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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. lotzasunshine

    Liquid Diet - not counting the days anymore!

    So I am not on a liquid diet, but a no carb/no sugar diet for 10 days before my surgery. I was having the hardest time the first few days, but yeah, it starts to feel normal after a while. I'm glad you got to that point too!! Good luck with the last little while!!!
  2. I was just reading another thread and it was talking about blood thinner injections that the bandsters had to give THEMSELVES for a week or so after surgery. Please tell me Dr. K doesn't do this!!!!
  3. lotzasunshine

    Anyone else close to being under 300lbs????

    Ok, so I haven't been on this thread for a while. But I have been working hard on my preop diet and am down to 302!! I can't wait to slip under 300!!!:thumbup:
  4. I have been gathering lots of recipes from the other threads, but I need more!!! I have decided to start a bandsters cookbook for mushies and liquids. If everything works out the way I want it to, then the proceeds will go to people who need Lapband Surgery, but cannot afford it, and don't have insurance approval. I just know what a struggle my weight has been for me, and I want other people to get the help they need. So this is a shout out to everyone!! I need your recipes!! Original ones are best, or ones you have changed, as I don't want to cause any problems by stealing recipes. I also want to put everyones handle next to their recipes. If you don't want it to be, then let me know. I have already gathered from the other threads so if you have a recipe on there that you do not want used just send me a private message. Thank you so much!!!!!
  5. lotzasunshine

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Yeah, we are heading back the day after surgery, Hubby needs to be back for work. It would be cool if we could meet up, or at least chat on the phone.
  6. Good job on not cheating on your diet!! I don't think I could do the whole liquid thing. I just have to do a form of atkins, I really shouldn't complain. Good luck with the rest of the diet! How many days do you have left?

  7. lotzasunshine

    A breakthrough!!!

    So I have been having a really hard time with my preop diet, and am on my fourth day. Yesterday I kind of had a breakdown... my poor hubby took the brunt. I was just getting really frustrated about not eating carbs, I really am addicted I think. So I was crying and all upset and wondering if I'm doing the right thing. Then I wake up this morning with a headache(what esle should I expect after crying so much?) and decided to weight myself. I AM DOWN 3LBS!!!!!! YAY!!! I am VERY happy today and the diet doesn't seem as hard. I know it must be all in my head, but I really do feel like I'm better today. I can keep going. I WILL keep going, because I am worth the work!!!:shades_smile:
  8. lotzasunshine

    A breakthrough!!!

    So I have been having a really hard time with my preop diet, and am on my fourth day. Yesterday I kind of had a breakdown... my poor hubby took the brunt. I was just getting really frustrated about not eating carbs, I really am addicted I think. So I was crying and all upset and wondering if I'm doing the right thing. Then I wake up this morning with a headache(what esle should I expect after crying so much?) and decided to weight myself. I AM DOWN 3LBS!!!!!! YAY!!! I am VERY happy today and the diet doesn't seem as hard. I know it must be all in my head, but I really do feel like I'm better today. I can keep going. I WILL keep going, because I am worth the work!!!:thumbup:
  9. I am 23 and weigh over 300lbs, and my parents have recently offered to pay for a lapband procedure(which is wonderful cuz hubby and I are poor college students paying off medical bills from his 2 knee surgeries last year). They want to have it done quickly and I am looking at where to get the best price cuz there is no way my insurance would cover WLS. I am looking to know people's experiences with Dr.K and have read several pages of the posts below mine, and am feeling very encouraged. Please tell me about your experiences with Dr.K. I need all the info I can get!!!:scared2:
  10. The brochure Dr. Kirshenbaums office gave me said no condiments with sugar in them, so I have been avoiding everything with sugar. I am allowed sour cream so I found some ranch dip powder that doesn't have any and made some dip, I use it on my salads too. I just didn't want to risk messing up at the restaurant last night. I really am doing better today, and thinking real hard for more variety, and am going to buy some butter and saute some mushrooms for lunch!! YUM!!!
  11. Thanks for your replies everyone! I have been having big salads and lots of veggies and meat, but was having a weak moment last night. I'm much better now. Especially since I got on the scale this morning and have lost 3 lbs!!! I'm going to borrow my Mom's digital scale to double check, but it makes me feel much better! Now I'm gonna go make an omelet with cheese!!
  12. Ok, so I am having the hardest time right now!! I have been on the preope diet for 3 days now and am DYING!!! I agree, we must be carb addicts!! I went to dinner with some friends(supportive ones), they both got great looking salads, and what did I get? A frikkin' bowl of lettuce with cheese sprinkled on top and 2 grape tomatoes!!! I think the waiter thought I was crazy. SO I get home afterwards and the house smells like cup o noodles cuz hubby needed dinner, and I started crying(still crying), can I really do this?? Am I strong enough to pull free of this hold that food has on me? Is it going to be worth it?
  13. We are flying. Good luck with your class and have fun this weekend!!

