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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by YvetteSims

  1. YvetteSims

    Anyone tried bubly carbonated water?

    I tried drinking carbonated waters and my stomach did not like them at all. I am 5 years out and I noticed bloating, burping, and gas. Also, the bubbles fill up your stomach and it doesn't leave a lot of room for your protein. Be careful! My doctor also said it was a 'No, No!'
  2. YvetteSims

    Weight lifting

    I started back with strength training and cardio 3 months after my surgery. I too was easily tired. I realized that I had to be more stringent with my protein to feed my muscles than ever before. I was so tired that I started skipping workouts. 6 months later, my body pulled from my muscles for the protein it needed. I lost weight like crazy, but I lost all of my muscle tone. I realized I wasn't drinking enough protein. So now, everything I eat and drink everything has a high protein count. If I am not hungry, I sip slowly from a protein drink. Isopure Isolated Whey and Gold Standard Protein Whey are my favs! I still drink a protein drink mixed with black coffee for breakfast and a drink in the afternoon mixed with black Okios Zero vanilla yogurt. My goal each day is to have a drink @ 50 grams each twice per day. This should help with fatigue during your workouts. Try a pre-workout powder for energy. Good luck!
  3. YvetteSims

    2 years post sleeve

    Thank you so much for that Catwoman! I'm in the process of re-losing 15lbs to my goal weight. I've noticed that I also had to go back to keeping a food diary and being stricter than normal with my food choices. I'm upset that I allowed myself to gain 15lbs once I achieved my goal weight. I became very lax with my food choices. But now I am exercising, toning, and eating more balanced than I was before. This time I don't have the 'skinny' look. I look more 'toned.' This is what I wanted. But it truly starts with your diet and finding your 'sweet spot.' It is all worth it in the end for a healthier you!
  4. I have to say this as I'm shaking my head....😊 Within the past 2 years I pretty much ate what I should not have been eating...basically, all of the above in the previous posts. You may be able to handle it, but what you're doing is setting up bad eating habits going forward. I'm 5 years out and I'm battling sugar and carb craving like crazy! I told my doctor I feel like a heroin addict, seriously! He basically said, 'you introduced something back into your diet and now your body is craving it. You will have to expunge it from your body and diet, to lose the gained pounds and maintain your weight.' Easier said than done! I wish I had never started eating M&Ms, pizza, organic chips, and Skittles! In the last 8 months I have gained 15lbs. First gain ever!! Now I am desperately trying to purge sugar and processed carbs from my diet. Exercise will only do so much. It's your diet! So my advice is to be very careful with what you are introducing back into your diet after WLS!
  5. Hi CammyC, I'm 5 years out but I always take a small bite and wait about 5m to see how my body will react. This has saved me from extreme nausea or embarrassing moments in public. Now, I always judge for myself on what is healthy. For example, I ordered plain scrambled eggs at a restaurant and I got horribly sick afterwards. I felt as if I was in childbirth! 😰 They must have cooked the scrambled eggs in butter and my stomach reacted to it. Now I have a few restaurants that do not make me sick and I cook mostly at home. I rarely eat other people's cooking. I've learned my lesson with that too!
  6. YvetteSims

    What food regimen are you on?

    I have actually been eating pretty much all lean chicken since my surgery 5 years ago and I haven't gotten tired of it. I cook or eat my chicken different ways/different flavors so boredom doesn't set in. I've tried eating other meats, but they just don't sit well with me. Nausea will rear it's head pretty quickly! If I ignore the warning, dumping syndrome comes next. No one wants that! 🤢 Using different herbs, lemon and lime juice, and chicken broth to flavor my foods helps to keep dishes tasty and flavorful.
  7. Hi all, I had my sleeve surgery in 2015 and I have never looked back since! I absolutely love it! I followed the doctors orders and changed my food choices, so I haven't had any complications. All of my pre-existing conditions went away (pre-diabetes, HB, joint pain, back pain). 5 years later and when I see the scale go up a few pounds, I immediately make revisions in my diet. Problem solved! I can lose weight easier now than before the WLS. You will not regret choosing the sleeve. Good luck!
  8. YvetteSims

    Recreational Drugs

    Well said Sideeye!! 👏 These forums are for people to ask questions because they do not know, and to gain insight in an environment we are all familiar with. Smart remarks or negative responses are not upbuilding nor do they help. I'm sure after your comment (and throwing up for 3 days! 🤮), the reader will re-evaluate their choice of entertainment and hopefully make better health choices going forward. If their destructive behavior continues, they may want to consider seeing a therapist. At least that is what Dr. Now would suggest from 600lbs! 😉
  9. YvetteSims


    Like Sammi_Kat, this quarantine is actually helping me. I'm taking this time to relax, re-gain focus on my diet, exercise, and getting my house in top order! There is so much to do around the house, that between AM workouts and organizing my house, I am closing all of my rings on my Apple watch every day! So I'm actually more active than I was when going into the office and sitting at a desk all day, surrounded by cupcakes, cookies, and other office sweets. I shop at Sprouts and I'm enjoying picking up protein rich foods in small quantities, such as shrimp, shredded chicken, sweet potato bites, and other lean options. I'm enjoying how the world has slowed down just for a while, because it will pick back up soon enough! 😚

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