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Everything posted by BoredFatGirl

  1. BoredFatGirl

    Just feeling sorry for myself..

    It's a new day where I am now. I am sitting in front of my computer sipping on my morning protein-coffee while reading comments here. Thank you all for the kind responses.. I am happy that I came back to the forums. ♥ I am getting myself back on track today.
  2. I have PCOS as well and am also on Metformin. It's honestly disgusting how little I have to eat in order to lose weight. Metformin helps me maintain weight, so long as I am eating healthy. However, to lose weight, the best thing I can recommend is keto. Check out the keto subreddit, find out what your daily intake should be, and give it a try. I have lost quite a bit of weight following that alone. I do gain quite a bit of water weight once I stop keto, though, so keep that in mind.
  3. I am attending my patient seminar tomorrow, which is going to be a 1 on 1 session due to me not knowing the primary language used in my country. I assume that this is just going to explain the surgery and how I will expected to live afterwards.. I am curious as to what questions I should be asking in the event that they 'miss' something? What were common questions asked during your meetings (whether from you or someone else)? I just want to be ready, but I've completely blanked and feel like I am just going to check off another requirement on the list, ya know?
  4. My periods have always been irregular. Before today, I hadn't had my period in over 150 days. I was diagnosed with PCOS around August last year. I was told weight loss and exercise were my only hopes of salvation. I get pretty bad back pain, so I don't exercise very much, but I try to here and there. I've been really working on my weight loss since December through dieting. This past week, I have not lost ANYTHING. My diet is all the same **** I normally eat and I may even be moving more now than previously. Went to the bathroom today and found out I had a surprise visit from Aunt Flo (on Valentine's Day, no less - perfect timing, as usual). Now I am sitting here, having cramps from hell, wondering if maybe the weight loss stall has to do with my menstrual cycle starting back up. Anyone else experience this? Here's to hoping my body will figure this out soon and get back to making progress. 😅
  5. We are all working so hard on ourselves to have good health and a nice body. I have never lost a significant amount of weight before, but I definitely look forward to it. I want to keep up my appearance in the process. What advice do you have for beginners? Maybe something you wish you had known before the weight loss or maybe something that you already know and think it's worth sharing! I want to hear it all. I am personally really interested in ways to fight saggy skin, to keep my nipples pointing forward, and how to avoid the turkey neck once I lose this giant double chin of mine! 😂 For women, I have heard that buying a proper bra throughout your weight loss will help with your breasts' appearance. I don't know how true it is, do you? I personally can't wait to be able to find a bra that fits me properly and isn't some wacky size that's a nightmare to find!
  6. BoredFatGirl

    How long?

    First appointment was December 9th, 2019 and my surgery is scheduled for April 27th, 2020.
  7. BoredFatGirl

    Night shift

    Absolutely! It's not easy, but most things worth something aren't, right? You got this!
  8. BoredFatGirl

    Struggling with preop diet

    I have a hell of a time trying to go to sleep when my stomach is growling at me. Water will help, but also timing your meals can be really helpful as well! I am not sure what your pre-op diet consists of, but I currently eat roughly 600 calories a day, focusing on protein. For instance, when I get up, I go as long as possible without eating, then I have a protein shake. Roughly 4-5 hours later, I have a can of tuna with mayo & sriracha. After that is highly dependent on when I plan on going to sleep. If my husband and I decide to stay up and watch our shows, I like to snack, so I've pushed my last meal towards that time (which is roughly 200g of fat-free yogurt) so I don't feel like I am going without and so that I don't feel hungry before bed.
  9. BoredFatGirl

    Night shift

    I think it would be a good thing for you to be able combat the real world by staying with your night shifts, honestly. Day shift co-workers can be just as bad and you will find food almost anywhere you go (going out with friends, celebrating with family, etc..) and those are the moments you have to practice sheer will-power (and come prepared). I am not sure what the current issue for you is, but first thing first, make sure you are tracking your calories and macros. I use MyFitnessPal and plan for what I am going to eat the day prior, so I don't find myself in a situation where I have to come up with something on the spot (since it's rare that I ever do that successfully). If your weight loss efforts aren't going well during night shifts and its because you are used to snacking all night, replace those snacks with healthy alternatives in portioned amounts. Make sure you are packing your own lunch. Be mindful of what you are eating. If a co-worker asks if you want something from McDonalds, you'll be able to say "no thanks, I brought something from home". It's a new way of living for us, where we have to be able to handle what's gonna be thrown at us.
  10. I haven't lost as much weight as you, but I can definitely understand what you are feeling. I have lost roughly 30lbs and on some days, if I'm not bloated, I feel like maybe there is a bit of a difference. I squeezed myself into something the other day that I hadn't been able to put on prior and still feel like I could breath.. My husband told me later that he could see the changes at that point (and probably because I am so used to dressing in baggy clothes when at home normally). I agree with you and others, though, about reaching out to a therapist. It's a big change to go through and you don't want to feel like you've done all this hard work, see a smaller number, but still think you look exactly the same. I am worried myself about still feeling like the 'fat girl' once I have lost the weight, and I think a lot of other people struggle with the same issue as well.
  11. That makes a lot of sense actually. I started at roughly 320lbs and am down to 277lbs.. I still need to lose at least 100lbs more. I hoped that it would magically disappear once I had surgery, but I do know that it slows down and then its back to being up to the person and their will power to keep it going from there. Thanks for the heads up!
  12. BoredFatGirl

