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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kellyyaks

  1. Hi everyone, I know that its been awhile, but I need help, Im 6 mo out from my surgery. And I had to have my gallbladder out a few months ago so my surgery gave me free range to eat whatever I wanted since I had nothing in band, but now I've been eating alot of bad stuff, like candy, FUdge, Ice cream. So I need to get back on track I do work out everyday, So here is my question, One how do I detox from Carbs and 2 How many Carbs should I have in a day? and 3rd how do I jump start my weight loss agian, I think that I have hit the bad "P" Word. Thank for any info Kelly
  2. ok last wednesday july 2 I had my first fill my Dr put in 5cc, when I could finally eat i ate like no tomorrow so I called the Dr office this wednesday and got in for a fill again, ok what I am confussed about and my Dr did not explain it to me and now he has left and we will have a new Dr So anyway, he stated that he put in 2 more so I said to him I have 7cc in he said no that I only had 2cc in to begin with, but I told him that I started out with 5cc. he blow me off and said the only thing that I need to know is that I have 2 more in then I had so now I have a total of 4cc in my band. Ok, so my question is what happened to the other 3 cc of fluid in my band that I had? The nurse at the office said that sometime in a new fill they loose fluid? Has anyone heard of such a thing? This is driving me crazy. Do I have a leak in my band? I think I am at my sweet spot right now but I am really confused about my fill. Can so one help a blonde who is new to the lap band world and has a Dr that has left town to go to a new hospital and is unable to ask the new Dr cause he will not be around until next week. Sorry so long
  3. Kellyyaks

    new to Site

    Hello, I am new to this site. I had my lap band 5/22, So in 2 weeks I get my first fill. I just started on solid food and I am scared to death, I can eat almost anything I want, and that scares me to death. I am afraid that I will go back to my old eating habits. I have talked to my surgery and told him that Im afriad that I may gain weight and he told me that if I do I can lose it. I have done so will, MY pre op weight was 238, I know weigh 210. Everyone tells me how good I look and I am scared to let people down. Does everyone feel this way or is it me just being stupid? I also would like to know if anyone has any good recipes for chicken, we are going camping this weekend and I want a good low carb dutch oven chicken recipes. I am so glad that I found this website. Oh maybe you would like to know a little about me. I am Kelly, I have 2 boys 11 and 8 and a very awesome husband. I live in Idaho, I work part time at the hospital and I am a mom. By kids( including my hubby) are into football so I have football all year around so I am very busy I sometime wonder how I got fat as busy as I am. Jsut wanted to say Hi and introduce myself.

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