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Everything posted by BoredFatGirl

  1. I think I've seen the fish balls in stores here (Denmark) and always been weary. I like frikadeller and have found a way to make it more low carb friendly (replacing flour with almond flour, etc). It is my husband who is the Dane, though, so he handles our Danish dishes. I wonder if the fish balls are tasty, though! I am a big fan of fish, but usually only when its deep fried, so I've avoided it.
  2. I can definitely understand the being obsessed with how you intake food and drink. I am still preop, but I am on a diet where I measure everything out (besides my water). I do feel a little obsessive about it, but I also kind of like the feeling of knowing EXACTLY what's going into my body.
  3. That sounds promising! Do you have a link to some that you've bought? I'd like to see what I should be going for when I try to find them in my country.
  4. I noticed this as well while on my current diet. It's been hard, as that's the main reason I get 'invites' to go out. I think coming up with ideas that aren't related to eating and drinking and doing the inviting myself for these types of events will help. For instance, I have a group of people coming over tonight and we are gonna play some DnD (tabletop game) together. 👍
  5. I was feeling the same once I started going through my photos. I have tons of flattering selfies, that don't show my chin, stomach, or anything else that I am otherwise ashamed of. I decided to put on some shorts and sports bra to take some 'honest' full-body pictures of myself so that I have reference once I lose weight. Its so hard to look at them now, and I don't even have the nerve to share them before weight loss. Just another reason to keep going!
  6. I made myself some eggs and sausage for dinner tonight. 😋 Out of impulse, I grabbed the sriracha sauce out of the fridge and poured some over my meal. Looked at the bottle to check the nutrition and saw that it was loaded with carbs (which I am trying to avoid while doing the keto diet) and was pretty sad about it. Does anyone here love sriracha? Have you found a low-carb alternative? If so, do you have a recommendation (bonus points if I can get it over in the EU)?
  7. BoredFatGirl

    Low-Carb Sriracha Sauce?

    I will look into it and see if I can get it here! Thank you so much!
  8. BoredFatGirl

    Travel in the USA

    If you make your own food, then handling portions is the same as anywhere else in the world. If you are referring to dine-in restaurants, patients in the US usually get a 'card' stating that they need smaller portions (heard about this from a friend who was sleeved over there). Perhaps you should ask your doctor for something similar before you leave to the states. You can also simply ask for a 'half portion' of whatever you are ordering and most places in the states will accommodate. Appetizers will be your friend. If you're talking about fast food, ordering small sides instead of meals would be a good start. I have heard that Wendy's chili (small) is an excellent staple if you're on the go and don't have time to make food for yourself. Enjoy your trip in the states. I just got back earlier this month and loved it (am a native, though)!
  9. BoredFatGirl

    Had popcorn on my preop liquid diet!

    I hope your family is more supportive of your decision this time. You will at least have us here rooting you on, though!
  10. BoredFatGirl

    Pre op weight loss confusion

    Have to agree with the above comments. They should be going with your starting weight. Insurance shouldn't require you to go through a 6 month program for weight loss and deny you because you were actually successful (which is meant to be the purpose of it being supervised).
  11. BoredFatGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    Been doing the keto diet to lose the required weight pre-op. I tried to figure out how to get all my protein in without going over my carb limit and eating too much fat. This was seasoned chicken, shirataki noodles, eggs, and brussel sprouts. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish the plate (thus not meeting my protein goal). :( Though, I am really not sure why I thought I could! That was a lot of food for one sitting!
  12. Just checked out Premier Protein online.. I really with I lived in the states right about now. We don't have much of a variety in Denmark and importing fees are ridiculous. 🤬
  13. I am right there with you! While I want to be healthy, I also want to look good! I am hoping to have as little plastic surgery done as possible after surgery, so any advice to help keep up the appearance is a godsend.
  14. It's the same in my family as well and the majority of us are overweight/obese, too. Literally all of our family gatherings have included food and rarely was any of it healthy. 😱
  15. I have heard about the hair loss. I have really thick hair, so I am hoping it won't be too noticeable on me. My husband likes my hair long, but if it looks stringy and gross, then I will definitely consider cutting it (and possibly getting a wig for the time being). I hope I look alright with short hair, though! Thanks for the advice on the nioxin! I hope that they will change for the better. I would really like to feel more inclined to eat something on the healthier side after surgery! Ice water is my savior already! I am not a fan of any drink that's not already cold. Great advice, honestly. I can never see the effect of weight loss on myself. I remember when I worked at a department store, I had lost a bit of weight, but couldn't see it myself. A co-worker eventually came up to me and said she could really tell, which made me feel great, but I would have loved to recognize the difference myself!
  16. Oh my! Thank you for all the information, @MsMocie! I see a dermatologist pretty often for my psoriasis. I will ask them for advice on my next visit to see what they think is best for my skin. I have a few products, but I don't have a regular regime set up at all! I really want to get focus on my skin more, especially as my psoriasis begins to clear up more.
  17. That's an interesting concept! I am normally pretty good in that regard when I am at home, but I do tend to have cravings when I'm out and see something I think is tasty (but know isn't healthy). I will try this out next time I run into this situation! Thank you!
  18. I am checking out their website now! Do you have a specific list you would care to share? I am around your starting weight, but a bit taller - that gives me hope for my tummy's sake! I'm willing to give anything a try! I have also heard that derma rollers would help with the saggy skin. Maybe using that with some of the products you use now would be even more effective! Good call! I mainly wear dresses and leggings right now, but I think I may try to pick up sewing to see if I can make the dresses into smaller sizes - I just need to learn how to go about it first! Otherwise, I will probably stick to ole' reliable leggings and tank tops along the way. 😎 Easier said than done, friend! I weigh myself every morning and my mood ends up being dependent on it. Today it said I gained 500g and I am pretty sad about that, even though its probably just water weight since I went over my carbs limit yesterday. Though, when the scale shows I've gained instead of lost, I try to do better for that day. No bread/pasta for me today.. 😅
  19. I think I will end up needing some plastic surgery done there myself, but I have seen some who got quite lucky with their necks despite how large their double chin was prior. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.. Maybe I will invest in a bunch of turtle necks or some of those full neck necklaces (not actually sure what they are called 😅) until I can afford to have it 'fixed'. Do you think the exercises for losing the double chin are usable for us? I'm not sure it would matter when there will be such a significant weight loss.
  20. I went to visit my family/friends over the holidays and realized this. I tried to stick to my diet, but I ended up caving and gaining all the weight I had got off before getting there. I am thinking that I will try to suggest things to do, like card games (instead of going out to dinner) or something else where our hands will be too busy for shoving food down our faces. I do understand that this will happen regardless, though, and I really need to get myself more mentally prepared so I don't make the same mistake again!
  21. I haven't had surgery yet, but I can say that the pain in my back, knees, and feet have only got worse as I've gained more weight. I bought a dance pad that I could hook up to my computer to play Stepmania 5 with, which made exercise a lot of fun, but you don't even have to do that. Turn on some music and dance for as long as you can. Any movement is better than none at all. As you lose weight, you'll be able to do more and more!
  22. BoredFatGirl

