights of stairs like it was nothing. Didn't even have to stop for a break. Amazing how easy it is without carrying a whole extra person! I used to leave a lot of extra time when going to work, meetings, etc. because walking to another building or up stairs would leave me sweaty. I used to carry around a fan and small towel so I could cool off/dry off after getting sweaty. I also liked to be super early to meetings to make sure I wouldn't have to squeeze behind someone to get to a chair. Now I can just get there on time like a normal person and not worry about any of that. I was taking a walk recently (which is crazy in itself -- I never used to just go outside and take a walk!) and I had to move off the road while a car passed, and I tripped and fell in the grass. When I was 300+ pounds, a fall like that would have hurt and it would have been hard to get up. This time, I just jumped right back up like it was nothing. I no longer dread meeting people in person for the first time as I used to when I knew they would think less of me once they found out how fat I was.
  3. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to KarmaNina in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Not tripping or falling down because I can see the floor better. My belly was blocking the view of my feet. 😂
  4. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to LiteWeight1973 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    No more blood pressure medication
    Economy class airline seats aren't that small anymore
  5. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from james2021 in Kitchen supplies for early post-op   
    I got a small strainer that was a godsend early surgery. I bought so many Soups and strained them through that thing! Bought it at Walmart for like 1.50 and it was my best purchase.
  6. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from james2021 in Kitchen supplies for early post-op   
    I got a small strainer that was a godsend early surgery. I bought so many Soups and strained them through that thing! Bought it at Walmart for like 1.50 and it was my best purchase.
  7. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from Luna Girl in What was/is your greatest fear?   
    I was just thinking about this thread the other day. Reporting back almost six months post surgery to say,
    1. I didn’t die! Obviously.
    2. I didn’t have any complications. Easy recovery, feel totally normal now but just get full super quickly.
    3. It is working and I have 120 lbs of missing fat to show that’s true.
    4. Insurance approved! Best advice is to find the requirements and make that your exact goal. Insurance wants you to drop out, so stick it to them and make em pay!
    5. Regain will always be a fear, but I’ve grown more confident that I can use this tool to control my regain down the road. No matter how you lose weight, keeping it off will be a lifelong struggle.

    Basically I just wanted to check back in because I keep reading threads about people presurgery who are scared and have a lot of fears. It’s totally normal to have a ton of fear but please know that for the vast majority of us, it all ends up fine in the end.
  8. Thanks
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from HBurgeOlexa in Post-op question   
    I’ll admit, I was in some pain for the first 2 days. After that, it was basically nothing. I have so much liquid codeine left it is ridiculous. I need to find a place to dispose of it but I’ve not bothered yet.

    Things I found more painful than surgery:
    1. Infected tooth
    2. Ingrown toenail
    3. Sitting in a chair for a few hours with arms that cut into my fat hips like 6 inches while trying to pretend to enjoy time with friends. Really just spending the time in pain and hating myself.

    Ok the last one was mostly emotional pain. But still. :)
  9. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from Luna Girl in What was/is your greatest fear?   
    I was just thinking about this thread the other day. Reporting back almost six months post surgery to say,
    1. I didn’t die! Obviously.
    2. I didn’t have any complications. Easy recovery, feel totally normal now but just get full super quickly.
    3. It is working and I have 120 lbs of missing fat to show that’s true.
    4. Insurance approved! Best advice is to find the requirements and make that your exact goal. Insurance wants you to drop out, so stick it to them and make em pay!
    5. Regain will always be a fear, but I’ve grown more confident that I can use this tool to control my regain down the road. No matter how you lose weight, keeping it off will be a lifelong struggle.

    Basically I just wanted to check back in because I keep reading threads about people presurgery who are scared and have a lot of fears. It’s totally normal to have a ton of fear but please know that for the vast majority of us, it all ends up fine in the end.
  10. Thanks
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from Officially Not Fatty Matty in Sleeve is the BEST decision ever! Wish I had done this sooner.   
    My coworker that is almost 8 years post sleeve told me that this is the easiest diet she ever went on. And for me I’d say my experience has been very similar. A bit of struggle at the beginning, but I feel like I am finally free from endless and all consuming hunger and cravings. I’ve been on so many diets and this is the easiest and best one ever.

