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  1. Hugs
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to Recidivist in Things I won't miss about being fat!   
    I don't miss everyone looking at me when I board a plane and thinking, "I hope the fat guy doesn't sit next to me."
  2. Hugs
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to _Chonk_ in Things I won't miss about being fat!   
    I won't miss needing to turn the lights off in the bedroom because I am so disgustingly fat, or strategically trying to hide my rolls in bed with sheets or pillows; or having to drink 3/4 of bottle of wine to feel comfortable about my body in bed, and then waking up sick & hungover the next day.
    I won't miss having to buy new clothes every few weeks or months because none of my clothes fit again.
    I won't miss having multiple size wardrobes depending for what stage of fat I am. I look forward to wearing one size for the rest of my life,
    I won't miss having to wear two underwire bras at all times, because my breasts are so enormous and heavy.
    I won't miss the backaches, neckaches and shoulderaches that go with enormous, fat breasts.
    I won't miss not being able to wear cute, attractive clothes, and having to wear tents when I am in public.
    I won't miss pretending to be sick and not going to events or parties, because I am afraid that people will see how fat I got. I will not miss the disapproving looks of my husband's family when they see my weight gain, when we fly home to see them.
    I won't miss people saying that they did not recognize me (because I got so fat again - my weight fluctuates by around 100+ pounds)
    I won't miss the acid reflux that was part of being fat (and hope that my sleeve does not cause it to return!)
    I won't miss peeing every time I laugh/sneeze/cough. Stress incontinence is 1,000% worse for me when I am obese.
    I won't miss developing herniated discs & sciatica because of the pressure of the weight on my back (I had disc surgery right before my sleeve, and hope that the weight loss helps me not reherniate)
    I won't miss being exhausted all the time, and not having the energy to work out, or not being able to physically handle working out. I won't miss not being able to do active, fun things like hike, mountain bike, swim, snorkle and ski.
    I won't miss getting winded after two or three stairs and having to catch my breath.
    I won't miss ducking out of photos, because I don't want there to be a record of how fat I am.
    I won't miss seeing my HA1C going up every time I get blood work, along with lipids, etc, and knowing I am developing diabetes and heart disease.
    I won't miss my joints hurting when I walk, and waddling down the road as my thighs painfully rub together.
    I know there are more thing's I won't miss about being fat, but can't think of them now!
  3. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to jennyhenny0330 in Things I won't miss about being fat!   
    I won't miss sharing clothes with my 2x husband.
    I won't miss shopping in the plus size section.
    I won't miss huffing and puffing every time I go up a flight of stairs!
    I won't miss being shy and not giving people eye contact because I'm not confident.
    I won't missing always trying to find a place to sit midway through shopping.
    I won't miss weighing more than my husband through most of our marriage.
    I won't miss trying to find those Wide shoes.
  4. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to ms.sss in Things I won't miss about being fat!   
    Sweating (I’m perfectly climate-controlled now).
    Hiding from cameras (I loooove getting my pic taken, like ALL. THE. TIME.)
    Snoring (I dont notice this, but Mr. is quite happy)
    Packing a sh*t-ton of clothes whenever I leave the house for vacation or a day trip (Now, everything I need fits in my purse)
    Being tired/winded at the tiniest exertion (I’ve got energy for DAYS)
    Feeling shy/uncomfortable/self-conscious (i have so much confidence now its quite disgusting)

  5. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to cassiedianne in Things I won't miss about being fat!   
    being able to fit on a roller coaster seat with my kids
    More energy
    Fitting into cute clothes and shopping at regular online stores, not having to worry if they carry plus size clothes
  6. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from ChubRub in Favorite Grocery Products   
    I’m also buying the Healthy Choice dressings. They’re a great marinade for chicken or just on salads. I also love the Torani sugar free syrups for coffee or in plain Greek yogurt.

