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About Lily66

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  1. Lily66

    Hiatal Hernia AFTER RNY

    Sort of vomited only once, about 3 months post RNY, which was really more of a spitting up, so no, it’s not that. I managed to fracture L3 vertebrae in March lifting a (few) 30lb boxes of tile (silly me).🙄Bone scan then revealed osteoporosis🤦‍♀️. Six weeks of Fosamax tore up my stomach, thus the upper endoscopy.😬Wondering if that single lifting accident could have caused hiatal hernia?🤷‍♀️I definitely strained. Have also strained many, many times post RNY due to constipation. But seriously? None of this to the extent that I’d imagine a hernia resulting. Just puzzled. Totally puzzled. Glad to hear you seem to be under control with pantoprazole! Continued best wishes to you.
  2. Ugh…2cm Hiatal Hernia was discovered during an upper endoscopy this week. I’m 16 months post op RNY and have never had a HH in my life. I’m trying to figure out how it happened and wondering if anyone else out here has gone through similar? Omeprazole every morning and being very careful is managing it so far. I’d prefer not to have another surgery as long as risk is minimal. Have my follow up with gastro guy in 10 days but/and wondering if anyone else has gone through this. Thanks.
  3. So sorry to hear you ladies are going through this, can totally relate. I had RNY 3/20, had never had a hiatal hernia in my life and now one was discovered during an upper endoscopy earlier this week, 16 months post RNY. I’m totally baffled as to how this happened, not sure what my next steps can and will be. Right now Omeprazole every morning, being very careful. Hernia measures 2cm. Wish you all the best!
  4. I’m right there with ya in frustration. I have been stalled at 159, bouncing to 161 for 3 months. Ugh!
  5. Lily66

    Right Where I Shouldn't Be

    Onmyway1956, I applaud you for your clear, honest sharing. For many of us, the challenging moments, routines, less than ideal habits that we faced preop do present themselves again as life normalizes, postop. For me, it is one day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time. I’ve posted a reminder note on my mirror that simply states “RISE ABOVE”, for in those moments, there is not always time nor inclination for lengthy self talk. Doesn’t work 100% of the time, but does force me into Conscious Choice vs the unconscious reaching for that walked me into trouble. My 2021 motto is to “RISE ABOVE” those moments seeking to derail me. When I’m with others who are able to indulge, I remind myself to resist, and realize the fact that within X amount of minutes their indulgence WILL be over and my resistance muscle WILL be strengthened. Be strong, be patient, be laser focussed on why I am seeking better health. Sending love and all best wishes to you, don’t give up! And thanks again for sharing.
  6. Sorry to hear, Meow2. My A1c was getting progressively higher post RNY also, my high number went around 5.6. Perplexed, as the only sugars in my diet at that point were from fruit. Nurse practitioner cited the watermelon I was juicing was very high in sugar, and on a lower fat, lower calorie, lower food volume intake would really spike my blood sugar. It was like putting pure sugar in my veins with little to slow, offset or balance it. To test it, she had me quit watermelon and sure enough, next blood work was impressively better. Though not fun, you might try only having fruit or sugar items AFTER, and along with, a Protein (and ideally, a tad bit of fat) intake. It helps to slow the absorption of sugar, has worked for me and better than where this was heading. Good luck!💗
  7. Lily66

    Developed Diabetes After Surgery

    Sorry to hear, Meow2. My A1c was getting progressively higher post RNY also, my high number went around 5.6. Perplexed, as the only sugars in my diet at that point were from fruit. Nurse practitioner cited the watermelon I was juicing was very high in sugar, and on a lower fat, lower calorie, lower food volume intake would really spike my blood sugar. It was like putting pure sugar in my veins with little to offset or balance it. To test it, she had me quit watermelon and sure enough, next blood work was impressively better. Though not fun, you might try only having fruit or sugar items AFTER, and along with, a protein intake. It has worked for me and better than where this was heading. Good luck!💗
  8. Lily66

