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Everything posted by jlg1019

  1. jlg1019

    Anyone from WV???

    Now Steph and kdlee...lets not argue over WV and VA or I will send you both to your rooms for time out!!! She did say "travel a few hrs.,"however", but we're all friends here. And remember...we're all HUNGREY!!
  2. jlg1019

    Anyone from WV???

    Hi....quess what...had a fill finally...2cc ( I have the largest band). It is definitely working....feel much fuller. Hope I can do better. Thanks for your concern! I got a little discouraged, but hope I'll have good news this month.jlg1019
  3. jlg1019

    Anyone from WV???

    HI, Sorry...I've had my hands full.....and quess what...I had my first fill and its working....now I know what it feels like once again to be full. It turns out that I have the largest band, so I had 2cc. I had to go to Day Surgery...it was hard to find...at a slant, I think. Wish me luck. jlg1019:rolleyes:
  4. Hi: I had surgery on March 27. I'm 54 years old and was the first one to have the surgery by this Doctor and in this hospital. He's a superb Doctor and took a lot of training by the best, so I wasn't worried. I was hurting more than I thought after surgery, but recovered fast and was back to work in a week in a Doctor's office as a secretary/receptionist. I lost 16 pounds in a week and only drank four ounces every four hours of liquid. After that week, I felt very nervous and stressed that I wasn't doing well, because my weight loss slowed down. I lost eleven pounds in the next 3 weeks. The next month was even slower, and I lost only six pounds, and I seem hungrier faster. I'm now in my third month, and wonder if I need some saline inserted. I have always been tall (5ft.9inches) and weighed more than most because I am a big girl, but gained the "ugly" weight after a hysterectomy at the age of 30. I work for a psychiatrist in WV and had my surgery done in Princeton, WV. I'm happy to be able to chat with people who have also had this surgery.
  5. Hi, I think that everyone is forgetting about the woman that carried him for 9 months and gave birth to him and loved him and his father. She was caucasion...white, so I look at him as best of both worlds..he is our new color, not white not black, but just a presidential nominee and democratic winner.
  6. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    He just tells me that its not time since I lost as least six last month. Maybe this month since I have done awful. I feel that I have wasted a month of "maybe" losing!jlg1019
  7. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Thanks for the quick reply...I hope that I get a fill soon to see if it will help. jlg1019
  8. jlg1019

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    Hi...yes, I thought it was common practice too, but my doctor says that as long as I lose at least 6 lbs. per month...no fill. I just don't know what to think. jlg1019
  9. jlg1019

    Anyone from WV???

    Hi from Princeton, WV. I had my surgery March 27,2008 at PCH hospital. I was their first and do not regret it at all. I have lost 35 lbs., but feel like I could have done a lot better. I have had no fills, as my Doc says as long as I lose around 6lbs per month....no fills. Its not as easy and quick as I thought and I still have to drum up my own willpower to do most of it. But, if I were not losing this little bit a month, I'd be gaining it per month. Good luck!!! I love southern WV with all of its lovely trails and parks to walk in. jlg1019
  10. jlg1019

    3 months banded then removed

    Hi Paula08, What a thing to go through! I think that they should have waited after your "unfill" for a day or two before they took your band out. Remember how hard you worked to lose that weight, and a lot of it was your will to do it. The band only helped you feel fuller. Don't give up, because I know exactly how you feel, and I would be scared too but I want you to show them all and lose more weight. Go to your doctor once a month anyway, and weigh in...that helps me. Good luck, jlg1019
  11. jlg1019

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    HI CRYSTAL 115, GOOD LUCK! I haven't had a fill yet and its been 3 months...let me know how it goes. jlg1019
  12. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Hi, since I didn't know about my replies, its now 6-24. I still haven't had a fill...now you can tell me how it was if you don't mind. I need one very badly...feel hungrey and out of control. jlg1019
  13. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    I thought for sure that I would'nt have to wait so long on a fill, but I also trust my doc....I have to try harder!!!jlg1019
  14. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Hey...I love Marshall! Good luck to you. jlg1019
  15. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Hey, sorry for the long wait..responses were put in my junk mail...I agree with you...I went through a lot to have it put in, and I want to take every advantage of the operation. Thanks for your perspective!jlg1019
  16. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    I explained to another nice person that my forum responses were put in my junkmail folder, and I didn't know about them. Sorry, I will check it regularly. Good to here from a fellow PCH employee. I do trust my Doctor...he's the best. I just get discouraged with the slow weight loss, but he gives me pep talks every month. Thanks for responding. jlg1019
  17. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Hi: Sorry, its been a good while since your reply...they put my lapband forum talk in the junkmail part of my email folder, and I rarely look in it. Now, I will check it regularly. I do need a fill, but my doc says that I don't and to wait. I'm getting discouraged also, but will ask for a fill next month again. Yes, there are several foods that "go through fast", and I stay hungry also. I have to do better. Good luck, jlg1019
  18. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Thanks, I know that you're right...hope that a little walking & exercise will kick the metabolism in. jlg1019
  19. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Yes, the "exercise" reminder...I try to tell myself that you don't need that...but you're right...I lose more when I walk my mile or two a day. I have also bought some small weights as I'm older and getting "loose" skin as I loose. Thanks, jlg1019
  20. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Glad you replied...I thought it was time for a fill...going to ask him Monday. I would love to do better.jlg1019
  21. jlg1019

    2 month into lapband

    Hi..I see the Dr. this Monday, and will ask for a fill, but he seems reluctant to do this. I will let you know, and good luck to you...I will never regret having it done. jlg1019

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