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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by thesuse2000

  1. Hi all - I'm getting sleeved on the 16th too! Mostly excited, and a bit nervous too... I am lucky - my surgeon gave me permission to eat real food instead of liquids for pre op so it hasn't been too bad. I do still get hungry sometimes, but the high Protein really helps curb that. Good luck to us all!
  2. thesuse2000

    Really craving chicken tuna and eggs

    The diet I have for post-op allows purees starting after 2 weeks - anything that has no lumps, like baby food.
  3. thesuse2000

    Where r all the June sleevers?

    Hi there - I'm the 16th! On pre-op diet and actually feeling pretty good! Have lost about 8 pounds in just over a week and wearing a pair of jeans today that haven't fit in about a year.
  4. I started this process in November hoping to do it in January but didn't get approval till Feb, at which point there were just too many work conflicts so I had to postpone till June which seemed like FOREVER away in Feb, but it has gone by pretty quickly and is now just over a week away! I had the same thoughts/struggles as you - should I diet? Should I quit sweets? I didn't decide to have food funerals, but I suppose I did have some, but I did lose a few pounds in that period. The time it gave me ample time to plan or success. I did a course on mindful eating which was great. I tried a million Protein shakes. I bought various things like books, thermos, small containers. etc. I read a ton on this site and elsewhere on pretty much all topics - keys to longterm success, possible complications, and so on. It will come sooner than you think! Hang in and use the time well.
  5. thesuse2000

    1 year ago!

    Wow! Congratulations - you look fantastic. I needed that inspiration today.
  6. thesuse2000

    Surgery tommorow!

    Thinking of you both and wishing you the best today! Come back and let us know how you're doing when you're up for it!
  7. thesuse2000

    Judgemental People

    Would you be willing to share the key points you include in your prepared statement? I was just thinking today that I might just tell people at work and was starting to think about what I would say - but I didn't get too far... if I imagined what I would say to sort of proactively state my reasons for doing it, it ended up feeling too defensive...
  8. thesuse2000

    Spouse not on board with WLS

    This has been a concern of mine as well. My husband is officially against it and has tried to talk me out of it a few times. What's been good is that we're both clear that it's my decision, but I've heard him out and listened to and responded to his concerns. He kept telling me that from his research he's seeing high rates of complications. I tell him that if he's got something from a valid source that he wants me to read I will gladly read it and consider it, but that the studies I've looked at show relatively low rates of complications and by comparison very high rates of reducing risk for obesity-related diseases. He has not come up with any studies for me to look at. At this point he accepts it and is supporting me. I wouldn't be shocked if he gives me one more talk before surgery day in a couple weeks, but we will get through it. I wish you the best in making the best decision for you - and hopefully doing it in partnership with your hubby.
  9. thesuse2000

    Sleeved tomorrow June 3rd

    Yes - congrats to you both! Wishing you - and any other 6/3 sleevers - speedy recoveries!
  10. thesuse2000

    June Post-op Recipe share

    Sounds yum! I'm pre-op, but I love to eat steel cut oats now in a savory way - I saute greens (like kale or spinach) and layer that on top of some oats and then fry an egg or two to go on top. I just love it. I'll try your recipe when I'm post-op and on solids!
  11. thesuse2000

    Stress/Anxiety eating

    Good question - I'm concerned about the same thing. I ordered a book on Amazon that I've seen recommended here - I think it's called 50 ways to soothe yourself without food. Haven't read it yet, but passing on that recommendation. I agree with JeanZ_RN that awareness is probably the most important thing - knowing that you are seeking comfort through food rather than really needing food physically. And then it's just a matter of finding things that work for you to help.
  12. thesuse2000

    Here again?! Need advice!

    @@BLAKQUEEN - I wish you the best on Monday! Let us know how you're doing when you can.
  13. thesuse2000

    To tell or not to tell?

    I don't know that it would impact your career (or mine, since I can't speak to yours) if it got out - I just don't want everyone looking at me and sizing up how much i've lost knowing that I had surgery. Especially would hate that if I am a slow loser, which many of us band to sleevers seem to be. Even thin people are fascinated with weight loss. I just don't want to be a topic of conversation.
  14. When I had my first band surgery I was just given a low calorie diet, not liquids, so I just asked my surgeon if I could do that again and she agreed. Actually I had my revision surgery with the same surgeon who's doing my sleeve and I did real food before that too. I don't know what all the factors are that surgeons consider in recommending certain pre-op diets, but I was relieved that she agreed! I just snacked on some unjury chicken Soup - it's very satisfying and really helped my headache (it's still there but much milder).
  15. thesuse2000

    To tell or not to tell?

