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Status Updates posted by lindar172

  1. I had my surgery on August 11th, so I am very new. I havent posted very often, but I am trying to do more now. I need the help and I hope my words can help others, as your's have for me.

  2. I had my surgery on August 11th and am doing great. I haven't posted often but am trying to do more now, as I need the help and hope my words can help others as your's have helped me.

  3. I was just reading some of your posts and they are great. It is nice to know that this does work if we work at it.

  4. I am having problems getting into the chat room. It just comes up blank

  5. I have my first fill scheduled for the 18th. Good luck with your appointment and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am so glad I had this done.

  6. I have only posted on here once, but I have always enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for all the great information.

  7. I am new on these boards too and I definately don't know how to navigate them. I really enjoy reading the posts they really do help to know I am not alone in my struggle. It is so nice to be able to find friends all around the world. We are anticipating a trip to Vegas in March and would love to meet you if I could. I will let you know when we know for sure. Keep up the good work and keep the support coming my way. It really helps.

  8. I would love to meet with you. I have been trying to find someone to walk with me. I even joined a couple of websites to no avail. I work 4 10 hour days, with my days off being Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. If you would like to set up a time to meet, I will be more than willing. I am new to Florida and I don't really know a lot of people. I have a daughter and three grandkids here as well as a stepson and new wife. I can give you my phone number if you would like. Good luck with your journey, I hope I can be a part of it.

  9. I am doing well. Thanks for asking. My weight loss has been sluggish, but I feel great. I am going for a fill on 09-18. I really am looking forward to that. I do like Dr Dietrick and hope everything goes well for you also. Good luck.

  10. My quests from Hidden Chronicles are no longer there. Is this happening to anyone else?

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