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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BoredFatGirl

  1. BoredFatGirl


    As for how I am doing, I feel fine overall! My stomach is a bit uncomfortable where the incisions had been made, and I do get a little gassy, but nothing a good ol' fart or potty break can't solve..
  2. BoredFatGirl


    I had surgery on Monday too! *highfive* I also feel like I am able to drink so much more than others.. I was so worried it would be a tough task to get down my 60g of protein but I have been able to get it down with no problem. I am supposed to be taking in 100ml per half hour, but earlier I think I took in 300ml just by miscalculating the time and what I had already taken in. I also caught myself after taking a big swig of water (I use tiny cups currently to help with that), but no harm has seemed to come from any of it.
  3. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    Never had a Q pump in. It sounds interesting!
  4. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    How is everyone feeling that has had the surgery so far? I finally took a poop today (surgery was on the 8th) and I never thought I'd be so happy to tell others about it! 😂😂
  5. BoredFatGirl

    Guess this is my new hangout forum!

    That's a good call. I think it may be from that as well. I am going to give it a try!
  6. BoredFatGirl

    Guess this is my new hangout forum!

    Call me whatever you'd like! One day I might change my name to BoredFitGirl! As for describing my neck pain, it is real stiff feeling and hard to lift. My throat is fine in comparison!
  7. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    Alright.. Now that I can finally sit at my computer for a bit.. I will share my experience.. Hubby woke me up at 5:30AM (He was already up because he was on night shifts). Took me a quick sip of water before realizing that I wasn't supposed to drink 2 hours before. Was truthful with the nurse and anesthesiologist, and it seemed to be okay. Anyways, I got to the hospital and was shown my room so that I could change into my hospital clothes and drop off my belongings. Once I changed, I was brought to the operating room where everyone started introducing themselves. They got me on the table and tried to make me comfortable as they could. My anesthesiologist held down a mask over my face that hurt real bad, to be honest. Felt like it was crushing my nose, so I tried my best to breath out of my mouth, but I could barely do that, which I am guessing was the point. I was injected with something before she said "goodnight" and then I woke up after surgery. I switched from the table to a bed, then was wheeled to recovery. I had two nurses looking over me - both were really sweet. I asked for some ice chips, and 30 minutes after being in there, asked to use the bathroom. They helped me in there and it was a struggle. I leaned forward to grab the toilet paper, which took all my strength, and right as I was about to wipe, I DROPPED IT. I managed to get it done the second round. We went back to my bed, and I was in and out of it for a couple of hours. I think I was there for about 2 hours after surgery before they called a porter to put me in a wheelchair to take me to my room. I was happy about this because I missed my husband and wanted to be close to him. We get to the room and he wasn't there. I was absolutely heartbroken. I wrote him asking where he was and he told me the nurses told him I wouldn't be back in the room until 2PM (It was roughly 11AM at this point). Either way, I was upset. Thought he was just leaving to grab a few things and come back. He jumped into a call with me and talked to me until he made it back to the hospital. All was fine.. We basically just laid around at that point. I tried getting up a few times and walking around the room because of all the advice I had been given on moving. I wanted to be out of pain as fast as possible. My hubby asked if I wanted to go outside with him so he could vape and I agreed.. We walked along a really beautiful river. The air felt so good. Once we came back, it was a matter of me being in and out of it again. I didn't drink enough water, I suspect, because I ended up with a pretty bad headache. I was sent home the next morning. I felt worse than the day before. I guess it was a lack of fluids and all the incisions where my stomach muscles didn't help with how I was feeling. I also can't really lift my neck forward without help from my hand, but sitting up is fine.. I started a timer once I got home and started drinking accordingly. I don't feel insanely better today, but I do feel a bit better. Cocio One goes down really well for me, so been drinking that quite a bit.. About to try some drinking skyr.. Wish me luck.
  8. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    I am currently in recovery. Everything went smoothly. I have some tummy pains but it's not unbearable. I wanted to get up and potty a half hour after surgery. It was tough then, especially trying to wipe myself, but it's getting easier. About to walk around in circles in my room to try and get more of this gas out (hoping that will help with the tummy pain)
  9. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    Tomorrow morning is the big day for me!! I am so excited and so freaking nervous. My husband has been on night shifts this week, so I've been up all night with him. I am really hoping I can get myself to sleep at a normal hour tonight so I am not so exhausted tomorrow and don't spend tonight feeling miserably hungry from having to fast. Today we went out and purchased some mini milk (0.4% fat), cocio one, and skyr to be ready for the liquids when I get home from the hospital. There is a mention about blended soup but the recipe link isn't working, so will have to ask about it and pick up some things on the way back. How is everyone feeling post op atm? Any hunger pains?
  10. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    I was SUPER into protein shakes (mixed flavored powder with almond milk to keep it low carb) and they tasted pretty decent. I bought a bunch of flavors and then I quit smoking cigarettes -- now I can't get it down without gagging. I don't know what I am going to do after surgery. The meal plan given is basically taking shots of milk every half hour with some blended soup thrown in, so we will see..
  11. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    How exciting! Good luck, stay safe, and keep us updated!
  12. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    I have to keep at or below 129kg (284lbs), but otherwise, there has been no specific diet that they've told me to be on. I got down to 124kg, but I am, as of this morning, back up to 133kg, so I am kind of in a panic. I know it's mostly water weight, but I'm terrified that they will send me home on the day of if I am not where I am supposed to be. Since my original date was postponed due to the pandemic, I have been messing up my personal diet pretty badly. I am "good" for a few days and then I get overwhelming stress and turn right back to food. I plan on going to a therapist after surgery to help find better ways to cope. I will probably switch to a keto diet if I don't see a dramatic amount of weight loss over the next few days here..
  13. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    My nurse said that if I wanted to have one big last meal to do it three days before the surgery, but I honestly don't think I am going to do that at all. I have already had plenty of 'one big last meals' and they've only messed me up, honestly.
  14. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    I am getting more and more nervous about the surgery myself, especially when I read from those who have had complications, but I know that this is necessary for me to live a better life and be capable of taking care of myself and those around me.. which also makes me quite excited! My husband is going on night shifts (for the week) starting tonight and normally I stay up all night with him, but since my surgery is going to be at 7:15AM, and I have to fast, I would like to sleep through it.. I also don't want to be too grouchy at the hospital due to being tired and hangry.. >.< I am due to get my coronavirus test done this Saturday and then Monday is game time..!
  15. BoredFatGirl