  7. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from ChubRub in Favorite Grocery Products   
    I buy a lot of turkey bacon but my kids eat more of it than I do. Since my VSG I’ve notice plant Protein sits a lot better I’ve added pictures of 2 of my favorites. The Lightlife sausage is a great ground beef replacement. I still eat a lot of chicken and shrimp that I cook in the air fryer because it’s not as dry that way. I also buy A LOT of zucchini and tomatoes and mushrooms.

  8. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to GreenTealael in HAIR LOSS!!! UGH!!!   
    Research Telogen Effluvium for more info on why this is happening
    Research solutions for Telogen Effluvium
    Request that labs are run to confirm (especially iron/ ferritin) levels are in range
    Try to wash hair less often or only Co wash (conditioner only) for a bit
    Try low manipulation hairstyles (ballerina bun)
    Try to be patient and understand it will grow back it just takes some time

  9. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to ChubRub in Favorite Grocery Products   
    I love most flavors of Greek yogurt, but my absolute fave is this Caramel Apple Pie yogurt. Has chunks of baked apple in it and it really hits the spot!!

  10. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from Suzi_the_Q in Full liquids starts tomorrow!   
    pumpkin spice smoothie- 1 scoop vanilla Protein Powder 8oz almond milk, 1/2 c pumpkin purée, 1/2-1tsp pumpkin spice mix blend with ice. Blend. Makes 2 servings
    Decaf Mocha- 1tsp decaf instant coffee, 1 scoop chocolate Protein powder, 1 cup Water or almond milk, ice. Blend. Makes 2 servings.

    Creamy chicken soup- 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup water, 2tsp chicken bouillon, dash celery salt, garlic and onion powder. Blend milk and nonfat milk powder. Add to pan with other ingredients. Heat over medium until warmed. Makes 2-4 servings.

    Potato soup- 1 medium potato peeled and boiled. 1 cup skim milk, 1/4c nonfat dry milk, spices of choice (I use a little season salt and garlic powder) 1/2-1c water to thin if needed. Blend everything and warm over medium heat. Makes 2-3 servings.

    Homemade protein pudding- 2 cups skim milk, 1/4c nonfat dry milk, 2 egg yolks, 2T sweetener or sugar free Syrup, 1 1/2 tsp corn starch 1-2 cups skim milk.
    Heat 2c milk and nonfat dry milk over medium until it just starts to bubble. In a bowl add remaining ingredients and combine. Slowly add warm milk into egg yolk mixture and whisk like life depends on it. Add back to pan and cook over low until thickened to liking. Cool in a shallow dish in fridge and make sure you cover in plastic wrap touching pudding surface.
  11. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from BayougirlMrsS in I’ve always wanted??!! What are yours?   
    I’ve always wanted to wear a backless gown.
  12. Hugs
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from MeliE82 in 5 years post op and have huge REGRET!   
    I can’t believe they waited so long and you haven’t been given the option of an RNY revision. Everything you’ve said sounds like be minus the extra surgeries and time. I’ve had GERD pretty bad for the last 5 months (Pepcid and protonix with tums) and a new hiatal hernia (had one repaired with my sleeve in December 2019) and my revision surgery is in 9 days. I definitely think you need a second opinion for sure!

