I have PCOS and insulin resistance. I am 19 years old and my metabolism is total crap. I have gained over almost 200 pounds in the last 4 years even while eating healthy. I have been trying really hard to lose weight for the past 6 months and was successful in losing 4 pounds the first month after my doctor put me on Metformin. Then she put me on birth control the month after to treat my PCOS and bring my periods back, but then I started gaining weight again. I got my period back but kept gaining weight. At first, I didn't want to go off of the birth control because I wanted to have normal periods every month but soon went off of it after 4 months of gaining at least 3 pounds consecutively. Even after going off of it I still keep gaining weight every month, and I am so worried that my insurance is going to deny me because I haven't lost or maintained weight since my first month starting this. My doctor then prescribed me more Metformin so that I take it morning and night, and so far I've just been maintaining my current weight. My PCOS has been ruining my life since I was 14. Treating it and not treating it, I can never win! Does anyone else have this and feel this way?