    How hunger feels now

    You folks have summed up my experiences, each and all. The worst is the shaky part. Though not diabetic, I do have a mojo kit to test blood sugar and ketone strips. Next time I’m shaky I’m going to prick that finger and check the numbers. Arabesque, smart choice for protein bar in the night. A small carb may have been quicker but then we’re back where we started...blood sugar drop in a few hours. This happened to me about a month ago, true hunger from no protein since 4pm, then 1:30am and unable to sleep. I wandered into kitchen and went for ‘quick’, ate 1/2 banana. Next time I’ll go for 1/2 protein bar.
  9. Lily66

    Brand suggestions

    Chubrub, Sorry for the late review but I join you in love, love LOVING the SYROKAN sports bra! I had to exchange a few to get a perfect fit but once there I ordered several and want to throw away any other bra I own. Thanks for the tip...I now understand your well placed wild enthusiasm!!
  10. Lily66

    Up All Night

    Hope you feel better as the day goes on! To this day, 9 months out, I don’t do well with meat. I can eat maybe 2-3oz slowly, chewing it very well, yet it still doesn’t set well with me afterward and not worth it. Chicken, beef, pork, none of it. Same with nuts. A few cashews, walnuts, etc. and it feels as though it comes up on me. My body just says, “I don’t want it.” I haven’t tried rice, but noodles feel as though they glop up sticky/stuck and come up the esophagus. Fish, a few shrimp, eggs, greek yogurt, lower fat cheese, oatmeal, lentil soup and veggies and my tummy is a happy camper. Last few months have been venturing out more to see what digests easily for me. Repeated episodes on foods mentioned above tell me it’s just the way it is now, not a one off, and that’s okay! Good luck! It’s definitely a learning journey.💝
  11. Ugh, feel your frustration! Is your Linzess dose right for you? After trying everything under the sun to get regular, I started Linzess last month. We started me on the middle dose and it was too strong...diarrhea every day. Have been on lowest dose past week and seems better. Stools are formed and moving. For me Linzess seems to be “an answer” but correct dose is key. Good luck...it’s not fun.
  12. Lily66

    Hair loss :-(

    I’m almost 9 months out and mine is still shedding at a very high rate. Bloodwork, all levels are excellent but wow....this hair! Fortunately I had thick yet fine hair pre WLS, so other than quite noticeable thinning on top it’s not jaw dropping to others the way it is to moi. As others have noted, use of biotin, etc. has been no help. I take all supplements daily and get 70grams protein, 90+ oz fluid. I’ve been taking Vital Protein Collagen (Costco) hoping that will help. Also, Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray REALLY helps fill out a head of hair. Love, love Oribe hair products, they won’t aid in the growing back, but will make the journey much easier and luscious fragrance. Good luck!
  13. Lily66

    Let’s talk about mental health!

    Well reading YOUR post was LIGHT for me!! You Go Girl! With your beautiful outlook and can-do-spirit, I know good things are about to happen for you! Thanks, and Congrats on you!!✨
  14. Wow, 3 meals/day with no snacks would be difficult for me. I have 1/2 an apple or orange midmorning and other half mid afternoon or string cheese, yogurt, a vegetable, etc.-something sensible but it prevents stomach acid and nausea for me. It also helps maintain a good blood sugar level in my case. We’ve each got different issues to deal with so makes sense plans can be different. I told doc I want my plan to be something I can live with long term and this works. Continued success and best wishes to you!
  15. Yes, a battle. One thing that has helped a lot was my Dr. suggesting not going over 2 hours without eating something. When I plan these mini snacks, most times I’m able to say “okay self, it’s just head hunger. You had something an hour ago and will again in an hour, so hold tight and get over yourself”. Doesn’t work 100%, but hey, I’ll take 60% help and trust that this muscle memory will get stronger each time I refuse to give in. Good luck!

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