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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by janesays

  1. my main lbt man DREW! good to hear from you i've been missing your updates! see you are 56 pounds down now.... awesome, awesome. and you can always feel free to text me whenever!

  2. DREW IS THAT YOU IN THOSE NEW PICS YOU POSTED?!?! looking awesome, keep it up!

  3. going well. today was my first day of my liquid diet before surgery on november 20. so ready to get this thing going!

  4. im doing well thanks for asking! my mom is alright, considering the circumstances. she starts chemo on tuesday and is being very brave, but the doctors and everyone are very optimistic so we are too. :) thanks so much for asking! hope all is well on your end-- because you are looking fabulous! :) jane

  5. yay! im glad you can finally feel it! yeah after i got my last fill i had that feeling and it went away after about 3 days and i could eat solids again, just a much smaller amount. but then it got all fickle on me (i was stressed with midterms at school and also flying back and forth, so that may have effected it).. but after about a month i got a slight unfill, and then another slight unfill a week after that. now, im fine. it was rough for abut a month and a half but on the upside, because i wasnt eating much and being sure to get in all of my vitamins/protein because of that, i had really solid weightloss! haha but now that i am where i should be and able to eat solids, i am still losing but at the HEALTHY and slower rate... still, thats like 1.5-2 lbs a week.. :)

    its so hard to determine our sweet spot! i hear from others that are farther along than us that they still have problems every once in awhile. but i guess its good to be reminded once in awhile that our band still works!

  6. thanks for the picture comments/compliments girl! i stepped on the scale today and dropped 2 pounds overnight... love when that happens! especially when yesterday i thought i did BAD because i indulged and had some ben and jerry's froyo (half baked flavor)..... guess it pays off to reward yourself once in a blue moon, haha. i am sooooo close to the 2-teens on the scale, i can taste it!

  7. thank you! you have been doing very well yourself. i added you to my contact list on here so you could see my photo album. there are a bunch of pics in there! not a lot of comparison pics, but i have a recent one uploaded.

    how have you been doing with your band the past 5 weeks?

  8. of course of course! there should be a disclaimer!

  9. so excited for you and your christmas present! hopefully you will be up on your feet in time for new years :)

  10. hi chelsea's mama! i can see where she gets her natural good looks from :)

    great job on all of your weight loss! im glad LBT has gotten me to meet you and your daughter... she is pretty awesome!

  11. chelsbels! i got home to my apartment and my scale, finally, after 2 weeks apart! this morning it said i was 226! that means on average i am still losing 2 pounds a week! annnnnnd now my bmi is 34.9!!! under 35 means "just" obese, not clinically obese! YAY!

  12. woo 49 pounds lost! go drew go!

  13. alright katiebug, ms. LBT inspiration 2008-09! if there were an award you would totally be getting it....

    by the way, i see you got a new hair color-- very cute!

  14. aw im sorry. if you have any comorbities you might want to try appealing your insurance, because with a bmi of 44 a lot of insurance companies will cover the surgery, at least partially. sorry i can't help you more since i don't know more doctors in the dallas area... my doctor self-pay was about 12,000. if you look into a loan, i know there are a lot of really good student loans you can get! so that's a bonus. good luck with everything, let me know if you have any more questions!

  15. im at school for the summer... the weight loss is slower but still pretty good! ive been working out a LOT and have the best personal trainer, so i am not losing weight as much as i am gaining muscle. i definitely have no restriction and could use a fill, but am not sure i want to get one... doing alright on my own for now.

    you look BEAUTIFUL and so happy! missss youuuu update me more on your life!

  16. yeah same here! i'd die if some of my friends or especially some of my ex boyfriends found out! they don't need any fuel to add to the fire haha


    as of right now just my best friend, my brother, my mom, my stepdad, and like 2 other non-friends know (my mom's hairdresser-- who has the lapband herself! and my friend's dad... not sure why he knows)

  17. my friends have big mouths too so that is EXACTLY why i did not tell them! i figure i can always tell them if i decide to one day but i can never UN-tell them. besides, how many of my friends know about any of my other medical history? it just didn't make sense to me. maybe i will tell a few more later, if they ask or if they are looking into the surgery themselves... though almost all of my friends are skinny so that may be a long time!

  18. scarecrow-- ive missed you! thank you for the compliments, it really means a lot! how have you been? and please... i want to see some update pics of you!

  19. well you have done SO great so far, really. everyone experiences what you are right now as im sure youve read on the board. i did too! i think i told you about that a little in response to one of your posts. i had my first fill 4 weeks and started eating what i would say are the "right" portions for me at my second fill, but im glad i eased into it. its so weird now, when i think about it, that no one really notices how little i am eating compared to the amount i used to eat! but yeah 5 weeks in i was definitely worried, I think one night i had like 5 tacos or something. old habits die hard. couldnt imagine eating even a full one now! i dont even crave a lot of those bad foods anymore, i guess my body is used to it.

    good luck with your fill!

  20. awesome! yeah i got my first fill of 1cc at 4 weeks, and i am getting another fill jan 7th. so it's devo, right? that's a cool name. mine's jane... pretty plain and boring haha.

  21. yay! the scale is still moving for me, sometimes i think it isn't but when i look back over the past few weeks and months, it definitely is averaging 2 pounds a week! i am in a tight 12, but a 12 nonetheless, and i want it tight now so that i won't have to buy new jeans for awhile!

    my mom is doing well! she started chemo and is doing better than most with that, as far as not being nauseated. thank you so much for keeping her (and me!) in your thoughts/prayers!

  22. yay 50 lbs thats awesome! you can definitely TELL girl!

    i just moved and dont have my scale with me, but i would be totally surprised if i havent lost more weight. since i moved that also means i left my trainer... needing your boyfriend-trainer-friends more than ever now! haha

  23. hey isabella! just wanted to say great job, and thanks for posting your update pictures! i remember looking at your pics almost a year ago or so, and it gave me so much hope! now that im losing about 10lbs a month on average and about halfway to my original goal, it helps to see your "after" pics again.

    anyways, just wanted to say hi!

  24. hey girl! im doing well how about yourself? sorry just saw i didnt reply to your last message about 2 months ago! if that exercise tape you were talking about is anything like jillian michaels 30 min shred, then you are right! its a good way to get in cardio if you can push yourself through the whole 30 minutes! i love it.

    how is your fill? hopefully you still arent too tight. :)

  25. oooh chelsea i like the new profile pic! you little vixen you!

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