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Everything posted by lotzasunshine

  1. lotzasunshine

    bodices & corsets? Problem or not?

    I did some civil war reenacting, and wearing a corset didn't bother me at all.
  2. I am back to the same as I was in highschool too!! My cramps start 2 or 3 days before and then I bleed heavy for 2-3 days with horrific cramps!! I feel like I am going to throw up half the time! BLECH!!:cursing:
  3. lotzasunshine

    Utah-Surgical Weight Loss Center/Dr. Richards

    I just had a fill from Dr.Cottom this week. I was banded out of state, but I wanted to find someone closer to get fills from. I have to admit though that my experience was mixed. The office was wonderful, and welcoming, and the Ladies in the front were great. Dr. Cottom was 25 minutes late, but that is normal with all doctors. However he seemed to have virtually no bedside manner. He seemed offended that I would go out of state to have my surgery. I was self pay and had to look for an affordable and reputable doctor, which I found and LOVE. He implied that my doctor must be incompetant because Dr. Cottom had not heard of him. Also, when he was filling me he did not find the port right away, which would be understandable, but then he inserted the needle forcfully 4 times, and dug around for almost 5 minutes before he finally got to the port. I thought I was going to be sick!! I understand that doctors have bad days and maybe this was one of his. But I feel that if I am paying $150 for a fill, I should be given a fill and not his opinion on my surgeon, and a feeling of belittlement!
  4. So a couple weeks ago I had an in home sleep study done, mostly because my DH had been bugging me to get checked out. He was worried because apparently I don't breathe too well when I sleep. So I wear this contraption all night so it can measure the levels of oxygen and my heart rate, how much I breathe etc. I figured the results would get back to my PCP and that would be the end because nothing was wrong. But I got a call from my PCP this week informing me that I have sleep apnea related hypoxia (not getting enough oxygen when I sleep), so now they are making an appointment with a pulmonologist for me. I admit that now I am getting a little worried. Dang DH was right!! Now he is more worried than ever and is constantly waking up to check on me. Though now this does explain why I am always feeling exhausted. Even with my usual 7-9 hours of sleep. Sometimes I even take naps. I wonder if when I get this taken care of if I will start to lose faster? Any of you ladies have this condition too?
  5. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name_________Start Weight___CurrentWeight______Goal________To Go *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f">:cool2:</v:shapetype>************************:tt2:**********:thumbup:*********:wink_smile:* agreatknead........237............205...........180...........25 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......287............251...........200...........51 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............219...........191...........28 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71...........223.4..........223.4.........189...........34.4 Claudine...........250............250.......... 225...........25 Bunkey1965.........194............189...........170...........19 Cutiew/booty.......251............251...........220...........31 cQQlgirl...........195............195...........175...........20 crzytchr...........276............276...........246...........30 Dionna113..........199............198...........160...........38 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............234...........190...........44 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............150...........130...........20 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 Jeni 85............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235............212...........185...........27 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............216...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............251...........200...........51 Liquidbluegal......225............225...........199...........26 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 lotzasunshine......292............290...........250...........40<v:shape id="_x0000_i1025" style="width: 21.75pt; height: 15pt;" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"> <v:imagedata src="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5Chm253198%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_%20%20%20%20%20%20image004.gif" o:href="http://www.lapbandtalk.com/images/smilies/modern/thumbup1.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape> Luu2008............230............199.5.........153...........46.5 Mamanmidwife.......295............295...........260...........35 MELISSA AGUIRRE....266............233...........160...........73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............252...........208...........44 rainer.............236............233...........199...........34 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............199...........165...........34 srknepler..........285............285...........255...........30 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............172...........160...........12 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............236...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 youcandoit!........196............196...........162...........34
  6. lotzasunshine

    You Tube has officially freaked me out!

