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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. Doing better Denise, Thanks for asking. I had trouble yesterday getting my protein in, I tried much harder today. Also it will be easier when I get my tasteless powder, I can't stand the shakes. Then I'll be able to mix it in with smoothies, and soups and such. I still have some pain, and have been chugging childrens tylenol lol!! Seriously though, I am doing better and even went on a trip to the store with DH.
  2. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    That's GREAT mrsjones!!!! GOOD JOB!!!:eek:
  3. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    AWESOME!!! CONGRATZ!!!:eek::thumbup::thumbup::w00t:
  4. Yeah, still taking the stuff Dr.K gave me. Guess I'll go ahead and take it until it's gone, just to be safe.
  5. So I got into the PCP (not my regular doc, but another in the clinic)and she said it didn't look too bad. She did prescribe an antibiotic ointment though. If it spreads though, I have to go back in. So, I guess it was just a lesson of "Better safe than sorry". She was kind of rude though. She asked where I got my Band, and I told her I went to Colorado. Then she said "You know there are places here that do it right?" Then I got ruffled and said "Much more expensive places, thousands of dollars more expensive" Then she let it drop but I still got the feeling that she thought I was stupid. Just because I'm poor and can't afford to pay $17,000 to have it done here, doesn't mean I'm stupid!!:cursing::eek::cursing::cursing::tt1: Sorry, just had to vent for a minute.
  6. Has anyone else had problems with puss at the port incision? I saw some last night :eek:, and called Dr. K this morning to see what was going on. He said to get in to my PCP today, or I have to go to the ER. I got an appointment, so I think it will be fine. I just have to get it looked at I guess. But Dr.K is worried because it is my port. Just wondering if anyone had the same thing.:crying:
  7. GBear- Glad you are home. I am having the same gas pains, and wondering what is normal. I couldn't drink a Protein shake yesterday without feeling pressure, so I stuck it out on clear liquids another day just to be safe. Today though, I drank the whole shake in the course of the morning. I'm going to try pudding too. My DH laughs at my expulsions of gas. I have to get it out though, or it hurts!! Laughing hurts too right now and my little BiL's think it's hilarious to make me laugh. OW!! I hope everyone is doing well!! I am down another 2.5lbs. YAY!!
  8. lotzasunshine

    Sorry to be Negative Nancy, but....

    Sorry about you having to go to the clinic that sucks
  9. lotzasunshine

    Sorry to be Negative Nancy, but....

    I know it may sound frustrating to have your Doc say give it some time, but he is right. Some people don't find their "sweet spot" for months! A lot of people gain back the weight they first lost in the preop diets and such. It is going to take some time. You have only been banded for about 6 weeks, so I say your Doc is right. Give it some time, be patient, don't lose hope. It may just take a little longer.
  10. lotzasunshine

    My surgery story

    So I am now a bandster!! I couldn't be happier! I had a wonderful experience with Dr. kirshenbaum at the office, and the surgical center. The nurses were so sweet! I woke up from the drugs, and had a hard time getting back to being coherent. I asked for my husband right away, but she wouldn't let him come back until I ate some ice chips. I was a little grumpy about that, cuz all I wanted was him. So I finally took the ice chips and she let him back, and had him make sure that I ate a popsicle. It still took me a while to wake up enough to get to a chair, and sat there for another 30 minutes. Then back to the hotel we went. To be honest, I don't remember a whole lot more about that day. The next day we packed up and headed out. I know, I know, the day after surgery is a bad travel day. But we returned the rental car, I thought the driver of the shuttle was hitting every bump on purpose!! I was almost crying when we finally got to the airport. Took my meds again, and found the ticketing line. DH had me sit until they needed me too, and then they had a very nice gentleman bring a wheelchair for me. They pushed me right past the line for security and we got to cut through. Then I got to ride a nice cart to our terminal. The plane ride was pretty awful, because there is a lot of turbulence between SLC and Denver. But I asked for a belt extension so that I could wrap my pillow around me, to soften the bumps. I thought I would be mortified asking for one, but at that point I really didn't care who saw. So we arrive in SLC and I figure that the walk from our terminal to the pick up area would help with the gas(SLC is not a huge airport). We got our bags and met my SIL and went home. So here I am 3 days after surgery and doing pretty good. I still have gas pains, but they are getting better. DH says he never wants to see me in this much pain again, and I told him it will be more painful, and more recovery time when I have a baby, so this is his trial run Anyway, I think I may try to sick with clears again today, just to see how it goes. I tried a bite of jello last night and felt quite a bit of pressure in my chest. Lost another pound today. That makes 10 since starting the preop diet.:smile2:
  11. lotzasunshine