    I've only told one person at work about it - someone I completely trust to keep it secret. But people will know that I'm out for 2 weeks for surgery and then (hopefully) I will start dropping weight fairly quickly, so it seems like people will likely figure it out... I guess I will play it by ear. I really don't feel like being a topic of conversation, but if I lose a lot that will be inevitable...
  16. Sorry to hear you'r having a rough time. I was actually just going to post something very similar, so I'll comment here instead... I'm also on day 2 pre-op. I started 3 days early for 2 reasons - I wanted to get through the worst on non-work days (my job is pretty demanding) and also I've got a couple events the week before surgery at which I may not be able to follow my pre-op guidelines, so starting early helps compensate for that (my surgeon has approved this plan). I'm actually eating real food, just keeping within certain calorie/protein goals (surgeon also approved this). So I don't have the same issue as you with yucky shakes that you don't like, but I'm still feeling pretty crappy! Yesterday was not bad, didn't feel hungry till end of day, but that was manageable. But today I have had a headache most of the day and just feel tired/weak/out of it. I've heard a few people say that the first 4 days are the worst - I am REALLY hoping that's true! I am using shakes to meet my Protein goals - I got a bunch of samples of Syntrax matrix and syntrax nectar as well as a few other brands. I hope you can find some that you like better. We will get through this - it is all SO worth it.
  17. thesuse2000

    3 weeks post op & no protein yet !

    That sounds rough! Are you getting enough fluids at least? It's dangerous if not. Would it be easier to drink clear protein drinks like isopure maybe? The response from your doctor's office didn't seem to address your specific situation. Might be worth trying again and talking to someone else. I hope this gets better soon.
  18. thesuse2000

    You're so vain...

    It's actually a little hard for me to separate them out (health vs vanity). especially because mental health is part of our health! I'm having this surgery because I want to: be in control of my eating be healthy in terms of longevity, avoiding diseases, etc. feel healthier - less aches and pains, more physically comfortable in my own skin, able to walk around for hours without my feet killing me have more energy to engage in life - go out after work etc. take flights and see people I love and new locations, without fear of not fitting into a seat look prettier, more fashionable, attractive be able to maintain one size for a long period - invest in nice pieces for work, shop in regular stores and boutiques look like someone who is in control of themselves and their life project an image of a confident successful woman to others - socially and at work - I actually think I do this pretty well, perhaps more so than other people of my size, but I think many people make a whole lot of assumptions about who I am based on the excess weight I carry:that i lack self-esteem and don't respect myself enough to eat well that i lack self-control/willpower that I'm self-indulgent, needy, greedy that I'm not not smart enough to know how to eat properly that I'm too lazy to exercise and take time to eat well that I'm a failure - someone who isn't able to work towards a goal and achieve it So - even when I think beyond the health benefits there are so many important things that I hope to gain beyond feeling more attractive. But I have NO shame whatsoever about looking forward to that!
  19. My advice is to keep asking questions - and if people make comments that aren't nice or helpful, just try your best to ignore them and focus on the helpful ones. Keep in mind that it's also easy to have misunderstandings when you communicate in writing, instead of face-to-face.
  20. thesuse2000

    Now I am "officially" on my way!

    That's so great that he's being a real partner in this with you! Sounds like you are setting yourself up for great success and an improved life together - very awesome.
  21. thesuse2000

    Losing weight overnite

    You lose water overnight - people usually pee out a fair amount of water in the morning, but we also lose water through our breath. If you've ever breathed on a pair of sunglasses to steam them up and clean them you have experienced this - think about a whole night of those steamy breaths!
  22. thesuse2000

    Now I am "officially" on my way!

    What were the key things that made you and your husband feel sure about it? Just curious, because while my husband accepts and supports that this is what I've decided to do, he still is so worried that I will eventually have permanent complications and regret it.
  23. thesuse2000


    Hi Dreamer - my date is the same as yours and I am an emotional basketcase this week! I suppose it's normal. It's a big deal - a big surgery and a big change. But I'm confident it will be worth it. Congrats on your approval!
  24. thesuse2000

    Here again?! Need advice!

    Hi there - I can't answer any of your questions, but I just wanted to say hi - I have a similar history - band in 2008, slip in 2009. gained back all 70 pounds I lost since then. My sleeve revision date is the 16th - major eeek! I'm excited but starting to freak out a little too. I can't wait to get to the 17th and have the surgery in my rear view mirror...
  25. thesuse2000

    Revision, anyone?

    Good luck Stacie! I look forward to hearing good news after we're both sleeved!

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