    I wouldn't put too much stock in what this lady said. If she was throwing up then her band was too full. You really shouldn't be throwing up at all. I haven't even once since I was banded almost 2 months ago. On average it looks like I am losing at the same rate as she did. Sometimes if a person is filled too much they will not be able to eat. But as a general rule, if you follow the guidelines, chewing, small bites, etc, you should be fine. I have "gotten stuck" a few times, but it only lasted about a minute, and it was because I didn't chew. I have learned very quickly to do that :thumbup:. Don't let this person's bad experience turn you off to the Lapband. Just look around here at all the success!!!:wink_smile:
  7. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Another pound down for me!
  8. I am going to count what I was at the dr.s office before my fill. Good luck all!!
  9. We all understand the TOM thing, so don't worry!!! It's less than a pound, and you will lose it again quick!!
  10. Thanks for your support everyone!! I love that I can come vent and no one thinks I'm crazy!
  11. Oh, he used the stopcock. It just took him that long to actually find the port. YIKES!! It was not the best experience.
  12. lotzasunshine

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    My update, not much, but it makes me happy that I'm on my way!! Name...............Starting................ Current.......Goal..............To Go agreatknead............237......................205...........180..... ..............25 areellady................189.......................189...........159…. ..............30 BIGB......................342.......................342...........300 …...............42 BellaPerdente..........287.......................251...........200.... .. ............51 Boos02...................258.......................226...........200…. ..............26 Brandy....................221.......................219...........191. . ................28 BrownBear..............240.......................235...........200.... . ..............35 Cadets71................223.4.....................223.4........189.... ................34.4 Claudine.................250.......................250.......... .225. ...................25 Bunkey1965...........194.......................189...........170...... . .............19 Cutiew/booty...........251.......................251............220.......... . ........31 Dionna113..............199.......................198...........160... ….............38 Ekat........................527.......................172...........152....................19 feefee57..................262.......................212...........180. ...................32 FeliciaLevy75 .........240.......................234...........190.................. .44 GillieBean..............304.......................304............264. ..................40 Hollie ....................l54.......................154............125..... . ....... .....29 Jeni 85..................182.......................182............160.... .. ....... .....22 Jillbeme...........235..................212........185..............27 Josie74..................260.......................260.............21 5. ......... ......45 klmsilva.................216......................216.............19 0. .......... .....26 legster..................183......................183..............1 60 .......... .....23 linksmom..............251......................251..............200 ... ......... ...51 Liquidbluegal............225......................225..............199 ... ............26 Liz_hager..................161.....................158..............13 0... ............28 lotzasunshine............292.....................291..............250. . .............41:sad: Luu2008...................230.....................199.5............153 ... ...........46.5 Mamanmidwife..........295.....................295..............260.... .... .......35 MELISSA AGUIRRE..266....................233..............160................73 Melody2006..............223.....................223..............173.. ... ..........50 MiniPearl#2.............. neefam.................... 238.................... 189............. 158................. 31 odizzzydori...............242.....................242..............199 ... ............43 paige65.....................252....................252..............2 08.. .............44 rainer........................236....................233........... ..199. .............34 reif78........................294....................195............ ...40.................40 RichardCranium........338.....................276..............200...............76 soontobehottie...........201....................201..............165. . ............36 srknepler...................285....................285..............25 5.. ............30 squale.......................353....................353............. 325...............28 Sunshine2................177.....................176..............160 ...............16 stevegoad..................370....................341.............. 267...............74 Terilynn112................240....................239..............199 ................41 Truediva.....................299....................285............... 235..............50 thininside28...............255....................255...............21 5.............. 40 youcandoit!...............196....................196................16 2..............34
  13. Welcome Nfaith! So I got my second fill today, from a guy here in Salt Lake. I was not at all impressed. First, when he heard I went out of state to get a band; he acted like I was stupid, and said that Dr. K may have said he was world famous but he had never heard of him. I never said that Dr.K said that! I said that he was a leading laproscopic surgeon in Colorado! So he was bashing on Dr.K. Second, I don't think the man has EVER found a port without having to poke people half a dozen times, cuz that's what he did to me!! I swear it took him almost 5 minutes of digging around with a needle, and 4 or 5 pokes to actually get it done. He put in 1cc and then pulled out the needle. He had me drink some water. It was kinda hard to get down, but it went eventually. I didn't tell him that though. I said it was fine(and it is, I have eaten something with no problem) because I didn't want him to poke me again! I thought I was going to be sick!! Maybe it was just a bad day for him, and I suppose I should give him another chance. But if he goes off about my choice of surgeon again, I'm just going to tell him that I am paying him to give me a fill, NOT his opinion! Sorry this is kinda long, but I needed to vent!:sad::cursing::cursing::cursing::ohmy::cursing::tt2::cursing: I miss Dr.K and his one painless poke!!
  14. So I finally decided to try to get fills locally. I just don't have the time to spend they day going to Denver. So I go in tomorrow to the Surgical Weight Loss Center of Utah. Hopefully I will be able to lose a few more after this one than last time. They only charge $150 with a $100 new patient fee. At least it is in my price range.
  15. lol! Same here! I think ok, time to do laundry, or dishes, and then I think, well I can stay on for a few minutes, and then suddenly DH is home, and my afternoon is gone!:thumbup:
  16. Praying for you!! Hope things are going better soon!!
  17. When I went through the airport, they let you take the liquids, as long as you have them out and ready for them to check. Good luck with the preop diet!
  18. Yeah, the mood swing SUCK!! My poor DH put up with a LOT, and helped me even though I would snap his head off for the littlest things. They will get better too. I still cry for no reason sometimes, but not near as much.
  19. Don't worry dear!! The discomfort and pain are making you wonder if it is worth it, but it will be!!! I have had some of those moments, but they pass as you remind yourself that a little discomfort and pain now, to live comfortable and pain free later is going to be SO worth it!! I have only lost 16lbs and am already feeling MUCH better. The surgery pain and discomfort will go away withing the next week or so, just hold on a little longer! Lots of bandsters have been where you are now, so you are not alone. Chin up and keep imagining how good you will feel in a year!!:lovechoc:
  20. lotzasunshine


