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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    You butterflies are doing so AWESOME!!! CONGRATS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS SO FAR!! KEEP IT UP!!
  2. lotzasunshine

    First Post - Angry About Lap Band.

    Personally I would like to know how many of the people who wrote these article have actually been banded? You will not know all the foods you can and cannot tolerate until you try them. You don't have to give up all the foods you love. No, you can't have them all the time and in the quantities you are presently consuming, but you can have them in moderation. PLEASE go to a seminar and talk with MULTIPLE doctors and surgeons before deciding that it is a diet of restrictions only.
  3. lotzasunshine

    First Post - Angry About Lap Band.

    In part some of these facts are correct. But that is depending on what you as an individual can tolerate. Some people cannot tolerate breads, rice,Pasta, etc. But I do not believe that the majority of bandsters are restricted to this list of can'ts. I know I'm not. Not all doctors require the liquid diet for 6 weeks. Personally I can tell you what MY doctor had ME do. Every doctor is going to be different. Personally I was on a 10 day low carb no sugar diet preop. The purpose was to decrease the size of my liver so that it would not be in the way for the surgery. No eating for 8 hours before the surgery. Post op I did have to be on Clear liquids for 2-3 days. After that I got to progress to full liquids(pretty much anything that could be blended up). That part of the diet was for between days 4-14 postop, depending on how well my body reacted. I have been able to progress to mushies already with no problems unless I eat too fast or do not chew well. By next week I will be adding regular food again. I really do not feel that I am on a super strict diet. My stomach needs to heal and that is the main reason for the progression from liquid to mushie and then back to normal. I do not feel hungry if I eat on a regular schedule. I hope that you do not base your decision of having the Lapband procedure done by one article's view on what you cannot have after surgery. Please talk to others on here-they can REALLY help you!!! Good luck on your decision!!
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEE!! :party:hope you have a great day!!
  5. lotzasunshine


    Hi Jenn!! Nice to meet you on here!
  6. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::tt2::thumbup::thumbup: You're right PDX!! Those lbs will never be back!! Awesome!!!
  7. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Congratz blaze!!! Good Job!!!!
  8. So I kinda had a revelation today. I am doing pretty good on mushies as long as i chew and don't eat too fast. But I made a can of refreid beans and some cheese for lunch and could only eat HALF!!! YAY!!! I am very excited that my overeating is gone!!! I ate them almost 2 hours ago and am not hungry YAY!!!!:tt2::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  9. No worries dear! I am feeling better except for a lot of port pain. But I do hear that port pain is normal for a few weeks.I think I was just trying to bounce back into real life again too fast. Like yesterday I REALLY needed to do some grocery shopping so I went to costco to get gas and then inside to get milk. That was it. I was also going to run by walmart, but by the time I checked out I HAD to go home and rest. Something I think that has helped is I finally got my protein powder in the mail. I was really struggling with getting it from the shakes. I bought the tasteless stuff and I am so glad cuz I can put it in anything!! I am feeling better today and have dropped another couple of lbs!!! YAY!!! Congratz to you as well for your loss this week!! :thumbup::thumbup::crying::thumbup::wink2::thumbup::biggrin:
  10. lotzasunshine

    New here, in need of Pre-Op diet HELP!!

    I got number 9 on the list i believe. It's by Jarrows formula.
  11. lotzasunshine

    New here, in need of Pre-Op diet HELP!!

    I just got some tasteless Protein powder today and used it to make a smoothie. No aftertastle, just slightly grainy, but I can live with that. The stuff i purchased was unflavored whey protein and I got is on amazon for $20. You can mix it in with practically anything!! [ame=http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=whey+protein+unflavored&x=0&y=0]Amazon.com: whey protein unflavored[/ame] Good luck!
  12. lotzasunshine

    Can anyone recommend a good exercise DVD?