    💙Pregnancy 11 months post rny 💙

    Congratulations.. I hope that I will get the chance to give birth after I've had surgery and lost weight. You have a beautiful bump, by the way! ♥
  16. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    I am 5'7 and I weigh 284lbs
  17. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    June 8th! Hi Surgery Twin!
  18. BoredFatGirl

    June 2020 surgeries

    My surgery is on the 8th. I am incredibly nervous, but also very excited. I really wish I started this process earlier in my life. I am hoping to find some others that are of a similar height/weight as me, so we can support and track progress together!
  19. BoredFatGirl

    Food Database?

    I am wondering if there is a food database where I can input specific restrictions on certain macros to find something that will work with my diet. For instance, I am currently on the keto diet and I managed to hit my limit of carbs and and am way over my allowed fat for the day (damn you, IKEA meatballs and Oreo eggs 🤬), but I don't have enough protein! Normally I eat the same thing everyday because it's easier since I know everything is being met. However, on days like today, I am struggling to find something that isn't going to add more carbs and fat to what I've already managed to shove into my body. So, anyone know of a database where this information could be found? I get that brands vary, but it would at least point me in the right direction (and I am getting a little tired of protein shake, tuna, and yogurt everyday 😅).
  20. A close friend of mine had the surgery and told me.. She started sharing pictures of people who had gone through with it and how great they looked. She recommended that I see if I can get it done since I am always complaining about my weight. The process to get started went pretty smoothly and I was super excited about the whole thing.. Made a post on FB and shared the news with everyone on my weight loss and that I was going to get surgery.. I also shared that it was going to be postponed due to the pandemic and haven't updated anyone on my new date or even any weight loss/weight gain besides my husband now.. which is honestly what I wish I had did from the beginning. I know there is a lot of judgement behind getting surgery due to ignorance and have already heard a few negative responses to the news. I hate the idea of lying to friends/family, but may just say that I didn't go through with it and that I just started eating less and exercising more.. I don't know!
  21. BoredFatGirl

