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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BandedButterfly

  1. Thanks for getting back to me! I felt absolutley fine before this fill. My first fill was good. I could eat well, just not bread. And I had a feeling of "fullness" when I ate. Now with this second fill... its been awful. Ill pb after two bites..but of course still be left hungry. Im afraid to eat/drink because even drinking things hurt sometimes. I called my doc last friday and told them what was going on and they told me to SIP warm water and see if it went down. I told them it would go down but I literally heard it going down and felt it. And the nurse just said oh thats ok. As long as it went down. And toldme I will just have to train my brain to be satisfied with 2 bites. And I'm thinking... I thought the purpose of the band was to limit the amount of food it took for you to be full? Not to train your brain and stay hungry. So anyway, i have went this week..and nothing has changed. I am going to have to call on Monday and say hey I need an unfil. The nurse just made me feel like I was requesting it prematurely since it had only been a week since my fill...now its been two and nothings changed. Somethings gotta give!
  2. Hello. What happened to your kidneys due to the band being too tight? Why did they hurt? Reason Im asking is I think my band is too tight. I just got a fill two weeks ago and I can not eat more than two bites without PBing. Of anything!! And it is soo hard to swallow.. even fluids sometimes. And then my kidney started hurting really bad. I actually have a pelvic kidney..(its actually in my lower abdomen).. and its actually the same side as my port (where he went in ). I didnt put the two together until I read your thread. Please let me know! Thanks!
  3. BandedButterfly

    Need Band Mentor or Buddy in Clearwater, FL

    Hello. I called journey lite at the begining of my journey but at that time they did not accept any insurance. Have they changed that now? I live on Bruce B Downs and go to Dr. Beach on BBD as well as my primary doc. He was all for my surgery. I didnt have to do the 6 month thing but I'm sure he would not have a problem at all doing it. Good luck!
  4. Hi! I developed hypothyroidism about 5 years and gained over 100 lbs by the time they finally realized what it was. I have been struggling with my weight to get some of it off since then. I decided to get the band and was banded on 5/15/08 and have lost 27.5 lbs. My medication needs have not changed for my thyroidism. It has changed alot for my type 1 diabetes. I dont believe that is how the thyroid works though. I dont believe your need will change with weight change. But besides that, I love my band , am very excited, and dont have any concerns with it with my thyroid.
  5. BandedButterfly

    Need Band Mentor or Buddy in Clearwater, FL

    Hi! Nice to meet you. Do you know who your doc is going to be? Where do you work in New Tampa? I ask because I live/work in New Tampa. Kristen
  6. BandedButterfly

    insulin pumpers HELP Please

    Hi! I am too also insulin dependent type one! And I am too an insulin pump user for 6 years. I have had diabetes for 20 years. I was banded 6 weeks ago. Right now because of my extra weight the best place to put my pump site is on the top of my rear. It holds there best. The stomach is getting harder and harder to use. You can also use your the top part of your leg area? Let me know if you discover anything else. Also, I'll ask my endo as well. Maybe together we can come up with something.
  7. BandedButterfly

    Need Band Mentor or Buddy in Clearwater, FL

    Hi Barbara! Ok I now understand the groups. Thank you for explaining! I live in New Tampa. I actually graduated high school from zhills. Its about 25 min from me now. Unfortunately, I cant go this saturday or sunday because I'm moving. Ugh! I hate moving. But dont worry I wont be lifting since I'm still so new to post op. But I of course have to be there to direct where it all goes and unpack. But the next one that comes up I would love to go and carpool. Kristen
  8. BandedButterfly

    Need Band Mentor or Buddy in Clearwater, FL

    Hi! Is you doctor in the same group as mine? Mine is Dr. DiCicco with FOSA. I dont know where there are any support groups. Maybe you can give me some ideas?! Thanks!
  9. BandedButterfly

    i finally feel hungry

    Hello. I was able to eat jello right after surgery in the hospital. i think that would be absolutely ok. Other than that i was on broth for the 1st week. I know the feeling, but it will be over before you know it!
  10. BandedButterfly

    I cheated on pre surgery diet help

    I had to be on a shake only diet for two weeks before surgery. I was sooo hungry that I felt dizzy and upset stomach all the time. Well 4 days before surgery I was at my mothers house and she made me eat an egg and piece of toast because of how I felt. So it started the joke that they would go in there and find "the egg". Everything went great. Nothing was ever "found" or "said". The whole purpose of the pre diet is to help you lose weight and shrink your liver. So, if you had some food you should be fine. A friend of mine went to another doctor and he didnt even havde a pre op diet. He just couldnt eat anything midnight before the surgery. So every doc is diff. I think mine was extreme. But you should be fine. Good luck!!!!
  11. BandedButterfly

    Need Band Mentor or Buddy in Clearwater, FL

    Hello! I live in Tampa, Fl so close to you. I saw your posting and that it was really neat. And then saw your ticker and thought that was really really neat because I have the same one. But anyway, I was banded 5/15/08 and I too can start mushy food next week. I was banded by Dr. DiCicco. And you? I think I would really enjoy having a banded buddy. Get back to me when you can! Thank you. P.s. I have lost 22 lbs so far...My first fill in three weeks. Have you had one yet?
  12. BandedButterfly

    lil red around cuts

    Hello. I also had a little redness around the cuts. If it gets too red be careful. And as far as cleaning them, yes just use soap and water. Dont scrub. Now I used rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball to get the nasty adhesive stuff off me. It came off in about just a minute without having to scrub. And I was just careful not to get in cuts, but if I went over one it didnt hurt/burn.
  13. BandedButterfly

    Incision problems?