    Cheated and disgusted

    Drink lots of water. Your body AND mind are still getting used to your new way of eating. No one said it would be easy, but hang in there!
  23. BoredFatGirl

    Cheated and disgusted

    Cheating is bad, but quitting all together is worse. Acknowledge your mistake and move on. Don't let a cheat meal be a cheat day. You already know where that is going to lead you. Dust yourself off and get back on track! You got this!!
  24. My husband has an eating disorder that basically keeps him from eating or even touching vegetables and fruit. In his previous relationship, he did everything (including cooking and packing lunches), so my two step children (8 and 6) never really knew what healthy foods looked like before I came into the picture. Breakfast was always some sugary cereal. Their lunches were made up of primarily a couple pieces of rye bread with butter and lunch meat on it. A typical dinner would be frikadeller (meatballs) and brown sauce. It could have been worse, but still -- that wasn't going to cut it for me. These children are my responsibility now, too, and I won't let my kids grow up like this.. like me. I remember my husband telling me a story about his neighbor trying to help him with his condition by making lasagna (with carrots in it) and having him and the kids try it. The kids were eating it up, but once they saw that their dad couldn't handle it, they stopped eating it too. Roughly 2 years ago is when I came into their lives. I am the parent who takes care of the food, from meal plans to getting it on the table. I started making dishes where the kids could choose at least one healthy thing to go into it, while my husband could eat it plain. They fought with me at first, told me they didn't like x, y, z, but I was persistent. I also started making food that would just normally include vegetables, like chicken stir-fry, or tuna & broccoli casserole, which only had minor nitpicking in response. I started putting mixed vegetables or just a specific vegetable as a side and they were told to eat them first. They do this without any complaints now. I don't even have to ask them to eat it first because I know they will finish it. These days, my daughter begs for me to make asparagus for both dinner and to take to school for her lunches & my son is always picking out fruit in the grocery store. 👍 For breakfast, we've ditched the sugary cereal and have started going with whole-grain, if we don't have time to sit down for a real meal. My husband put sugar in their cereal one morning and received complaints from the kids that it was too sweet for them. On days where we all have our **** together on time, we will usually have eggs, bacon, and fruit, or a whole-grain bagel with low-fat cream cheese and fruit on the side. Lunch boxes rarely come back with anything left in them. Unless we have leftovers that are wanted for lunch, the rye bread remains, but I've added oranges, grapes, apples, carrots, etc. Snacks usually consist low-fat yogurt or whole-grain crackers/pretzels. This was all done while their dad sat at the table and didn't participate in adding vegetables to his diet and sometimes even needed a completely separate meal made for him. It wasn't easy to get the kids to this point, but that felt like it was more because they had formed a habit of not eating properly and didn't want to change it, rather than being worried about what dad was eating. Either way, I think leading by example is a good way to teach children anything. I see so much of myself in these kids that aren't even biologically mine and it's because they mimic almost everything I do. 😅 Even though you won't be on the liquid diet for long, I think you should explain why you are having to eat that way and why they should be eating the way you are presenting food to them. If quick foods are a necessity, I'd recommend some kind of meal prepping once a week so that the kids and you will have something healthy and easy to grab and go with.
  25. My weight is still pretty high and I have had irregular periods for a long time (and has gotten worse with the additional weight). Maybe in another 33kg, I will start shooting blood all over the place like normal, though! 😂 As for ovulation and egg check, I don't think I have had it done. It's probably worth getting checked out when I talk to my OB/GYN again for the Metformin, though. Thank you!

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