    Sorry you’re in so much pain. I really hope you get answers soon!
  13. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to carlacv in Revision from sleeve to ray due to hiatal hernia 8/3   
    Thank u everyone still in the hospital due to my hernia surgeon said it was intense so taking recovery slow. Hoping to leave Friday now but I’m feeling good!
  14. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to colormehappy in DON'T DO IT   
    The risk of gastric leak is around 1 in every 200 surgeries. Patients are explained the risks. I signed a paper before being wheeled back acknowledging that I realized I could have complications and potentially die. I did end up with a massive GI bleed and the beginning of sepsis. Would do it again.
  15. Thanks
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from RainbowBrite57 in Nausea from protein shakes/powder   
    I’m on my second round of pre-op liquid diet (did it in December) and I have noticed this time that they’re a lot tougher to drink. Today I’ve only managed 2. I think I’m going to just end up using powders and make my own. Those go down much better than the ready to drink ones.
  16. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from GreenTealael in Seasonings   
    Curry powder, chili powder, Cajun seasoning, garlic and onion powder for almost everything, ginger, pumpkin spice for homemade shakes, once you get to solids again try dukkah seasoning.
    I'm also using a southwest chili Protein Powder from the BariatricPal Store for tossing veggies in before baking or sautéing. So good!
  17. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to Foxbins in Myotomy and sleeve to bypass revision due to GERD   
    I did my weekly weigh-in today and I've gained 2 lbs. Not real, stuck on the hips pounds because in order to gain 2 real pounds in a week I'd have to have eaten 1000 calories a day, every day, over my calorie expenditure, which I didn't do. What I did do is eat a lot of Asian recipes this week. All are high in sodium, so I suspect I'm holding on to some Water weight, but I wanted some strong flavors after yogurt, egg salad, and cottage cheese these past weeks. So I broke out the fish sauce, soy sauce, and made some quick cucumber pickles. Everything was delicious. I tried half a toasted English muffin, seemed to sit well. I haven't vomited at all, or dumped. Maybe I'll escape that. I am walking 5000+ steps a day and I will add some yoga and squats I think. I still feel like I'm wearing a corset, a tightness under the skin. It's odd but not painful. My incisions have all healed and the scab from the hole where the drain exited has finally fallen off. I still get some odd pains here and there, mostly around my belly button. I am taking a 750mg psyllium capsule each morning and have not had a problem with Constipation despite falling short of my 64 oz Fluid goal a couple of days this week. And best of all, still no GERD, no regurgitation, and I started swallowing full size pills without a problem this week. I have a telephone appt with the surgeon's office on Friday and I hope I can stop taking omeprazole then.
  18. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to carlacv in Revision from sleeve to ray due to hiatal hernia 8/3   
    Doing good so far. I’m hardly using any pain medicine and was walking my first night. The thing that surprised me was that my surgeon told me that my hernia was damaged and in much need of repair. We knew I had it but not that bad and in order to help I had the revision done. So far so good staying in the hospital 3 nights no Water or ice till tomorrow but feeling good and energized. Today already walked a mile and can’t wait to drink my Protein shakes! I was tol by the nutricionista that i should be able to loose weight again so here I am to the rad of recovery
  19. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to nenaj in Nausea from protein shakes/powder   
    I was getting sick from the Premier Protein drinks on my pre surgery diet. I switched to powder and soy or almond milk, big difference! Also clear Protein Drinks like Protein 2O helps.
  20. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to RainbowBrite57 in Nausea from protein shakes/powder   
    OK, I feel silly. It just hit me that as soon as my doc upped my diabetes medication is the same time I started trying the Protein Shakes. I'm going back to my regular amount of medication so I'll try the shakes again in a few days. Hopefully that'll do the trick!
  21. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from nat2013 in Gastric Sleeve Nerves and Anxiety! Questions!   
    I’m going to preface this with- totally worth it, would do it again in a heartbeat.
    That being said, I vomited for several hours after surgery that I remember. I tend to be really sensitive to anesthesia. My biggest issue once home was having a bowel movement but some magnesium citrate took care of that. I didn’t have much pain at all and wasn’t really ever hungry either. I did have some issues with certain foods after like room temp Water was an issue for a long time. However, I did develop a love of Protein pretzels and other crunchy Snacks.
    In 3 1/2 months (mid December [264] to March [230]) I lost 34lbs making for a total of 95 including presurgery. I didn’t go back to work for 9 weeks but that’s because I also had knee surgery doing to same leave period.