    Hello. I would defenitely call the doc or go in. My cuts were completely sealed up. And I'm now 3 weeks post op and they look great. Just about healed. Please get it checked out...dont wait for a fever,etc. Just to be safe.
  14. BandedButterfly

    I hate myself!

    You are not a failure!!!! This journey does not end as soon as you get the lapband. This is ongoing. Every temptation, thought, of craving of food. You said you feel like a drug addict.... thats because its the same thing!! But with food. Every addiction wether its food, drugs, alcohol, gambling does not stop over night. One thing can not make it go away. You will slip up. If you dont you arent human. After you do you just have to be sure to tell yourself...I CAN do this. And I WILL do this because i'm worth it. And you continue your journey. Also about any addiciton, there is always an underlying factor. It may be worth your time to seek a therapist. It can really help. There are ones that deal with over eating. I also feel that just like a drug/alcohol road to recovery , we should have sponsors too. Please feel free to email me ANYTIME you need someone to help you through a rough spot...a craving, a weak moment. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  15. Hello! Dont get depressed!! From what it seems you started your journey begining of May. I started mine Nov 07 and was approved for April 08. Gastric bypass and laband are defenitely two different procedures to the insurance company. My insurance actually doesnt even cover the by pass surgery just the lapband. Wording is EVERYTHING when it comes to insurance companies. Just go to your nutritionis apt because you have to see one anyway. And talk to your doctor!! Come right out and ask them....How are you submiting this? What wording are you using? And of course tell him about all conditions you feel you are having symptoms of. I know at times it can seem like its never going to happen...but it WILL, you just have to be persistent. And get them what ever it is they want. If you do that then they have no way of telling you: ITS BEEN DENIED. So good luck and keep going!!!
  16. BandedButterfly

    June 3rd is finally here!!!

    Hello. I am 3 weeks post op. As far as PJ's... girl I had went out and purchased these comfortable ones. I did end up putting them on. They require you to walk around. It really helps with the gas. And I refused to walk in that gown so they let me put them on as long as they were baggy. I didnt really need anything else. Of course I brought other stuff...but never used it. So just bring your pjs and GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!
  17. BandedButterfly

    BCBS "blue hospital cert" ??

    Hello. Most insurance companies do want to see that you have attempted weight loss for them to approve it. I did the same thing the other lady did. I got documents from all the gyms I was a member of. Ihad my doctor write a letter explaining all the things we tried to do to help me lose weight...such as lower cal diet, other diets, diet pills, etc. and I actually created my own timeline that advised when I did certain things. Such as purchased exercise equipment, tookt he pills, tried the release program from GNC, etc. And that is all they wanted. I was approved. Some insurances do require you to try for 6 months and have it all documented. If that is the case, that is something you will have to decide if you want to do. Personally I would think of it as: In 6 months I'm either going to be where I am now or getting my band. Good luck to you!
  18. BandedButterfly

    Help! Bad Breath

    Hello. My two week pre surg diet was optifast shakes only. And my breath didnt smell too good either. I blammed it on the shakes. I am on full liquid....almost 3 weeks post op and its not there anymore. As far as ketosis.. that happens when you have sugar spilling into the urine and the breath will have a sweet smell to it. Not saying it will smell like cherries...but it will smell sweet. I am familiar with it because I have had type 1 diabetes since 5. I hope this helps!!!!
  19. BandedButterfly


    I'm sorry to hear about your break up. I can imagine how painful that must be for you right now. Only you can make that choice, but I will tell you what I would do. I would go through with the surgery. I have been with my boyfriend going on 6 years, and was very fortunate to have him there. But if the same thing had happened to me, I know I would still have gone through with it. The surgery was about me. This surgery was about getting healthy and happy again. Just as what it should be for you. And if he didnt want to stick around to experience this wonderful transition in you, then that is his ignorance and loss. Dont let yourself miss out on it. I know this wont take away the heartache, only time will do that. But I hope it makes you realize why you wanted to do this in the first place...FOR YOU!!! P.S. I also think that you will be more then ok with out his help. Its such an easy procedure it would be ok. Also, if you would like to talk, please friend me...I'd be more than happy to talk.
  20. BandedButterfly

    I have a heart murmur Does this matter?

    Hi! Two days before I was supposed to have surgery I went to post op and they did an ekg (the hospital did). And the night before surgery my doctors nurse called and said the surgery was off because I had Wolff Parkinson White disease. Its basically where my heart has another pathway to transmit shocks. The hospital required me to get a cardiologist and electrophisiologist clearance in order to proceed. So it pushed my surgery back 6 weeks. Supposed to be banded 4/3 was done 5/15. So my point is a couple of things. I think a heart murmur is going to be absolutely ok. I was so scared the docs were going to tell me I couldnt do my surgery! So I really dont think you should worry about that. And also, Be very happy they are doing this BEFORE hand. I was so upset my surgeon didnt do this before. The firt time he saw me he said he could hear a murmur. So that devastated me. I had gone through 2 weeks of nothing but shakes, just to do it again. So I really think you will be ok! Good luck! And it will so be worth it!

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