    Leslie Sansone videos are my favorite!! I love the walk away the pounds fat burner one!!
  13. lotzasunshine

    Why NOT to choose Gastric Sleeve

    You made the gastric sleeve procedure sound so negative. The different weight loss surgeries work for different people. Everyone is different. Everyone needs to look at the negatives and positives before having ANY surgery. But to post something like this only gives people a negative view. Let's try to look at the positives for some people as well.
  14. Well Nora - I have only been banded just over a week. One of the negatives is that I was quite a bit more gassy. Though i know most of that is from the surgery itself. Plus side on that is, I don't get teased for my burps being pathetic by my DH's younger brothers anymore!!!:thumbup:
  15. The incision is just a little scabby, but it's the tenderness next to it that is driving me crazy. And it's itchy, but I know that is normal.
  16. Deb- I'm so sorry that your Tucker is sick!! Pets are always so much like family!! Lap- Congrats on being a grandma to a surprise little boy!! Bella - sorry that you had to go through 2 funerals, even one is so hard. I am praying for you!!
  17. I just started some mushies too. It depends on how I'm feeling though, last night all I could do was clear liquids, but the night before, and tonight I was fine with mushies. I still have some pretty good restriction. I can only eat a little less than half of what I used to, and even then I feel so full i think I might puke. I am having a lot of port tenderness though and am still stringing out my painmeds so I can sleep. I think I may need to pick up some adult liquid tylenol. All DH could find was the child stuff and it does squat even when I take twice as much. Glad to hear that you are doing well, and good luck this weekend on watching your calories!!
  18. You are the sweetest person!!! I would TOTALLY give you gas money if you could help me out. I will probably still fly, and I am hoping to get a morning appt on another days now, so that I can stay all that day and most of the next. Thank you so much for the offer!!!
  19. Ack! No one mentioned that he likes people to stay close after! I suppose this does change things a bit... guess I'll have to deliberate some more on whether to drive instead of fly.
  20. I'm set to get my first fill Aug 19th, and I was wondering if you Colorado Ladies could give me some info. I was curious as to whether there is a shuttle or bus that goes somewhere near Dr.K's office from the airport? I really can't afford to rent a car, it is more expensive because I am not 25. I am planning on getting a flight that would get me there sometime around 12 so that I would have time for shuttles and such if I can get them.
  21. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Congratz on the 13 lbs, I am about there too. Good job in making yourself go to the gym already!! Keep it up!!!:biggrin:
  22. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    :scared2:50lbs!! HOLY CRAP!!! That is so great for you!! You really deserve a pat on the back for sticking to that preop diet!! WOW!!:svengo:
  23. Well, it's not infected but the dr(not my PCP, but another from the same clinic) gave me an rx for antibiotic ointment.vI talked to Dr.K today. He said not to use the ointment the dr. gave me. He said that it makes the scar too soft and prone to injury. It's not infected so I should be fine. No worries there! Thanks for asking. I'm having quite a bit of port pain though. I think I may have overdone it today. Our apartment was so messy I had to clean, it was driving me CRAZY:scared2:, so I even ended up mopping the kitchen floor. Then I had a voice student this afternoon, so I taught too. Too much too soon I guess.
  24. So I am still supposed to be on full liquids until Saturday, but I have been having a really hard time with it. Not that I don't like it, but that I feel sick after every time I eat.:thumbup: I even felt sick after taking my chewable vitamins this morning, and my protein shake. So last night i was wondering if my body just needed something more solid, I figured that I would feel sick either way, so I had some very well cooked ramen noodles and broth. I felt SO much better!! :thumbup:My tummy stopped threatening to puke and my headaches went away. i am wondering if this is my body telling me that it is time to go to mushies. Anyone got advice??:confused2:
  25. lotzasunshine

    Switch to mushies early??

    Thanks for your replies everyone. I think I will stick to the full liquids and see how I am in a couple more days. If I still feel sick then I will call my surgeon. I drink the ramen without the noodles, I have never had high blood pressure so I don't think the sodium will be a problem.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