    Time frame

    I had my first appointment about getting the surgery in December 2019. It was just starting a medical journal for me. I was offered surgery during my second meeting in January 2019. During my first appointment with my dietitian (yesterday), I was given a date for surgery, which is April 27th. I live in Denmark, meet the state's requirements of having it done for free, so I am only on my surgeon's program, I assume. The jumping through hoops part for me was simply getting blood work done, an EKG taken, a stool sample given and some weight loss. I also still have to do my 1-on-1 patient seminar thing in March, but I've got the date regardless for surgery. I think I got my date so soon because I was pretty confident in my meeting about what I needed to do before and after surgery since I had researched a lot, had my current diet habits ready to be shared, and talked about what my support systems through out this are and would be.
  13. Is there a reason for wishing you lost more pre-op? I am just curious. I don't plan on slowing down, but my mother did just send me some girl scout cookies, so I am definitely going to have another stall for a bit if I eat any. 😅
  14. Despite how many of us that exist these days, we are still the minority. I imagine that a waiter/waitress just makes the automatic assumption that everyone will be getting a full meal and any appetizers are meant for before the main dishes come out. I get them feeling... perhaps confused? Though, I have gone out with my mom who hasn't had surgery and will order just a plate of fries or something similar as her meal and I don't *think* I've heard anyone question it. Either way, I can understand it from both sides of the coin. I guess we just need to practice the script of 'I would like this appetizer as my meal, so please wait to bring it out until x gets their meal delivered!' xD
  15. I saw my dietitian for the first time today. She was really impressed with how much weight I've lost (and the fact that I had already met my goal weight to be eligible for surgery prior to our meeting). We talked for a bit, told her how I had been doing a lot of research on the surgery, using these forums for support, and showed her my MyFitnessPal app, so she could see how/what I was eating. She told me she'd like me to try breaking up my meals from being 3 daily to 6, so that I'd be more comfortable after surgery with the frequency of how I would need to be eating then. Good advice! She also mentioned that I would need to get an appointment with the nurse before she could schedule me for the surgery, but when she went to talk to her and explained how confident I was and how much I progressed, she went ahead and set up my surgery date, anyways!! April 27th! ♥ The only appointment I have left is a 1-on-1 patient seminar, which is March 6th. I'm so excited, you guys!
  16. BoredFatGirl

    Go to meal

    I keep yogurt packed in my fridge. It's really the easiest grab-and-go that I have. Tuna is also a staple for me. I just add a little mayo, sriracha, and lemon juice when I'm ready to eat! Yum!
  17. BoredFatGirl

    Before and during pics

    You all look amazing. I love seeing the progress! I can't wait to have progress pictures worthy of sharing! 😅
  18. BoredFatGirl

    Surgery Date!

    Ayy, that's the dream! Thanks, y'all! ♥
  19. BoredFatGirl

    Weight loss

    I have personally been using the keto diet to lose weight and it's been pretty 'easy' on most days. Low carb means I can't enjoy the pasta and bread, but high protein and fat means I can still have a ton of other things. My normal daily diet, as of late, is usually a vanilla protein shake for breakfast, tuna with some mayo, sriracha, and lemon juice for lunch, and low-fat yogurt for dinner. Though, there are a ton of options -- these are just work for me and lets me hit my macros that I need. I have slipped up, but it's realizing that its one mistake and that isn't going to define your success in weight loss, is huge. You can take that mistake and continue making more, eating bad for the rest of the day, week, month, etc.. and then you will be right back where you start. The other option? Realize that you had a weak moment, don't get down on yourself too much, and move on with the RIGHT foods. You can do this!
  20. If we say no, do we get our money back or a voucher for another meal because if so.. 🤔 🤣 I'm awful! LOL
  21. I caved today. I'm being visited by Aunt Flo by the first time in months, am experiencing horrible cramps, and my cravings are through the roof. I asked my husband to grab me a chocolate bar. He even gave me a chance to back out, asking if I was sure it was a good idea. I told him it probably wasn't, but I still wanted it and sent him on his way. It was good, but I feel guilty. I'm already going through a stall with my weight loss. 😓
  22. BoredFatGirl


    That's fantastic! I am so happy for you! Keep up the hard work! 💪
  23. BoredFatGirl

    Menstrual Cycle & Weight Loss Stall

    Thanks for the responses, ladies! I had been basically begging to finally have my period and now that it's here.. I wish I could take it back. 😂 As @MsMocie said, it's what you'd normally go through, but 1000x worse. Time to ride this one out..
  24. BoredFatGirl

    Done and Done!

    I’m happy to hear that it was a smooth operation this time around! Did you go for bypass?

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