    Any new surgery dates yet?

    I have admittedly gained some weight back as well. I am getting a new battery for my kitchen scale and getting back on track. We got this!
  22. BoredFatGirl

    Any new surgery dates yet?

    My original surgery date was April 27th, but was postponed til June 8th. I honestly thought they were going to push it back way further than this, so not too bad. I've got 3 weeks and 1 day to go!
  23. I feel like something always goes wrong when things seem to be going in the right direction for me. I turned 30 this year. My husband planned a romantic trip to Paris together for my birthday weekend to celebrate. That was mid-March, so it ended up being postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic and our country closing the borders. I was honestly looking forward to it -- a weekend where we didn't have to worry about the kids, where we could just enjoy each other, be intimate, go on an adventure, and be able to forget about everything else going on in our lives right now (which is honestly a lot of ****). I figured that we didn't need to leave our country to do that, though. We could figure out something at home since we would still have the weekend alone, and I got comfortable with that idea. That is, until our babysitter canceled on us completely, refusing to watch them for even a few hours. Great. It didn't turn out to be a bad weekend, but it wasn't what I had wished or even planned for. 😕 Anyways, I still had my surgery at the end of April to look forward to, so forget my birthday. No big deal. I've managed to keep my weight below where it needed to be in order to get surgery (down roughly 50lbs). I have stopped smoking completely & picked up nicotine-free vaping. I was really excited that this next chapter was getting started for me.. And I really hoped that it wasn't going to get canceled with how soon it was, that maybe things wouldn't have escalated as much as they have by now, and I would be okay.. But no, I got the email.. The email from the hospital telling me that my surgery is going to be postponed, that they would let me know by July 1st when I can expect my next date for surgery.. Another two months before I even hear back on when my next surgery date is, and even that isn't promised.. We don't know how far or how long this COVID-19 pandemic is going to take to be over with, or even to just where it can be managed to a point where hospitals can return to a normal routine. It's really getting me down and it's been hard to stay positive. I've stopped posting on here.. I am not sure why. Maybe I was ashamed or felt like I had no reason to be posting here.. These forums and having a set date was what was keeping me on track and motivated to keep going. Instead, I've turned back to food as a source of comfort. My diet has done a complete 180 and I am over-eating all the **** I shouldn't be eating in the first place. I've gained 8lbs back already. I hate how easy it is to put on weight. I hate how weak I am, how easy I can cave and give in to bad habits. I hate seeing myself sabotage all the work I've put into losing the weight I have. It's so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes.. My head is not where I need it to be.. I feel stuck and I am just overall unhappy.
  24. BoredFatGirl

    Unsupportive Boyfriend

    I have left relationships that have lasted longer for less. Please don't let the amount of time spent with someone be a deciding factor in what you should or shouldn't be doing. If someone isn't actively adding to your life, then they aren't worth being there in the first place. He sounds like he is insecure with you losing weight and gaining confidence, hence his reactions and belittling of you. There are plenty of men out there who would adore you and support your journey, so please don't let some a*****e ruin it for you. ♥
  25. I think you look amazing. I love seeing before and after pictures, reading success stories, and just seeing how other people have gone about their journey in general.. Thanks for sharing! I am incredibly jealous of your teeth! Lol! What do you use to keep them so beautifully white? Please share! xD

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