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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hstella

  1. Does anyone know if carbonated soft drinks can cause a problem to our band? I've read in another forum that the gas they have stretches the pouch and might make the band to slip. Others say that they there's no problem. I've already drunk 2 diet cokes and had no problem, I just had a feeling of "fullness", but I'm still scared. I'm sorry for my bad english,but I'm from Greece.
  2. Thanks for your answers! I went to my doctor yesterday and asked him about the carbonated soft drinks and told me that I shouldn't drink them because they strech the pouch. So you are right. But the thing is that greek lapbanders don't have enough information. I mean, why didn't my doctor tell me that from the start? If I didn't get information from the internet and had no knowledge and drunk 1-2 soft drinks a day,would the doctor get the responsibility? After the surgery they give us a paper with instructions,but it doesn't say anywhere that carbonated soft drinks are prohibited. It only says that we should limit them because of the sugar they contain... :cursing: So thanks everyone for your help.
  3. hstella

    Quick Question...

    I had asked my doctor and he told me that I can wet the scars one week after the surgery and that I can also go swimming. Well, it's 3,5 weeks since I had the surgery and I have alreday gone swimming in the sea 5 times and have no problem. I went swimming for the first time 10 days after the surgery.But it's better for you to apply to the scars a healing cream, like madecassol, so that they will heal faster.
  4. I had a lap band surgery one month ago and I'd like to know how many fills/unfills can someone have in his life. Is there a limit? Because someone told me that you can do it only 8 times because this is how many times the band can stand. But is it true? 8 times for a whole lifetime?
  5. hstella


    Thanks everyone for your answers! I feel a relief now. Well, actually it was my doctor's wife that told me that, so I kinda believed her, but then I started to have doubts because it didn't seem logical to me. Thanks again.:thumbup:

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