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Everything posted by TheAngryMeow

  1. TheAngryMeow

    February Surgery ?

    Oh Gosh! Sounds like something that I would do, too! LOL I am thinking I might ask for some sedatives. I have had surgery before, but I swear - I have never been this nervous! I know I will do fine and it's all in my head, but of course I always go to the worst-case scenario. I will be brave though! I have definitely come too far to turn around now! Your nurse was right!
  2. TheAngryMeow

    February Surgery ?

    I go in tomorrow at 8am. Wish me luck/pray for me! I'm super stoked, and of course nervous. Probably wont be able to sleep tonight! 😬
  3. TheAngryMeow

    So many questions

    Hi! Congrats on the date! Re: Vitamins - I would say hold off. My surgeon made me quit taking them. I guess depending on some of the vitamins contained in it, it can interfere with surgery. *shrugs* I would ask the doctor who prescribes the anxiety meds to see if there are alternatives or if it is going to affect you. Are you bypass or sleeve? That makes a difference, too. I'm still pre-op (Feb 25th), but I packed a bag with my daily meds, a couple changes of underwear, a dress to leave the hospital in, a robe, some slippers, a couple of my protein drinks because I don't know what options they will have, charger for phone and a laptop, and a small travel pillow. I may be overprepared, but I'd rather have too much than too little. Can't answer the mobility question - yet - but I will get back with you Tuesday! They WILL get you up and walking shortly after your surgery (or so I have been told and have seen posted on here). So I imagine mobility is not terrible. But again, I will update as I go! Good luck! 👍
  4. TheAngryMeow

    Noobie with questions!

    I'm still pre-op, but my surgery is Tuesday - so maybe I will magically come up with better answers after. Just based off of what I know and think now though, I can try and answer some of your questions. 1. Weight loss surgery has been described to me as a "tool" - Just as a diet is a tool, it's all about how you use it. Sometimes certain tools are not meant for certain jobs. You can't use a philips on a flat head screw. So think of weight loss surgery as a tool to help you lose weight. You have to still do the work, it just helps you along. Once you have the surgery, it's not over. It's just beginning. You will still have to overcome the food addictions, binging, or "cravings". Many people (myself included) have struggled with the psychology behind it. It's tough, and that's why pretty much everyone has to go through a psych eval to figure out if they are ready for such a huge commitment. Even then, there's no telling. If you are still unsure, I'd recommend a bariatric psychiatrist. I see one. 2. If you are doing this surgery because you are scared or have a "phobia" of weight, then I personally don't think you will succeed. You have to go into a mindset of "I'm doing this to better myself, one way or another". I first told myself, "I can't wait to no longer be fat!" now I try to tell myself, "I can't wait to be healthy". It's crazy how you change verbage and change your thought process. 3. Again, you have to think of this as a journey to wellness and wholeness. Not as a way to escape from being overweight or "fat". You are still a human being right now, with all the worth in the world. Being skinny, doesn't change that. Come to the realization that you are a whole person, right in this given moment. 4. I initially only told close family. Not even friends. I was ashamed because there is still a stigma attached to the surgery. Over time, I finally "came out" to my friends and even strangers! I was proud of the decision to get healthy and I didn't mind sharing it with the world. The only people who would have a problem with it, are probably not the people you want to support you anyways. I don't go to the mountain tops to scream it, but when I tell people that I'm having surgery, I have no problem filling them in when they ask, "Oh what kind?" If you have any more questions, you are more than welcome to message me directly and I can try and provide some guidance and reassurance! You deserve to feel confident about your decision. Good luck! 👍
  5. TheAngryMeow

    Dr. Cahill Dyer, Indiana

    Hiiiii Surgery Date Buddy! 👋👋 Nervous here, too. We are gonna rock it though. 💪 I hope you can post when you are able to. Let us know how you're doing!
  6. TheAngryMeow

    Struggling with preop diet

    I know this pain too well! My surgery is in a day and a half. I have been on the liquid diet for OVER two weeks. I admit, I cheated and had crackers on day 4, but after a friend whose had RNY told me that they may close me back up if my liver wasn't shrunk enough, it scared me straight! I began to experiment with different drinks, protein drinks and soups. I am allowed soups without chunks. I found I really liked broccoli cheddar from Campbell's. Mixed with some fat free milk. It's not Arby's, but it's palatable. After a while, you'll eventually start to get used to it and I actually don't feel like eating much right now at all. I have to force myself. Fast food commercials are still a little hard to watch, but I try not to do that to myself. I know it's not something I can't return to anyways. You have to get into a new headspace. This is life changing! I wish you all the best of luck. Sending prayers and positive thoughts. ❤️
  7. TheAngryMeow

    Nicotine test

    Most (not all) surgeons require you to be several weeks without nicotine. My surgeon said 2 months no nicotine. They have special tests to test whether you have actually smoked or been in the presence of smoke. I personally quit smoking in 2018 so I didn't have to worry. Some may test no matter what, some may not test if you tell them you are a non-smoker. There is no one set system. But I imagine they may tell you that surgery is off until you prove you can go a certain amount of time without nicotine. But it's for a good reason. Those who smoke will have a harder time with anesthesia/respiratory and you heal a lot slower as a smoker. Plus the extra strain on your heart and lungs is obviously a danger on top of being overweight. Good luck! 👍
  8. I second this. I used to buy into the organic, grass fed, all natural, no antibiotic stuff all the time. I came to realize that no matter what you do, you will slip up somewhere. GMOs are in EVERYTHING nowadays. Even organic stuff. So it's best to just eat healthy and not worry about finding the most "pure" ingredients. As far as the OPs original concern, I noticed that too. I can only speak from experience since I'm still on the liquid pre-op diet, that I had to experiment with a ton of different things before I found what worked for me. Currently, I drink Glucerna hunger smart. It keeps me satiated for several hours and sometimes I forget to even eat. Plus, its the most palatable of the protein drinks I've tried so far. It's always a good idea to make stuff from scratch because you know what goes in it and can avoid the extra sugars and fats. But in a pinch, protein drinks and other protein sources are helpful. But I wouldn't rely to heavily on it. Good luck 👍
  9. TheAngryMeow

