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About AnewAngela

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  1. I’m 6 years post. I think you just send a message to the person’s inbox now if you want to chat privately. No chat rooms. But you’ll get great response just adding a question like you did
  2. I’m refocusing in 2022. Refocusing on my why and behaviors that helped in the past.
  3. I joined yesterday. I love the personalization. 
  4. AnewAngela

    Weight regain...I don't know where to start.

    This is very encouraging. I’m 5 years PO. How do you motiv8 yourself during the rough times?
  5. AnewAngela

    Sweating less after intense workout

    Are you drinking enough water? If you’re working out, it should be more than 64oz
  6. AnewAngela


    Thighs: while laying in bed or on the floor, lift leg 10x, leg circle 10x, leg bicycle 10x. Then do the other leg
  7. AnewAngela


    Arms: YouTube Fitness blender tank top arms
  8. YouTube or podcast search: Dr Robert Cywes. He’s a Bariatric surgeon that understands overeating has nothing to do with hunger. He says overeating and snacking are emotional not physical. And to lose the weight you have to address any issues and have a plan for “cravings”. Like others, he reiterates the sleeve is a tool not a cure
  9. That’s so Superman awesome
  10. AnewAngela


    This past weekend I ran a 5K (3.1mi) and half marathon (13.1mi) in Miami. I had so much energy and it felt oh so good!
  11. I follow 18:6. I just started a 24hr fast after dinner last night. Right now I feel like I may go until lunch tomorrow. Fingers crossed. And I’m excite to find this group. You all are great
  12. Do you all ever fast as a group?
  13. Your health is more important. Especially if you want to be around for your baby at least 18 years.
  14. AnewAngela

    Feeling Discouraged

    In the meantime, eating junk is not going to help you get to goal after the surgery. Not implementing stress management tools will haunt you post surgery. I’m speaking from experience... I would drop by the office like others suggested. While you’re waiting, YouTube Dr. Jason Fung.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
