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Status Updates posted by janesays

  1. hiii! well i have been enjoying single life for a long long time, so glad you can join me! haha sometimes i actually consider seriously dating someone, but then i realize that im much too busy for a boyfriend right now.

    SOOO- im living in new york now, having lots of fun! and 44lbs to goal??--- girl where is that going to COME from you dont have that much more to lose from what i can see in your pics!!! haha i am at 168ish now, i am completely happy where i am now, but if i end up losing another 15lbs or so, i wouldn't complain!

    talk to you soon, keep on updating me on your fab life!

  2. i love austin, my brother lives there so i visit almost every time i go back home to dallas. only been to san antonio once.... but it was beautiful (as is the entire state of texas)! we stayed at a hotel that used to be a hospital overlooking the alamo?


    anyways, keep me updated!

  3. i mean like, without getting too full to the point it hurts, and then i want to throw up or spit up. thats what i meant by sick. :)


    dont worry, once you get the right fill you will be able to eat the right amounts. tuesday is less than a day away!

  4. im at school for the summer... the weight loss is slower but still pretty good! ive been working out a LOT and have the best personal trainer, so i am not losing weight as much as i am gaining muscle. i definitely have no restriction and could use a fill, but am not sure i want to get one... doing alright on my own for now.

    you look BEAUTIFUL and so happy! missss youuuu update me more on your life!

  5. im not that much farther ahead of you-- we've lost the same amount of weight! and the first 20lbs i lost before surgery.

    i think you are doing allll the right things! afterall, this is one of the reasons why we chose the lapband over any other type of WLS. slow and steady is the healthiest weightloss.

    as far as eating tips, anything i would say wouldnt be much different than any old diet tells you. just eat healthy - but watch your calories. for me, i cant keep track in my head... ive been using thedailyplate.com to count my calories every single day... obsessively. gotta stay accountable for everything i eat!

  6. janey! did i say you could call me janey? haha just kidding, i guess you can... but just this one time. ;)

    im doing splendidly, i should be getting my first fill on wednesday and boy do i need it already! mizzou is hitting me up with some rough finals this week... looks like i won't be getting any sleep!


    oh and thanks for the picture comments :)

  7. no prob! :)

    so, how did it go? did you get a fill?

  8. noooo way! i couldnt sleep, i decided to check up with people i havent talked to on LBT lately... decide to stop by your profile and what do you know?? it says you are uploading pictures! again! and you have no new pictures! haha you are such a teeeeaaaasssseeee!

    anyways i came back to mizzou early before classes start. the cold makes me want to go back down to texas, but i've been doing pretty well up here.. eating right and exercising a lot. how are you doing?

  9. o...m....G!!!!!! i am so excited for you!!!! YOU ARE SUCH A HOTTIE! it was only a matter of time before some guy asked you out.

    p.s. REMEMBER, if you really like him, hold out on everything for a little bit, no matter how much you want to go back to his place or whatever your style is. but if you realize on the date he's not really relationship material, then have fun tonight and let out that inner slut you keep talking about! haha its the ho code. or whatever. i just made it up.

    do what you want! im so happy for you! message me with all the details!

  10. oh no im sorry to hear that your unfill was too much... when will you go get another tiny fill?

    in the meantime-- you just gotta think positive! thats the great thing about this band, you know you can always get it adjusted. you know HOW to lose weight-- i think everyone has been pretty successful in losing a small amount of weight in the short term before they had the band.

    as for me, i just hit 210 this morning, meaning i am HALFWAY to my goal! granted, thats counting my weightloss started back over last summer, but it still feels really good. come ON gina! we said we would keep up with each other-- you gotta pass me and then we can both get down to ONEderland!

  11. omg that is NOT a joking matter! i just worked out with my trainer tonight.... he is super super hot, i love it when he works out with me side-by-side, because that means he changes into his under-armour clothes where i can see every rippling muscle on his body.... i look like im sweating a lot but i think it may actually be drool...

    wow you can tell i am in DESPERATE need of an ACTUAL boy in my life, not just my 30-year-old trainer who is married with a newborn baby! so fed-ex away all your single bodybuilder friends to me!

    theres also an intern at my trainer's gym, who is my age and just as gorgeous. sooo.... i have found some new eye candy. needless to say, they both get me going to the gym every day, especially the days that im not exactly feeling up to it.

    p.s. how are you doing?? clearly you got me revved up, so sorry for the long reply! haha

  12. omg thats so crazy--- PLANO!! my hometown! i am now like, creepily envisioning you guys married with your kids growing up and going to my HIGH SCHOOL! hahaha that just blows my mind. what are the odds?!?!

    where in dallas is he from? plano? because then we might actually know some of the same people or something and that would be REALLY weird!

    well anyways, sooo glad you are so happy! its just too bad i dont live in texas anymore and only visit like 3 or 4 times a year..

  13. OMG!!!! haha i loooove surprise presents, so that must have been AWESOME! what a great xmas present!!!

    haha that quack doctor owes you big time for all the crying he must have put you through! and for all the sadness he made me feel for you!

