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LAP-BAND Patients
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About tp78

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/30/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    I was banded 3-13-2008 by Dr. Kowalski at Jeanes hospital. My weight at surgery was 236. My highest weight was 289 after gaining 100 pounds when I was pregnant with my son. I have not seen under 200 since. This will get me there.
  • Interests
    My Wonderful Husband Bruce and my 3 kids Kelsey 12, Shawn 6 and Autumn 3
  • Occupation
    Database administrator
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  1. Thanks! Your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated! Not sure why some people insist on being negative on here. But who cares anyway! We are gonna rock this band and look even better than we do now whether they like it or not! You look awesome, keep up the great work!!

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