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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RUMOR

  1. Thanks for the info. What is an EAP? So when I call the insurance company to find a dietician I need to let them know that I was referred because of my BP issues. By the way I do have BP issues. My BP was up when I saw the surgeon. That will save me some money. :wink2:
  2. I agree with can't hardly wait. It will depend on the rider your company decided to add to your insurance policy. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. I have to pay $35.00 everytime I see the surgeon. The psyc evaluation will cost me $100.00 on Friday 6/13/08. I know the policy covers pysc evaluations, so I really don't get why this is not covered. The meeting with the bariatic intern on Friday (06/06/08) regarding my supervised diet will cost me $35.00 each time I see her (which will be for 6 months, so that is roughly $210.00). The nutritionist will cost me $125.00 on July 18, because she is not covered on my husband insurance plan. So, by the end of June I would have paid approximately $650.00 and I am still counting. I wish I only had to come out of pocket $100.00. That would be so nice. :wink2:
  3. RUMOR

    Afraid To Move Forward

    Can Anyone Tell Me How To Add The Tracker To The Bottom Of My Blog?
  4. RUMOR

    Afraid To Move Forward

    Hello everyone!:sneaky: I am new and considering the band. I went to a seminar on 5/28/08 in Houston, TX. I received quite a bit of information, but I am very scared to move forward. My husband's insurance will cover the procedure. Any one know the the long term effects of having this ring inside of your body?:confused2: I am not a big fan of protein drinks, and milk makes me gag. Is there any way around these drinks? Anyone have any ideas as to why I am so afraid to move forward? I am going to call the surgeon on Monday to make an appointment for a personal consultation. I've been reading the postings. Could anyone tell me why there is a 6 month diet requirement before you can get your surgery? What were some of the things you all did to get over your fears of going through with the surgery?:smile: ______________________________________ SO FAR: Seminar: 05/28/08 Consultation::thumbup: 06/02/08 Life Coach Eval: Nutritionist: Supervised Diet: Lab (Blood/EKG): Sleep Apenea: DR. RICARDO BONNER KATY, TEXAS
  5. RUMOR

    Afraid To Move Forward

    Thank you so much Ban Tam. Your response helped alot. I was a little disappointed today, because the insurance company is saying I have to have 24 months of medically mointored weight loss attempts. I think Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tx is just to discourage people from getting band. :thumbup: On the bright side I saw my surgeon today. I am making an appointment to see the nutritionist and psychologist tomorrow. :tt2:
  6. How do you add the tracker to the bottom of your comments? Do you have to add it every single time or will it just appear if I do it once?
  7. RUMOR

    Getting started

    Hello everyone I am new also. I saw my surgeon today. My husband's insurance will pay for it, but I have to have 24 months of medical mointored weight loss attempts. I don't understand why I need 24 months when everyone else need 6mos to 12 mos. Could anyone tell me how to start a posting and how to add the cute little tracker to the bottom? Will I have to add the tracker every time I post? Oh and I don't know if I said this or not, but congradulations on taking your first step and I hope all goes well.
  8. RUMOR

    Bcbs Ppo Nc

    I also have bcbs and I found out today that I have to have a list of medically supervised weight loss regimens for the last 24 months. Anyone else have this as a prerequisite and what exactly does this mean
  9. RUMOR

    Afraid To Move Forward

    Hello everyone!:sneaky: I am new and considering the band. I went to a seminar on 5/28/08 in Houston, TX. I received quite a bit of information, but I am very scared to move forward. My husband's insurance will cover the procedure. Any one know the the long term effects of having this ring inside of your body?:confused2: I am not a big fan of protein drinks, and milk makes me gag. Is there any way around these drinks? :thumbup: Anyone have any ideas as to why I am so afraid to move forward? I am going to call the surgeon on Monday to make an appointment for a personal consultation. I've been reading the postings. Could anyone tell me why there is a 6 month diet requirement before you can get your surgery? What were some of the things you all did to get over your fears of going through with the surgery?:smile: ______________________________________ SO FAR: Seminar::tt2: 05/28/08 Consultation::thumbup: 06/02/08 Life Coach Eval: Nutritionist: Supervised Diet: Lab (Blood/EKG): Sleep Apenea: DR. RICARDO BONNER KATY, TEXAS

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