    And screw the people who say it’s the easy way out- so what if it is? How much suffering do you think that a fat person deserves to have in order to lose weight? Do we have to serve a certain amount of penance to make society happy? Unless they are weaving their own cloth for clothes and using a washing board at the creek out back, I’m pretty sure they are taking the “easy way out” in a lot of their life.
  11. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from Luna Girl in What was/is your greatest fear?   
    I was just thinking about this thread the other day. Reporting back almost six months post surgery to say,
    1. I didn’t die! Obviously.
    2. I didn’t have any complications. Easy recovery, feel totally normal now but just get full super quickly.
    3. It is working and I have 120 lbs of missing fat to show that’s true.
    4. Insurance approved! Best advice is to find the requirements and make that your exact goal. Insurance wants you to drop out, so stick it to them and make em pay!
    5. Regain will always be a fear, but I’ve grown more confident that I can use this tool to control my regain down the road. No matter how you lose weight, keeping it off will be a lifelong struggle.

    Basically I just wanted to check back in because I keep reading threads about people presurgery who are scared and have a lot of fears. It’s totally normal to have a ton of fear but please know that for the vast majority of us, it all ends up fine in the end.
  12. Haha
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from DaisyAndSunshine in What was/is your greatest fear?   
    Billho and Newyork lady, you guys are 100% in line with everything I’ve thought. It’s hard when you know that you are going to undertake surgery for something that is technically “fixable” without it...and yet evidence shows that it generally won’t be fixed without surgery. I’ve had a lot of stress over the fact that I did this to myself.

    One thing I’ve tried to tell myself is that a lot of medical conditions are self inflicted, but those people deserve to have their conditions treated and receive medical care regardless. Some cancers, accidents, etc are very self inflicted, but I certainly don’t judge those people for seeking and getting care, so we need to be a bit kinder to ourselves.

    Newyorklady, I was 100% sure that insurance was going to find some stupid loophole or change coverage or whatever and I would get denied. I had a gut instinct that would happen. Well, it actually went through with a next day approval first try, so maybe the part of my gut that knew it was going to be denied is the portion of my gut I’m removing. :)
  13. Thanks
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from Officially Not Fatty Matty in Sleeve is the BEST decision ever! Wish I had done this sooner.   
    My coworker that is almost 8 years post sleeve told me that this is the easiest diet she ever went on. And for me I’d say my experience has been very similar. A bit of struggle at the beginning, but I feel like I am finally free from endless and all consuming hunger and cravings. I’ve been on so many diets and this is the easiest and best one ever.

    And screw the people who say it’s the easy way out- so what if it is? How much suffering do you think that a fat person deserves to have in order to lose weight? Do we have to serve a certain amount of penance to make society happy? Unless they are weaving their own cloth for clothes and using a washing board at the creek out back, I’m pretty sure they are taking the “easy way out” in a lot of their life.
  14. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from Luna Girl in What was/is your greatest fear?   
    I was just thinking about this thread the other day. Reporting back almost six months post surgery to say,
    1. I didn’t die! Obviously.
    2. I didn’t have any complications. Easy recovery, feel totally normal now but just get full super quickly.
    3. It is working and I have 120 lbs of missing fat to show that’s true.
    4. Insurance approved! Best advice is to find the requirements and make that your exact goal. Insurance wants you to drop out, so stick it to them and make em pay!
    5. Regain will always be a fear, but I’ve grown more confident that I can use this tool to control my regain down the road. No matter how you lose weight, keeping it off will be a lifelong struggle.

    Basically I just wanted to check back in because I keep reading threads about people presurgery who are scared and have a lot of fears. It’s totally normal to have a ton of fear but please know that for the vast majority of us, it all ends up fine in the end.
  15. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to kc892020 in Can We Talk About...Birth Control?   
    Hello to everyone and a very big thank you to all of you for taking the time to respond.
    Unfortunately, the guy I was seeing broke it off with me and I never had to worry about bc in the first place (sorry if TMI). It was a pretty upsetting breakup. But at least thanks to all of your input, I have some ideas for the future, if anyone special ever does come along.
  16. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to ms.sss in Sleeve is the BEST decision ever! Wish I had done this sooner.   
    I think this is something that isn't said alot on here because of the fear of making others feel bad. I mean I get how it would be defeating to read about other's non-issue recovery/experiences when one is really struggling. With that said, I theorize there are actually quite a lot of people out there who actually did experience this process as "the easy way out" and did not struggle at all.
    I just basically said this in another thread: While it IS very nice/kind to keep the feelings of others in mind when posting stuff, it is also totally okay to say eff YEAH to Celebrate your own successes, whether it came easy or not. The level of difficulty one goes through to get to goal doesn't diminish nor increase the value of said goal. A goal is a goal is a goal. Yay, EVERYONE!