    After mid March I didn’t haven’t lost much else (currently 218) but I attribute that to developing a new hiatal hernia, severe GERD, intractable hiccups and esophagitis causing a ton of inflammation. I’m having surgery to correct them on the 11th.
    Like I said though, would do it again in a heartbeat even with the hiccups (literal and figurative) along the way.
  22. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from nat2013 in Gastric Sleeve Nerves and Anxiety! Questions!   
    I’m going to preface this with- totally worth it, would do it again in a heartbeat.
    That being said, I vomited for several hours after surgery that I remember. I tend to be really sensitive to anesthesia. My biggest issue once home was having a bowel movement but some magnesium citrate took care of that. I didn’t have much pain at all and wasn’t really ever hungry either. I did have some issues with certain foods after like room temp Water was an issue for a long time. However, I did develop a love of Protein pretzels and other crunchy Snacks.
    In 3 1/2 months (mid December [264] to March [230]) I lost 34lbs making for a total of 95 including presurgery. I didn’t go back to work for 9 weeks but that’s because I also had knee surgery doing to same leave period.
    After mid March I didn’t haven’t lost much else (currently 218) but I attribute that to developing a new hiatal hernia, severe GERD, intractable hiccups and esophagitis causing a ton of inflammation. I’m having surgery to correct them on the 11th.
    Like I said though, would do it again in a heartbeat even with the hiccups (literal and figurative) along the way.
  23. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to JordanKylie in Gastric Sleeve Nerves and Anxiety! Questions!   
    I'm 5 days out and I have not had an easy go of it thus far, and I'm not trying to discourage you just so you know. But I was kind of pissed when I had it so rough and all I had been hearing/reading was how easy and gentle it was for everyone. I don't regret it, and I would still do it, and like I said I'm only 5 days out. I guess I'm just trying to say that you should know your journey is uniquely your own and you might not have the easy one but that's okay. No pain no gain!
  24. Like
    Starwarsandcupcakes got a reaction from nat2013 in Gastric Sleeve Nerves and Anxiety! Questions!   
    I’m going to preface this with- totally worth it, would do it again in a heartbeat.
    That being said, I vomited for several hours after surgery that I remember. I tend to be really sensitive to anesthesia. My biggest issue once home was having a bowel movement but some magnesium citrate took care of that. I didn’t have much pain at all and wasn’t really ever hungry either. I did have some issues with certain foods after like room temp Water was an issue for a long time. However, I did develop a love of Protein pretzels and other crunchy Snacks.
    In 3 1/2 months (mid December [264] to March [230]) I lost 34lbs making for a total of 95 including presurgery. I didn’t go back to work for 9 weeks but that’s because I also had knee surgery doing to same leave period.
    After mid March I didn’t haven’t lost much else (currently 218) but I attribute that to developing a new hiatal hernia, severe GERD, intractable hiccups and esophagitis causing a ton of inflammation. I’m having surgery to correct them on the 11th.
    Like I said though, would do it again in a heartbeat even with the hiccups (literal and figurative) along the way.
  25. Hugs
    Starwarsandcupcakes reacted to DimsumQueen in I spent a lot of money on protein but I can't drink any of it   
    Hi everyone.
    I'm on pre-op and I bought enough Protein to last into post-op. Stupidly.
    Isopure unflavored
    Isopure zero carb vanilla
    nectar lemon ice tea
    Premier Protein pack of 12 clear protein peach

    Reccomended by the clinic doing the surgery. Reccomended based on my issues - I'm lactose intolerant. I dislike milk in general. I don't enjoy milkshakes.
    The first clear protein peach was nice. The first nectar was ok, minis the off putting color that made me feel weird. Tasting a clear liquid liked iced tea, but brain saw a milky liquid in the glass.

    Day two, I try the vanilla from isopure. Smells makes me gag. Added matcha powder in it. Still disgusting.
    Tried putting some isopure unflavored in to lukewarm beef stock. Chalky. Starts to clump. Manage to drink it.
    Day three, I try another clear drink. This time it tastes too sweet. And the aftertaste is sickening. Later that day I try another lemon ice tea. I'm literally gag at the smell. I have to hold my nose to chug it.
    I don't know what to do. I stupidly spent a lot of money on this stuff trying to be prepared, we're moving house the weekend after my surgery, I also don't drive, which is why I ordered so much in advance.
    Today I'm lying in bed, 6 days until surgery, and even the thought of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese makes me sick. Protein powder sounds like a torture right now.
    Help a milk-hater out.
    TLDR: diary of my protein powder tasting. It's all disgusting. Please give advice.

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