I went to this site so many times before I was banded that I felt I needed to share what my experience has been so far. On the surgery day (5/22) I brought with me: pajama bottoms (to walk afterwards and not have my butt hanging out of the hospital gown), Aquaphor lip balm (my lips were pretty dry and beaten up from the intubation), Biotene for the dry mouth, and a pillow for the ride home. I got most of these suggestions from this site. Here is a picture of my incisions taken on Day 2. Well, I don't seem to be able to insert the picture. It looks worse than it feels. I didn't need the pain meds after 4 days. And, after five days started to feel alot better. I HATE the liquid diet and have been trying some mashed potatoes and soup when the milky/sweet taste of the protien drinks are just too much. My port site is still a little swollen and I keep putting cold packs on it. I have been walking twice a day lately. I had terrible shoulder pain for a couple of days (Day 3-5) from the surgery O2 that they put in you. That has gone away. Thankfully. If anyone knows how to put in pictures let me know and I will put in my incision pixs.