    My surgery story

    So I am now a bandster!! I couldn't be happier! I had a wonderful experience with Dr. kirshenbaum at the office, and the surgical center. The nurses were so sweet! I woke up from the drugs, and had a hard time getting back to being coherent. I asked for my husband right away, but she wouldn't let him come back until I ate some ice chips. I was a little grumpy about that, cuz all I wanted was him. So I finally took the ice chips and she let him back, and had him make sure that I ate a popsicle. It still took me a while to wake up enough to get to a chair, and sat there for another 30 minutes. Then back to the hotel we went. To be honest, I don't remember a whole lot more about that day. The next day we packed up and headed out. I know, I know, the day after surgery is a bad travel day. But we returned the rental car, I thought the driver of the shuttle was hitting every bump on purpose!! I was almost crying when we finally got to the airport. Took my meds again, and found the ticketing line. DH had me sit until they needed me too, and then they had a very nice gentleman bring a wheelchair for me. They pushed me right past the line for security and we got to cut through. Then I got to ride a nice cart to our terminal. The plane ride was pretty awful, because there is a lot of turbulence between SLC and Denver. But I asked for a belt extension so that I could wrap my pillow around me, to soften the bumps. I thought I would be mortified asking for one, but at that point I really didn't care who saw. So we arrive in SLC and I figure that the walk from our terminal to the pick up area would help with the gas(SLC is not a huge airport). We got our bags and met my SIL and went home. So here I am 3 days after surgery and doing pretty good. I still have gas pains, but they are getting better. DH says he never wants to see me in this much pain again, and I told him it will be more painful, and more recovery time when I have a baby, so this is his trial run Anyway, I think I may try to sick with clears again today, just to see how it goes. I tried a bite of jello last night and felt quite a bit of pressure in my chest. Lost another pound today. That makes 10 since starting the preop diet.
  12. You're such a sweetheart, thanks so much for the offer!! I woke up feeling slightly better this morning. I a still on my painmeds, and still have quite a bit of gas, but am hopeful after reading your message. Thanks for the positive thoughts!!

  13. Yeah, nasty flight home. i feel pretty crummy still. taking gas-x strips like they are going out of style. Walking helps some. And my tummy is swollen so that its kinda lopsided.:thumbup: Tried to eat Jello and got tightness in my chest. Maybe I'll stick to Clear liquids for another day.
  14. My flight was pretty bad. I never threw up, but I was on the verge of tears half the time. I asked for a seatbelt extension so I could put it around my pillow and icepack. Didn't need one on the way there, and didn't care what anyone thought on the way back:) How long did your gas pains last? Mine are still going strong. Also I ate some jello and felt this tight pressure in my chest, so you think maybe I should try clear liquids for one more day? Thanks for your note. It's nice to know that so many people went through the same thing.

  15. lotzasunshine

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Do yourself a HUGE favor and plan to stay an extra day. I just came home the day after mine (yesterday) and I almost died on the plane!!! I am hurting pretty bad today, because of all the bumps and jostles the plane got. Good Luck!!:wub:
  16. Gratz on being banded. Me too! I just got home from the airport so I'll not write much../ stupid gas pains!! Anyway, I am on clear liquids for a couple days and then full liquids for a couple weeks. I lost 9 in my 10 day prop, awesome that you lost 16!!

  17. Thank you so much for your encouragement in Recovery!!! They wouldn't let my husband come back yet, so it was nice to have someone telling me that I could do it. I really appreciate that you took the time to remember me. Sorry that I didn't really respond, I was having a pretty hard time getting completely awake. Tell your Mother thank you as well. I hope all is well with you and that you are healing quickly!!!

  18. Thanks for asking. It went well. The surgery only took 55 mins according to Dr. K. Recovery took a little longer than expected, but now I'm doing okay. Thanks a lot!:cool2:
  19. Thanks for the note. Couldn't get on yesterday the internet was down at our hotel. I'm doing well, not too bad on the gas pains. A little loopy from the drugs, but I'm doing okay. Thanks again!

  20. lotzasunshine

    This is it!

    Here I go guys!! Wish me luck! I'm being banded tomorrow at 11am!!!!!!! I am nervous, but nothing I can't handle. I am starting to get excited again!:smile2:
  21. lotzasunshine

    This is it!

    Here I go guys!! Wish me luck! I'm being banded tomorrow at 11am!!!!!!! I am nervous, but nothing I can't handle. I am starting to get excited again!:thumbup:
  22. lotzasunshine

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Ok. Here I go. I am getting ready to go to the airport. Now I have to be committed. I had some nervousness last night, and thought about calling it off, but I got through it. I am getting excited about my adventure to Denver!!! Wish me luck, I'm in surgery at 11 tomorrow!!!!!!
  23. lotzasunshine

    Anyone else close to being under 300lbs????

    I DID IT!!!!!!!! I am now 299!!!! YAY!!!:eek::tongue_smilie: Thank you for your inspiration!!! This has helped me a lot!!!!!!!!!!:tt1::wink2::biggrin2::wub:
  24. THANKS!!! We are flying out tomorrow morning, and I'm getting a little nervous. But I know this is right so I'm just going to have to suck it up. This preop diet has been a killer at some points, but I have survived and lost 7lbs. Not too bad. But I'm going to have a nice big steak tonight, and some mushrooms! YUM!! Thanks for remembering me. I hope all is going well for you!!

  25. lotzasunshine

    How Cranky did you become.....

    I am on day 7 of my preop diet. I just have a no carb/no sugar diet. So i do NOT envy you liquid dieters. But I really have not been the nicest person. normally I get along with almost everyone and am very happy and cheerful. A couple of days this week have just been really hard!! I feel bad for my poor DH. His younger brothers came over last night and I was in one of my moods. They left pretty early. SAD!! I am actually looking forward to the post op liquids and mushies. Something besides eggs veggies and meat will be a nice change. And I am going through some serious chocolate withdrals!!

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