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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by janesays

  1. hey-- saw your recent before and after pics.... you look SO GREAT!! congratulations!

  2. does your insurance not let you have the surgery if you go under a 40 bmi while on the pre-diet? i know a lot of insurance companies allow it (some have restrictions that you cant go below a 35 bmi) as long as your doctor has documented your high weight. i would find out if i were you, the more weight you lose before the band, the easier and faster your journey will be for you! i lost about 20 pounds in the months before my surgery.

    either way, definitely stay strong during these next few months! you can do it! do your best to at least not GAIN any weight, because i know how guilty i would have felt in the first month or two of being banded just trying to get back down to the first weight!

    and besides, its always good to get in the habit of things before you actually have the surgery. all it does is make life easier for you!

  3. haha well you just keep acting tough but i know the truth.... ;)

  4. good luck with your surgery today!

  5. haha well i dont know about you but i associate "the most common name in america" with boring! im going to make sure my kids get a unique name... i dont know.. something like... devo.

  6. your family sounds like a smart family... the gf, well, you may need to help guide her a little... haha.

    and thanks so much for thinking of me! i am doing well. i recovered really fast, or at least faster than i thought i would. i've just been doing a lot of walking with my parents since they are in town... but they both walk at a snail's pace so i don't think i am pushing it too much.

  7. hey! how did your adjustment go??

  8. feeling justtttt fine.... thanks for thinking of me! no pain anywhere, except for a little fullness feeling telling me i am done eating, and hunger pains telling me i need to eat again! it is SO weird getting full off of 2-3 ounces! i can tell i am healed though because it only takes 2 or 3 hours to feel hungry again... hopefully that's what it stays at until i get my first adjustment dec. 17!

  9. well you are spot on... i actually picked it after the jane's addiction song.

  10. thank you! july 2009-- that isn't too far away! do everything you can to lose/just maintain your weight until then-- you'll thank yourself later!!! i lost about 20 pounds from my highest weight in the months i was waiting for surgery.

  11. hey, it looks like we'll be having surgery around the same time! I'm aiming for mid-October, but it depends on my doctor. What about you?

  12. well i dropped those ten pounds in like 4 days flat! but now it just says the exact same 231.8 every time i step on the scale, day and night. i'm starting to think it's broken. or, at least, i'm hoping... haha

    oh well, i'm still way ahead of the goals i had set for myself... i wanted to weigh 230 by my one month.... and that's a long time from now

    how was your thanksgiving?

  13. haha i am doing great. only lost 10 of those pounds since surgery, but im already healed i guess, because i get hungry sooo fast! my first fill isn't until dec. 17, so i've just been avoiding thin liquids so that i stay fuller longer until then.

  14. hey thanks girl! you know ive just still been counting my calories everyday, and im eating around 1000 net cals a day (so more if i exercise). but im eating kind of like a bird-- so like 4 or 5 smaller meals a day.

    and just walking everyday, but i need to get back in the habit of some hardcore exercising everyday... bc im losing all that muscle i built up a few months ago!

  15. good luck with your surgery today! I saw a post of yours about you/your boyfriend. I'm from Dallas but I moved to Columbia, MO for school about 2 years ago. I feel your pain with the long-distance relationships! Congrats on getting married as well!

  16. hell yeah we do! i'm feeling about 97% today. when do you start your pre-op or have you already started?

    and i had a pretty non-existent thanksgiving this year, haha. how was yours?

  17. your weight loss is so inspiring to me-- I look a lot like your "before" picture. keep up the good work. :)

  18. well after my last small fill it has been a little bit harder for me to get down food in general.... but im figuring it out. like, if i drink a lot of water before i eat, its not bad. but sometimes i will be out to eat with friends and feel like i have to order something more than just a salad, which i know i can handle... and the first few bites SUCK. but if i wait a little after that, then it doesnt really hurt and i can eat enough where it looks like nothing is wrong with me!

    i havent really lost more weight, but i am still losing. just very slowly. still the same as my ticker. what about you?

    i saw your pics you posted on facebook and you look HOT! love it! didnt want to comment on them there so i am commenting now-- you are a babe!

  19. sorry it took me so long to respond, i was in chicago this weekend.

    first of all, thanks! im glad you got something out of my post! i'd say listen to your doc, though it sounds like he gave you a more strict pre-op diet. not necessarily a bad thing at all! my doc was ok with sugar free pudding, which i mixed with protein powder and found to be AWESOME. i had it for bfast and snacks when i thought i was going to eat my hand. my doc was ok with 16oz of skim milk a day.


    he told me the purpose of the preop diet was to shrink the liver, and the best way to do that is to cut out almost all carbs and sugar. the liver sits right above the part of the stomach your surgeon will be working on. it just reduces the risk of complication in surgery.

    on the plus side, any weight you lose before surgery just makes it that much easier to get to your goal weight afterwards!

    sorry i just realized i am writing you a novel. send me a private message if you have more questions! :)

  20. thanks for the pic comment and the compliments! happy to share my NSVs, but just especially happy that i am HAVING them! heres one i had today... sharing it JUSt for you (because you said you like reading them! haha)


    i was working out with my trainer today, and while i was doing pushups he goes "hey, i can finally see your tricep muscles coming in!" my arms are my least favorite part of my body, but they are getting muscular which is awesomeee and so motivating for me to lift harder. then, later in the workout, he just kinda stops and says "you know, thinking back to when we first met (like 8 months ago).. it's just night and day. you arent the same person at all. you can run circles around the old you." which, i mean, i knew... but its always great when someone else notices your achievements.


    you have done a great job so far along the journey with your weightloss! keep in touch!

  21. omg thats so crazy--- PLANO!! my hometown! i am now like, creepily envisioning you guys married with your kids growing up and going to my HIGH SCHOOL! hahaha that just blows my mind. what are the odds?!?!

    where in dallas is he from? plano? because then we might actually know some of the same people or something and that would be REALLY weird!

    well anyways, sooo glad you are so happy! its just too bad i dont live in texas anymore and only visit like 3 or 4 times a year..

  22. gina! i miss you girl... happy birthday, and update me on your life!

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