  14. Meh, the preop diet is ok, I'm eating a lot of eggs :) I haven't felt the change or ketosis thing yet. But it has only been 2 1/2 days. I have been watching the thred where you are updating everyone on your recovery and am glad to hear that your headaches went away. So how bad are the gas pains?

  15. lotzasunshine

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Hah, just left you a visitor message asking when yours was, should have checked here first:laugh:. I am scheduled at 11 so you'll probably be in surgery when I get there. but that won't stop me from sending good thoughts your way!! Where will you be staying? We haven't booked a place yet.
  16. It would be awesome if we did run into each other!! My surgery is scheduled for 11am, you?

  17. Thanks for leaving the message on my blog. I am scheduled for the 16th. I'm already on my preop diet, and am feeling a little sluggish today. 50ish pounds total so far?? That's AWESOME!!! Congrats and good luck with the other weight to lose!!

  18. lotzasunshine

    Hello halfway!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope it is wonderful!!:tt1:
  19. lotzasunshine

    Getting very excited!!

    So I have always had a problem where I never want to get disappointed so I don't let myself get my hopes up. I have been doubting that this would happen, especially because my parents are paying for it. I just kept thinking, "don't get too excited because something may come up and it might not happen":sad:. But on Thursday my Dad called with all the information I needed to pay for my surgery. I called and payed and now all I have left to do is be excited for it!! Now I keep thinking "This is really happening!!!!!" I can't wait!! I went to the store today and bought a lot of veggies and some meat that I can have on my preop diet (I start that tomorrow). I am ready to do this 100%!!! :shades_smile: I was a little disappointed though because I heard that they will be doing work on the pool at my college so I cannot take my water fitness class, but I immediately signed up for a strength training class instead. I'll have to take water fitness during spring semester. I love that class, especially when we play water polo!! Well, I guess this is a long blog, but I just needed to write down my feelings! Thanks to all who are reading!!
  20. Hi all! Just wanted to start a quick thread to introduce myself. I am Marie . I am 23 and have been overweight since I was 14. I didn't really care in high school, but I wish I had.I am going to be banded on the 16th. YAY!! I am really looking forward to it, just started my preop diet today(Atkins). I am a HUGE carb fan so it might be a little harder than I thought. But hubby is super supportive and is also denying himself the goodies that I can't have. Isn't that sweet? Anyway just wanted to say hi, and that I'm so glad that we have a place to relate to eachother since we are so young. Hope everyone is doing well!!
  21. lotzasunshine

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    Hi! You and I have about the same starting weight, although I have yet to be banded. It's coming soon though, thank goodness!! Welcome to LBT, you are going to learn a lot here! Congratz on your great loss so far and good luck in the future!!!
  22. lotzasunshine

    Crazy Skinny Goals!

    I would love to go rock climbing and jogging! And I know this is silly, but I live near a Ann Taylor clothing store and always see the cutest outfits in the windows, so my reward to myself for reaching my goal will be to buy an outfit from there. And never go back to Lane Bryant again!!!!! EVER!!!!!:thumbup:
  23. I am having some trouble posting visitor messages, so I hope that this shows up. I am finding more and more people with the same banding date! Who is your Dr? I am going with Dr.Kirshenbaum in Colorado. I am 23,and live in Salt Lake City. I just started my preop diet 1 hour or so ago (I am being very strict with myself). The doc said 10 days, so 10 days it is :) Tell me about yourself!!

  24. Hey!! Just saw that you are from SLC. I am as well! Congratz on your band! I will be banded this month, maybe we can get together to exercise or something! I live in Sugarhouse about a block from the park. Tell me about yourself! I teach music lessons from home and am going to SLCC right now.

  25. lotzasunshine

    Getting very excited!!

    So I have always had a problem where I never want to get disappointed so I don't let myself get my hopes up. I have been doubting that this would happen, especially because my parents are paying for it. I just kept thinking, "don't get too excited because something may come up and it might not happen":sad:. But on Thursday my Dad called with all the information I needed to pay for my surgery. I called and payed and now all I have left to do is be excited for it!! Now I keep thinking "This is really happening!!!!!" I can't wait!! I went to the store today and bought a lot of veggies and some meat that I can have on my preop diet (I start that tomorrow). I am ready to do this 100%!!! :thumbup: I was a little disappointed though because I heard that they will be doing work on the pool at my college so I cannot take my water fitness class, but I immediately signed up for a strength training class instead. I'll have to take water fitness during spring semester. I love that class, especially when we play water polo!! Well, I guess this is a long blog, but I just needed to write down my feelings! Thanks to all who are reading!!

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