    Don't rush yourself. I felt the same way, and everyone kept telling me to remember that this isn't the month for weight loss, it is the month for your body to heal. That is still over 5lbs in a week!!! It's great progress, so just be patient until your first fill! Good luck!
  21. I've never been told not to swallow pills either. I was a little nervous about it though, So I cut mine into smaller pieces. Haven't had any problems. And I might go back to my regular vitamin instead of the chewables. I can't stand them!
  22. Glad your fill went well, aside from not liking the doctor as much. I made a LOT of calls today and ended up with 2 that do fills for $150. I don't think either of them use fluoro. The Surgical Weight Loss Center of Utah, and a Dr. Cottam. I had heard that a Dr. Muse did them for $60, but when I called they said that now he is under contract with fill centers usa. I can't afford them so I had to shop around.
  23. Very true! I am having the hardest time finding a decent priced fill dr here in utah. I called South Valley surgical and asked what they charged for fills and the lady seemed really skeptical that I had got my band in Colorado and even had the nerve to ask me if I had it done in Mexico, when I had just told her Colorado! :cursing:Then she proceeded to tell me that she doesn't know how I could have found someone cheaper there than they were, $1290. She sounded surprised when I rattled off the price tag and extras for going there, like the $15 fills forever. I was ready to hang up since obviously I didn't qualify because I wasn't banded by them and she said, well if you had just moved from colorado, you would be fine. And I thought- what difference did it make either way I would be a patient that was banded in colorado!!!!:tongue2::cursing: Anyway, the best I can find is $150 right now, and I guess that is better than spending the enitre day traveling to Denver.
  24. I am SO jealous of you right now!! I have been trying really hard to watch what I eat and I have been exercising but I'm still stuck in the 292-294 range. I knowI need another fill but who knows when I'll be able to get one. :tongue2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