  17. Haha
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to Tim C in Sleeve is the BEST decision ever! Wish I had done this sooner.   
    Same here brother! Wasted a lot of time with the lap band before I had this done. The sleeve abides!

  18. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from smileburst in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I love these lists! I’m still 52 lbs from goal, but so far I have a whole list:
    1. Not feeling like I have to rush home to get into pajamas because it’s the only thing that doesn’t feel like it’s strangling me. Bras just fit better when you arent as fat, who knew.
    2. Chairs! Chairs with arms! Flimsy looking chairs! Patio chairs!
    3. So much variety in clothes, and I can wear styles I like instead of huge frumpy cardigans over everything. I can thrift now, and shop in pretty much any store.
    4. I feel like I have energy and interest in doing things again. I don’t just want to hide out at home and eat all weekend long.
    5. Not being terrified of running into someone I knew 10+ years ago in public because of how fat I’d gotten.
    6. I can go up the stairs and not die. I can exercise and not feel like I might die. Amazing.
    7. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday and they weren’t Bermuda length! And my thighs didn’t start a small fire.
    8. I like my facial features so much better now. My eyes look bigger, my jawline actually exists, and I look more like myself.
    9. At my heaviest my arms stuck out weird because of the fat, and my legs were always at a weird angle because of fat as well. I can rest my arms by my sides and stand with my feet together.

  19. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from chiquitatummy in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Yesss, getting rid of bra extenders is amazing!
  20. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from lizonaplane in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Oh man I just realized the other day I don’t have to rock to the side to get my seatbelt fastened anymore. There’s just room! And I don’t have to be concerned anymore that when I pull it out to buckle that I’ll hit the extension limit and have it lock up, and have to try again.
  21. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from lizonaplane in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Oh man I just realized the other day I don’t have to rock to the side to get my seatbelt fastened anymore. There’s just room! And I don’t have to be concerned anymore that when I pull it out to buckle that I’ll hit the extension limit and have it lock up, and have to try again.
  22. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to Officially Not Fatty Matty in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    The towel wrapping around already mentioned just happened to me and it was a huge AHAHAHA YESSSS moment. First time in a hotel in a while, I don’t wrap at home so it never occurred to me.
    Oh… and I went swimming (hotel also) for the first time since surgery and I sank! It was great. Didn’t wear a shirt either (like the shirt ever fooled anyone else anyway).
  23. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to STLoser in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    We bought this house 5 years ago. Our last house I had heavily landscaped, because I was much smaller and in better shape when I bought it it in 1999. I have barely done anything to this house and probably never would have. I could barely plant a few annuals without feeling like I was gonna have a heart attack Today i landscaped the whole front yard and I wasn't winded at all. I am so happy!!!

    Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  24. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions reacted to The Greater Fool in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I can fit in a bathtub. With my spouse.
    I can roll over in bed without having to do it in stages.
    I can fit into a theater seat, airline seat, any seat.
    Horseback riding on vacation with my spouse.
    Kayaking on vacation.
    Riding bike to work.
    Five marathons. Running across the Golden Gate Bridge.
  25. Like
    blackcatsandbaddecisions got a reaction from smileburst in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I love these lists! I’m still 52 lbs from goal, but so far I have a whole list:
    1. Not feeling like I have to rush home to get into pajamas because it’s the only thing that doesn’t feel like it’s strangling me. Bras just fit better when you arent as fat, who knew.
    2. Chairs! Chairs with arms! Flimsy looking chairs! Patio chairs!
    3. So much variety in clothes, and I can wear styles I like instead of huge frumpy cardigans over everything. I can thrift now, and shop in pretty much any store.
    4. I feel like I have energy and interest in doing things again. I don’t just want to hide out at home and eat all weekend long.
    5. Not being terrified of running into someone I knew 10+ years ago in public because of how fat I’d gotten.
    6. I can go up the stairs and not die. I can exercise and not feel like I might die. Amazing.
    7. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday and they weren’t Bermuda length! And my thighs didn’t start a small fire.
    8. I like my facial features so much better now. My eyes look bigger, my jawline actually exists, and I look more like myself.
    9. At my heaviest my arms stuck out weird because of the fat, and my legs were always at a weird angle because of fat as well. I can rest my arms by my sides and stand with my feet together.

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