    Struggling with preop diet

    Thank you so much ❤️🤗 I am excited, nervous, but definitely excited. This is all about the journey. Like Miley Cyrus says, "it's not about how fast you get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side, it's the climb". Cheesy, I know. But true. This is all about the journey to wholeness, wellness and eventually bliss. I am ecstatic to see what happens in the future, but currently I'm enjoying the woman I am becoming. I need to practice more mindfulness, though, I'm blessed regardless... Thanks for your kind words and I pray you have an excellent, safe and relatively easy journey (don't want it too easy, because the best things in life are worth fighting for). Ok, I'm done with the silly analogies. Good luck to you! I will post as soon as I am awake! ❤️
  10. TheAngryMeow

    Struggling with preop diet

    How are you doing on your liquid diet now? I hope you're not struggling anymore. I have one and a half days left before surgery and now I'm trying to force myself to drink. lol
  11. So my date is coming up in a week, and I just had some random questions for those who have already had bypass. Or those who may know the answer! 1. Did you have a JP drain with your procedure? 2. Did they Cath you? 3. How did you take large meds post-op? Or meds by mouth at all? Were you able to swallow ok? Thanks in advance! ❤️
  12. I'm super excited to no longer be a prisoner to my Omeprazole! Bypass FTW!
  13. TheAngryMeow

    Food doesn’t taste right

    This is solid advice. Totally agree. I have a thing with certain foods where, for instance, if I eat tuna and find a bone or scale - it's no tuna for like 6 months at least. I eventually try again (hope for the best!). Definitely try foods cooked different ways, but if you just can't palate it right now, try again later! I'm still pre-op (for the next 2 days) but it's a fear of mine I hope not to have to encounter. Good luck 👍
  14. TheAngryMeow

    February Surgery ?

    YASSS! That's my mindset. 😂 And totally we can be surgery buddies. I plan to post on here as soon as I'm conscious and able. Lol
  15. TheAngryMeow

    February Surgery ?

    I think that's gotta be the hardest part, granted I haven't had surgery yet - the discipline required to do this liquid diet I believe measures how well you will do long-term. I have confidence! I have done it, I know you can, too! I'm Feb 25th, so only a couple more days. Good luck! 👍
  16. I don't have sleep apnea, but I DO have GERD. And that was another major reason why we both decided upon bypass.
  17. I thought I wanted gastric sleeve myself. Since I didn't want the malabsorption effects either. But I talked to my surgeon and he convinced me to get the RNY instead. He said it's better suited for people my size and that there is more evidence to show that RNY has long term success and more weight loss than GS. It's totally something you and your provider should discuss though, so it's good you are gonna make a decision with them. Ultimately, both are good choices for weight loss but I feel RNY was right for me. Maybe it will be right for you, too! Good luck! 👍
  18. TheAngryMeow

    Struggling with preop diet

    I am still on my pre-op diet as well (day 11 of 14). It's liquid only, and let me tell ya - it's been hard! But I have learned a few tricks. As far as you being hungry at night, try something with high protein in it that's a little thicker. My personal favorite is either carnation instant breakfast high protein with nonfat milk, OR glucerna hunger smart (my favorite is the chocolate one). It's definitely not easy, and a cheeseburger sounds great right now! But I know it's better in the long run. Good luck 👍
  19. Thank you for the feedback guys! I talked to my nutritionist and she seems to think I'm doing it right. So I feel a lot more confident. ❤️
  20. What they said ^^ Totally up to your insurance company. I'd think they would have to be a registered dietician, though.
  21. TheAngryMeow

    How long?

    My first appointment was October 31st, 2019. My surgery is February 25th. Everyone's insurance and doctor's office is different and require different things. Many require at least 3 months of a program, and some require 6. There are also some places that require weight loss before you are scheduled for surgery. Luckily for me it was about 4 months. I had to do orientation, 2 nutritionist appts, 3 Dr appts, 2 surgical appts and various support groups and exercise classes.
  22. My surgery is Feb 25th. I'm so excited and so nervous. 😁 😬
  23. TheAngryMeow

    Time frame

    My insurance required 3 months of supervised weight management. Nutrition appointments, labs, meeting with the support group. My first appointment was October 31st, 2019 - my surgery date is February 25th. But there is no exact time frame. Its completely up to the insurance company and your surgeon's office. Good luck 👍
  24. TheAngryMeow

    February Surgery ?

    Right here! I'm struggling with it right now. I've added miralax twice a day to my drinks, bought some fiber, as well as upping my water intake. I also have metoclopramide from a previous surgery and I took that so I would just go! I can recommend what my nutritionist told me today - more fiber! You can also look into some fleet enemas or suppositories. Good luck! 👍
  25. Congrats! 🎉 I'm Feb 25th! The excitement increases the closer you get!

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