  14. omgoodness reginaaaaa (i know you hate when i call you that, but too bad!) i was just looking at your before and during pics and i just have to let you know, you're a hottayyy!


    p.s. i have gotten on chat 2X now looking for you specifically, and you are nowhere to be found.. we need to catch up girlie

  15. shaney shaney shaney you look great! came back on here to get an update on all of my old LBT friends and to update everyone on me! i have set a date for plastic surgery... october 19! five weeks from now! TT and breast lift. i'm working out with a trainer still to make sure that im in the best shape before this thing so that i can recover in seconds flat. :)

    i know you said you were looking into plastic surgery too... have you been thinking more about it at all?


    update me! hope all is well!

  16. sorry it took me so long to respond, i was in chicago this weekend.

    first of all, thanks! im glad you got something out of my post! i'd say listen to your doc, though it sounds like he gave you a more strict pre-op diet. not necessarily a bad thing at all! my doc was ok with sugar free pudding, which i mixed with protein powder and found to be AWESOME. i had it for bfast and snacks when i thought i was going to eat my hand. my doc was ok with 16oz of skim milk a day.


    he told me the purpose of the preop diet was to shrink the liver, and the best way to do that is to cut out almost all carbs and sugar. the liver sits right above the part of the stomach your surgeon will be working on. it just reduces the risk of complication in surgery.

    on the plus side, any weight you lose before surgery just makes it that much easier to get to your goal weight afterwards!

    sorry i just realized i am writing you a novel. send me a private message if you have more questions! :)

  17. thank you so much!! after being told for years that i have "such a pretty face" as a backhanded compliment.... i really like hearing it these days, because i know people really mean it! haha if you can understand that...


    anyways, sorry to hear about your finger! ouch... looks painful!

  18. thank you very much! I have been working very hard, but I have to say about 80% of it is what I am eating. The other 20% of my weightloss is from walking EVERYWHERE i go, taking the stairs, and then when I notice I am starting to get in a slump I go to the rec center to get my body moving again (though we both know that can be really hard to do consistently). I try to be honest with myself and not set myself up for failure, because that can be discouraging.

    Anyways, to make my exercise COUNT, i don't do much cardio. I spend about half an hour working out, and that entire half hour my heart rate is about 80-90% faster (what is that-- like 170-180?) and I interval train-- so five minutes on the treadmill, five minutes lifting weights, five minutes on the elliptical, five minutes weights, five minutes abs, five minutes weights. something like that. it is way more effective to do that for half an hour than to be on the treadmill for half an hour.


    hope this helps and GOOD LUCK!! :)

  19. thank you! and you DO have my drive and motivation-- look at how much you've lost over your entire journey! plus i keep seeing your facebook status updated about your crazy BL workouts... im not doing anything like THAT! haha

    hows the wedding planning coming along?

  20. thank you! you have been doing a really, really good job so far, i hope you are proud of yourself!

    i accepted your friend request so you should be able to see my (yuck!) befores with the "now" pictures next to them!

  21. thank you! you have been doing very well yourself. i added you to my contact list on here so you could see my photo album. there are a bunch of pics in there! not a lot of comparison pics, but i have a recent one uploaded.

    how have you been doing with your band the past 5 weeks?

  22. thanks for ADDING me! and for all the picture comments. :) i am doing alright, since i dont live near my mom right now i am kind of sad but i am going home on friday for a week, so we will get to spend some quality time together. i know she is going to be okay, but the whole situation just makes me sad and worried. glad to have friends on here that care, so thank you!

    i hope your fill helps you! im sure with the right restriction you will find that you have incredible weightloss. by the way, is that your son in your pic with you? he is adorable!

  23. thanks for the pic comment and HOLY CRAP! I just saw your bikini pic and YOU look stunning! maybe next year I will be in a bikini WITHOUT a coverup... but I doubt my skin will ever look that good. maybe from afar or just in a pic, but not up close in real life. orrrr... maybe by next summer I will have the confidence to just say screw it and wear a bikini out anyways!


    hope you are doing well!

  24. thanks for the pic comment and the compliments! happy to share my NSVs, but just especially happy that i am HAVING them! heres one i had today... sharing it JUSt for you (because you said you like reading them! haha)


    i was working out with my trainer today, and while i was doing pushups he goes "hey, i can finally see your tricep muscles coming in!" my arms are my least favorite part of my body, but they are getting muscular which is awesomeee and so motivating for me to lift harder. then, later in the workout, he just kinda stops and says "you know, thinking back to when we first met (like 8 months ago).. it's just night and day. you arent the same person at all. you can run circles around the old you." which, i mean, i knew... but its always great when someone else notices your achievements.


    you have done a great job so far along the journey with your weightloss! keep in touch!

  25. thanks so much for the pic comment! ive been really good, just working out like a madwoman. i have the best personal trainer in the world! i had a complete unfill a few weeks ago, but now that my body is healed i am slowing adding just a little bit of fluid to my band, just to keep the edge off of the hunger. my mom is doing well too- she is having surgery to have her the cancer removed from her breast august 6. i move to new york (where my mom actually grew up) at the end of august, and there is a race for the cure 5k event in september that i really want to run in. but first i have to be a better runner and increase my endurance! i cant believe it though... me?? running!? it feels awesome!

    so how are you doing?! you look lovely as ever!

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