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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. Good luck today Denver!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
  2. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    I'm in the same boat as you. Plus my TOM seems to rack up the pounds, even when I'm careful. Hoping my next fill will give me a little more control.
  3. Ok, I did pretty bad with the last challenge. But I will just start again and say I want to lose 20 by halloween. I think I may try to get a fill here because the last one hasn't really helped. Start my weight at 293.5 thanks to stupid TOM.
  4. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    I know it's a little late, but I'd like to join in if that's ok.
  5. Dorky- Congratz on the job, the award, and the prize!!!:smile2:
  6. hmmm.... I felt "safe" because even with doing hundreds of lap band procedures he has only had 2 patients with complications. One was due to a manufacturing problem with the band, and the other was a slip because the patient overate and did not follow instructions. I would rather have someone with his experience and track record. Too bad that it took you over a year to schedule surgery with your other doc. The day i called I was able to schedule with Dr. K. and I had to wait less than 2 months. :smile2:
  7. I hadn't realized it was only 5 weeks ago. I'm doing pretty good! Thanks!!
  8. She's doing fine now. The doctors have no idea what went wrong, but she is ok now. Go figure.
  9. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: AWESOME!!!!!:tt1::thumbup::crying::thumbup: Congratz on reaching Onederland!! I have finally broken through my funk and lost all I had gained since surgery, I am at the lowest since surgery! Now I am on my way!! I can't wait until I reach Onederland!!!
  10. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    YAY!! Finally broke out of the funk I was in and have now reached the lowest I have been since surgery! I was having such a hard time right before my first fill and gained about 5 lbs. I think I am on my way!!:thumbup::thumbup:
  11. I just made the one day trip. I flew in around noon and had a 4;30 appt. Dr.K didn't get around to me until 5:30 or so. I figured better safe than sorry on the time, but I had a LOT of extra time. I flew out at 9:30 so most of my day was spent in the airport. I would highly recommend staying the night if you can, so that if you want more or less of a fill then you won't have to wait. I'm going to do that next time.
  12. So this fill seems to be helping a little. I lost the gained weight and 1 more pound!!!! YAY!! At least the scale is moving down again!! Plus I got a cute new haircut, so that is helping me feel good abut myself, and my hubby doesn't even mind how much shorter it is. My birthday on the other hand was kind of depressing because my MIL was in the hospital all day yesterday. At first they thought she had a stroke, but nothing turned up on any of the scans or tests. They are sending her to a heart specialist, and she has to take a stress test. If anyone is stressed that woman is! It was kind of scary because she kept asking the same questions over and over, and was really disoriented. But she seemed better when they released her. Two of her sisters have had this same thing happen and the doctors could never figure it out.
  13. lotzasunshine

    Pick a rant topic, any topic!

    Ok. I don't usually post rants, because they get me all riled up and aggravated. Here we go: INCONSIDERATE SMOKERS!!! I have no problem with people that smoke. That is their decision and they have a right to it. I also have the right to breathe clean air. Why should my rights be to let another person give my lung cancer? It's the ones that stand directly upwind from me when there is no one downwind, or the one that lives next door to me and doesn't completely put out his cigarette when he finishes, filling up the walkway with smoke. Or the group of people standing outside the doors of the public library and force the rest of us to walk through their cloud. I have had asthma my whole life and have always been amused by peoples astonished looks when I start coughing uncontrollably when they smoke around me, or when I ask them to please put it out(we were watching fireworks and there were a LOT of people around but we were the ones they chose to smoke by). Anyway, my state has a law that you cannot smoke within 25ft of a building entrance, fair enough right? except that it is never enforced. Some cities have made laws about smoking in public parks, and such. i think that is a good solution so that us non-smokers can still get clean air.
  14. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    Don't feel bad!! I'm losing more slowly too. it didn't help that I gained a little back. I just got my first fill on Tuesday and it is too loose as well. I am still not back down to the lowest I have been since surgery.But think of it this way for me 15 lbs is more than I have lost in any month before.
  15. So I was so frustrated about my fill not working after less than 48 hours I was worried that something was wrong. So I called Dr. K's office and talked to Tom about it. He explained to me that there are several reasons why I'm not feeling restricted now. He said that it could be because my TOM(supposed to have started the day of my fill) may have me bloated. Or that my swelling from the surgery is still going down. He said he is surprised that my fill only restricted for that long too, so it wasn't just me. But I noticed that later last night it was helping more. But I am probably just having yo-yo bloating. I am going to try and get back to Denver sometime before Labor Day. But one good thing is the scale has started to go down again. Finally.
  16. I thought I was the only one not feeling tight right after. I wish that I had pushed for more of a fill. I hurt when it goes down too, and I may end up eating too much soon. Last night I felt really good restriction, but tonight it's only a little better than before and I am hungry today too. And I just got mine yesterday!! I'm going to have to find a doctor in salt lake FAST!! P.S. I had to push just to get 3.8 when I really thought 4 would be better.
  17. Sorry that I haven't weighed in yet. I am a little ashamed to admit that I am sitting at 297 this week. But the fill I got yesterday should really help right?
  18. P.S. i saw the clan discussion and wanted to add that I am from the Napier clan.
  19. Just back from Denver and thought i'd do a drive by. I'm now at 3.8cc's. I talked Dr.K up .1 because I live farther away. For me it was the difference between feeling the water hit the band, and not. I would rather be able to feel it, i think that will help me. Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to find a doctor here in salt lake because with my new job i don't know what my schedule will be yet and it will be nice to not spend the whole day in airports and on shuttles and planes and hours spent in waiting rooms.
  20. lotzasunshine

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    I would take some of your color anytime!! LOL!! the only color I get is burned!! Then it turns right back to pasty. You'll be fine for the psych evaluation! Just be truthful i guess, and it will all work out!! I'll say a prayer for you!
  21. You've lost 25 already!! LUCKY!!! I am sitting at about 14, I am looking forward to my fill on tuesday. I am flying to denver as that is cheaper than anywhere here that I have found as of yet. Still looking though. How are you doing? I hope all is going well!!

  22. lotzasunshine

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Oh JEALOUS!!! I wish I could play the piano well. Right now I just kind of plunk along with my students. I have taken classes because I was required to for my associates degree. But now that I am switching my major I don't HAVE to. But I should anyway. Speaking of my major, I decided to do elementary education with music as my minor, so that I can teach it in elementary schools. Which brings me to some great news!! I got the music teacher job!! It's going to be so awesome!! I can't wait until I start!! YAY!! Thought I would add a physical description of myself since I have no idea where that thread is. I am 5'6 have red hair abut mid-back length ( I want to cut off 10 inches though and give it to locks of love), blue eyes, VERY white skin (I swear it's just awful!!!) and now I weigh about 294ish. My hobbies include sewing(right now I make reproduction Civil War dresses), and of course MUSIC!! Oh, and one of my other hobbies is hanging out on here all the time ps. Good luck on your psych eval!!
  23. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    WOW!!! That is impressive Maudie!! Color me green! Good for you! I hope that you keep losing this way and don't need a fill!! Good luck!
  24. So how much does your fill doc here cost you?
  25. lotzasunshine

    How much have you lost July Butterfllies??

    I really can understand your frustration!! I am SO there too!! But I was talking with some other ladies and they said that weight loss should not be the focus during this time. We need to be patient(which is not a quality I have) and eat healthy until our first fill. I also have a lot more to lose (144lbs) than the 14 I have already lost. But I have to think about it this way, 14lbs is more than i have EVER lost in a month before! So maybe we both just need to take a deep breath and be patient. Not easy:cursing::cursing:

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